Today’s readings speak to you of God’s Love and Compassion. In our first reading from Isaiah 55: 1-3, we hear the Lord say “All of you who are thirsty come to the water, come heed and listen that you may have life, as I am renewing my Everlasting Covenant with You.” In the previous chapter the Lord tells you; “My love shall never fall away from you, nor my Covenant of Peace be shaken.” (Isaiah 54:9-10). God never terminates His relationship with us, even if we have been unfaithful to His Covenant. In the Gospel, Jesus compassionately feeds more than 5,000 people, after healing and comforting them. We also read that Jesus; “after giving a blessing, breaks the bread then gives it to His Disciples, who turn to feed the crowds.” Later Jesus will repeat this blessing and breaking of the bread at the Last Supper. Does this remind you of anything else? At every Mass this same miracle occurs. Jesus, in His compassion, leaves us His true Body and Blood in order to continually be present to us, feeding our soul. However, it is our second reading that speaks so powerfully and moves our hearts to hope with great Joy. Saint Paul tells us; “Nothing can ever separate YOU from the Love of God in Christ Jesus.” GOD’S LOVE FOR YOU IS UNSHAKABLE, UNENDING AND EVERLASTING, EVEN IF YOU DENY AND REFUSE IT……GOD IS STILL LOVING YOU!!
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team Thursdays at 7:00pm in the Parish House. Call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
In our first reading, God tells Solomon; “Ask something of me and I will give it to you.” Solomon answers saying; “O Lord you have made me your servant King to succeed my father David but I am a mere youth so I ask you for an Understanding Heart and Wisdom to judge and govern your people.” The Lord replied; “I give you a heart so wise and understanding that no one will ever equal you.” What do you pray for? It just might be that Solomon’s prayer IS the best prayer. Praying for wisdom and an understanding heart will produce radical beauty within and without, thus attracting others to the Good News of Christ. In today’s Gospel, Jesus uses three parables to explain the Kingdom of God. He compares the Kingdom of God as having such great value that once this treasure is found, everything else may need to be sold in order to own it. Have you found this treasure and are you willing to give everything up in order to keep it? Saint Ignatius teaches the wonderful lesson of “Indifference” which means whatever happens or wherever you find yourself, know that it is just where God wants you to be at that very moment. Can you accept and trust God regardless of your own desire? This type of “Indifference” means you surrender your own plans and accept the plan God presents to you at every second of your life. Once you have done ALL that God requires of you then the resulting outcome belongs to the Lord. When you incorporate this way of thinking and living you have found the Pearl of Great Worth. God’s Kingdom is right here waiting for you to access it, as it is always available to you. Agreeing with God and learning to accept the things that are unchangeable is a way of holding hands with Our Lord Jesus, who embodies the kingdom. This is what Saint Paul teaches in our second reading when he says: “Brothers and Sisters, all things work for good to those who are called according to His purpose, and those He calls He also Justified, and those He Justifies He also Glorifies.” AS A BAPTIZED CHRISTIAN GOD CALLS YOU TO FIND, OWN, PROTECT, AND LOVE “THE TREASURE OF GREAT WORTH”…. A HEART WHERE ONLY GOD REIGNS! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team Thursdays at 7:00pm in the Parish House. Call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Today’s readings speak to us about God’s abundant Mercy and Love. Our God is a patient and forgiving Savior. In our first reading from the Book of Wisdom we hear; “Lord, You judge with
leniency and clemency, giving your children the hope that you would permit repentance for their sins.” In our second reading Saint Paul assures you; “the Spirit comes to the aid of your weakness and intercedes for all the Holy Ones, for the One who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit.” God
understands your human struggle to choose His Will over your own worldly desires. The Lord searches the very depths of your heart where any real change must begin. Jesus tells several parables in today’s Gospel, all pointing the way to live in His Holy Kingdom. Your Baptism has grafted you into Christ, along with seeds for Holiness. You have everything you need to allow Christ’s Holy presence to be visible in you, BUT do you have the desire to be Holy? Holiness is God’s desire for you. Do others encounter Jesus when they meet you? Holy Scripture is the living water that feeds and nourishes your soul on its journey to becoming a “Holy One.” In God’s Kingdom the wheat and the weeds are allowed to grow together. The Lord patiently waits, hoping that the weeds will decrease. Are you among the Wheat or the Weeds? Jesus warns; “the Son of Man will send His Angels to collect OUT of His Kingdom all those who caused others to sin , but the Righteous will shine like the sun in the Holy Kingdom of God.“ Jesus ends today Gospel message with; “whoever has ears ought to hear.” Has the Lord gotten your attention? NOW IS THE PERFECT MOMENT TO DO SOME SERIOUS LISTENING TO THE ONE WHO LOVES YOU THE MOST...CHRIST, WHO IS THE LOVER OF ALL HOLINESS!!!!! Would you like to become Catholic or Complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team Thursdays at 7:
7/12/20: “HIS DIVINE PLAN”
Today we begin with a beautiful reading from the Book of Wisdom where we hear from God saying; “My WORD shall not return to Me void, but shall DO MY WILL, achieving the ends for which I sent it.” As you work your way through the current Covid-19 threat, keeping yourselves and your families safe, you can easily relate to our second reading where Saint Paul says;
“Brothers and Sisters, consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared with the Glory to be revealed to you.” Many are overwhelmed by the hardships that are a reality in our world today, causing a loss of hope and the inability to focus. Jesus draws us into His Gospel parable of the ‘Sower and the Seed‘. Jesus, who is the Sower of His Word (the seed), is asking you to investigate the soil of your own heart. Has His Word taken deep, solid roots in your heart? Are the thorns of unforgiveness, jealousy, self-centeredness, being judgmental, gossiping, etc., still living in your heart, choking off the power of His WORD? Today Jesus wants to refocus you saying; “the seeds sown on rich soil is in the one who hears My Word, who understands it, who indeed bears fruit and then yields a hundred fold.” What is preventing you from experiencing the Glorious freedom of His Kingdom? FOCUS ON HAVING A SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS AND KNOW THAT THE POWER OF HIS WORD WILL RENEW, RESTORE AND BRING TO FULFILLMENT HIS DIVINE PLAN FOR YOU.
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Parish House and let the Holy Spirit increase your Faith. Please call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
In today’s first reading, the Prophet Zechariah announces; “Rejoice, for your King is coming as a Just Savior, proclaiming PEACE to the nations.” The world, then and now, longs for the Peace of Christ. We find the way to Peace in our 2nd reading from Saint Paul who instructs; “you are not in the flesh, but you are in the Spirit, if only the Spirit of God dwells in you, for whoever does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Him.” This leads right into the Gospel where Jesus invites you into His Peace saying; “come to Me all you who are burdened, my yoke is easy and my burden is light, I am meek and humble of heart and in Me you will find your rest.” When you choose to live a meek and humble life, filled with the Holy Spirit, Christ’s gift of Peace will reign within you. It is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that reveals to you the OMNIPOTENCE of GOD. You will come to know God, who already knows all about you. Do YOU know who YOU are? You are a child of God created out of Love, to BECOME LOVE. It is from this knowledge that your Humility and Meekness flows. TO WHOM DO YOU BELONG…TO THE DESIRES OF THE FLESH OR TO THE LOVE OF THE SPIRIT?
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Parish House and let the Holy Spirit increase your Faith. Please call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
6/28/20: “HERE I AM”
Today’s readings speak to you about participating in living your life in Christ. Saint Paul, in the 2nd reading, asks you; “Are you aware that YOU, who are baptized into Christ Jesus, were baptized into His death, buried and then you were raised with Him in order to live a new life for the Glory of God, through Christ Jesus?” Your baptism is your vocation. Your profession is how you serve others with your gift, fulfilling your baptismal call. What does “living in Christ” look like in the world today? Jesus gives you the answer in today’s Gospel saying; “whoever loses his life for my sake will find it and whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me.” It simply means you must place Jesus above ALL ELSE by choosing His ways, even when it is difficult or inconvenient. It means doing small acts of kindness with great love. It is a smile, a kind word or listening with a compassionate heart. It is making time for those who are in need. It means sacrifice and selflessness. It means surrendering ALL because of your love for God. Belonging to Christ takes courage. Are you up for the challenge? ALL ARE CALLED BUT FEW SAY “HERE I AM LORD, I COME TO DO YOUR WILL.”
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Parish House and let the Holy Spirit increase your Faith. Please call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
6/21/20: “FAITHFUL ONE”
Last Sunday we celebrated the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, and this past Friday and Saturday we celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, whose Hearts burn with love for You. Our readings this week remind us that; “through one man’s disobedience (Adam) sin and death entered into the world, then one man’s OBEDIENCE (Jesus) bought YOU redemption. In our Gospel today Jesus tells you; “FEAR NO ONE except the one who can destroy your soul. A sparrow cannot fall to the ground without your Father’s knowledge, for even all the hairs on your head are counted so DO NOT BE AFRAID, YOU are worth more than many sparrows.” Let your Faith be bigger than your fear. Today, as you celebrate Father’s Day, praise “ABBA Father” who loves you more than you realize or could ever imagine. YOU HAVE BEEN SET APART FOR THE LORD WHO CALLS YOU TO PERSEVERE COURAGEOUSLY IN YOUR CATHOLIC MISSION UNTIL YOU MEET CHRIST AND HE WILL TELL YOU, “COME FAITHFUL ONE, YOU BELONG TO ME!“
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Parish House and let the Holy Spirit increase your Faith. Please call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
6/14/20: “THE ARK”
Today is Corpus Christi Sunday when the Church celebrates the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - “The Eucharist.” Our readings today remind you that God desires to be with you throughout your earthly journey. He was with you in the desert, giving you Manna from heaven to sustain you. He remains with you today in Holy Communion. In our second reading Saint Paul warns you against idolatry by reminding you that the Grace of Believing in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist is the Catholic Church’s Greatest Gift. It contains within it the power to change our world. Whatever you believe in, you become! When you “Believe and Receive Him“ you become One Body in Christ. You allow Jesus to love and remain in you, and you act accordingly. This is what you were made for; to become a living temple for the Lord. The search for the “Ark of the Covenant” is over. YOU ARE THE ARK…CARRYING GOD’S LIFE GIVING WORD AND MERCIFUL PRESENCE WHEREVER YOU GO!!! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Parish House and let the Holy Spirit increase your Faith. Please call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218 for more information.
6/7/20: “IT’S A CHOICE”
Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Saint Paul, in the second reading, gives you these opening words which are often used at the very beginning of Mass; “May the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.” The Sacred celebration of the Holy Mass appropriately opens with the Trinity. You will not find the word “Trinity“ in the Bible, but you will find Jesus commanding that every Baptism be done in the name of the Father, Son And Holy Spirit. Jesus himself gives us the Trinity. It is difficult to understand the concept of “3 IN 1;” What exactly does this mean? Saint Hildegard compares it to “fire”, which gives off three completely different qualities; Light- Heat- and the Power to Consume. All of these are found in the ONE FLAME. God the Father brings forth His Light, Jesus the Son brings forth the powerful heat of His Word, which burns with Forgiveness and Mercy, and the Holy Spirit desires to consume you with the Fire of LOVE. This is the Trinity - “Three Persons but One God.” This Sunday‘s Gospel is one of the best known, John 3:16 which says; “ God so Loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have Eternal Life, for God did not send His Son to condemn the world , but that the world would be saved through Him.” Today God calls you to have Faith in Him, if only because He has given you His Word. Will you? REMEMBER, FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE NO PROOF IS NECESSARY, FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT, NO PROOF IS ENOUGH. IT’S A CHOICE WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE?
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
5/31/20: “BEAUTIFUL”
Do you know that you were created to carry the Holy Spirit within you? Today is the Feast of Pentecost, and at your Baptism, you received the Holy Spirit, became ONE with Christ and entered into His Holy Kingdom. It was not until sin and worldly desires entered into your heart that you began to lose sight of WHO YOU REALLY ARE and what your mission REALLY IS in the here and now. Each person was sent by God to bring into the world a special gift and charism. Your gift is whatever you are especially good at doing. What gift do you bring? You have been given the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord. (1 Cor. 12:7-11) They will produce the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, which are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Faithfulness, Goodness, Gentleness, and Self-Control (Gal. 3:22-23). Make a deep examination of yourself; focus and find the gift where you excel. That is the starting place in pursuing holiness, so begin there, branch out, and radiate your gifts to those around you. In our gospel, Jesus tells you; “Peace be with you, as the Father sends Me, so I send you.” Proclaim Christ by using your gifts and Peace will be yours. Rediscover the REAL YOU before the world took charge of your life. Your soul thirsts for God, and desires Holiness. On Pentecost, we celebrate the birthday of the church, and the give of confession. Call on the Holy Spirit to fill your heart and to enkindle in you the fire of His love. You will then understand your “nothingness” without the Holy Spirit living within you. You will be filled with a profound love for your Creator. You will be a New Creation, yoked to Christ. You will become a living masterpiece exhibiting the Lord’s mercy, forgiveness and compassion. YOUR SOUL WILL BE SET FREE TO FULFILL GOD’S ORIGINAL PLAN FOR YOU, AND BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, YOU ARE MADE BEAUTIFUL.
5/24/20: “A GOLDEN TICKET“
This week we celebrated the Ascension of Jesus. Our first reading opens with “after Jesus had been taken up to Heaven the Apostles devoted themselves with one accord to prayer with Mary, the Mother of Jesus.” Then the Apostles went out “baptizing others in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit forming them as new Disciples“, just as Jesus had commanded them to do. In our second reading St. Peter reminds you not to be ashamed if you should suffer for your Christian faith saying; “If you are insulted for the name of Christ, then Blessed are you, for the Spirit of Glory and of God rests upon you.” Are you sometimes afraid and ashamed of sharing your Catholic Faith? Remember, the sins of the church are not works of Christ, who has been badly wounded by those called to serve Him. We, Christ’s body, also suffer and have been deeply wounded by these acts of betrayal. WE must RISE and Glorify our Lord with One voice, One Heart and One Love, so that our One Faith will overcome humanity’s fallen nature. Do not be afraid to speak about your Lord Jesus who deserves and rewards your loyalty. He has already paid the price of your sins on the Cross and by His Resurrection He has conquered death. Saint Peter tells you: “Beloved, Rejoice to the extent that you share in the suffering of Christ, so that when His Glory is revealed you may also rejoice exultantly.” In today’s, Gospel Jesus prays that YOU may have great strength and perseverance saying; “they have accepted, believed and kept my Word, I pray for them, that I have been glorified in them, so that I may give them Eternal Life.” Do you believe there exists a place called heaven and eternal life, where Jesus will meet and greet you and where there is no more sadness or suffering but only joy? Do you believe you will be reunited with your loved ones who wait for you there? DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE THE ONE AND ONLY TICKET THAT CAN GIVE YOU ENTRY? IF YOU ARE GLORIFYING GOD BY LIVING A LIFE FILLED WITH MERCY, FORGIVENESS AND LOVE, THEN YOU HAVE POSSESSION OF THAT GOLDEN ENTRANCE TICKET CALLED “A CHRISTOCENTRIC LIFE.” YOU DON’T HAVE IT? NO NEED TO WORRY SINCE THERE IS STILL TIME TO GET YOUR OWN GOLDEN TICKET, BUT YOU NEED TO HURRY FOR JESUS SAYS; “YOU DO NOT KNOW THE DAY OR THE HOUR…..WHEN YOU WILL WISH YOU HAD ONE! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Our first reading today continues teaching you about the early church and the miracles that filled the hearts of the first believers with Joy. Saint Peter and Saint John prayed and laid their hands on those who believed in Jesus as their promised Messiah and “they received the Holy Spirit.” Our second reading from the Letter of Saint Peter advises: “you must Sanctify Christ as Lord in your own heart and be ready to explain the reason for your hope, believing that Christ suffered for the forgiveness of sins so that He might lead you to God, the righteous for the unrighteous.” Jesus, in today’s Gospel tells you: If you love me you will keep my commandments and I will love you, giving you the Spirit of Truth, and revealing myself to you.” It is the Holy Spirit that forms us into the Body of Christ, known as the Holy Catholic Universal Church. It is our willingness to commit our life to the teachings of one person only, Jesus Christ. The gift of the Holy Spirit is a personal gift that emboldens each person to live out their mission as a modern day Disciple. It is the Holy Spirit that fills you with Wisdom, Understanding, Right Judgement, Courage, Reverence, and the Awe of God’s Presence (Isaiah 11:1-2). TODAY CHRIST MAKES YOU A GREAT PROMISE, WHICH IS FILLED WITH HOPE AND LOVE WHEN HE TELLS YOU: “I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU ORPHANS, BUT IF YOU KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS I WILL COME TO YOU AND YOU WILL SEE ME, BECAUSE I LIVE, YOU WILL LIVE.” IF YOU HAVE FAITH, LOVE, AND A DESIRE FOR JESUS, THEN THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ALIVE AND LIVING IN YOU, AND HIS COMMANDMENTS ARE WRITTEN ON YOUR HEART!
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
5/10/20: "JUST FOR YOU"
In our first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we get a peek into the organizing of the early church. The early church had a need for additional helpers to care for the widows, poor, lonely and destitute. The number of disciples were increasing daily so the church was able to appoint seven men, filled with the Holy Spirit, to do this task. It is only with the help of the Holy Spirit that a person is capable of accomplishing the work of Christ. Are you filled with the Holy Spirit which draws you to offer your service and gifts to your church? Is the Holy Spirit active in you? If not, then why not? It is by opening the Scriptures that you will grow in the Spirit, in faith, and gain a greater understanding of Christ's offer of Salvation. Come back to Mass and the Sacraments when the Church reopens with a new and more powerful love for Christ and His Church. In today's Gospel Jesus tells you; "Do not let your hearts be troubled but believe in me for I am the Way , the Truth , and the Life , I go and prepare a place for you , then I will comeback again and take you to myself." Jesus wants YOU to be with HIM. How AWESOME is that! Jesus is the Cornerstone that Saint Peter speaks about in our second reading. In every building it is the cornerstone that must be placed correctly as it sets the direction for a strong foundation. Christ is the Cornerstone that the church and all believers must rest upon for their own faith foundation. Jesus also tells you: "whoever believes in me will do the works that I do." Are you doing those difficult works of Jesus by offering forgiveness, mercy, & compassion? Jesus is not looking only for the acts that we easily perform for family, friends and those we love. These acts fill us with a sense of joy and self - satisfaction. It is when you stretch yourself and do good works for those who may be annoying, on the fringes, do not meet your high standards, etc., that you do the works of Christ. Are you willing to stop judging others and instead look for a way to help? You know who these people are in your own life. It is when you forgive the ones who have hurt you that Jesus takes notice. He has called you out of your darkness to live and act in His Light. Will you bring that light to someone in need? IF NOT YOU, THEN WHO? IF YOU ARE DOING HIS WORKS THEN REJOICE BECAUSE YOU BELONG TO HIM AND
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
5/3/20: “YOU ARE MINE“
Today is called “Good Shepherd Sunday”, which celebrates the fulfillment of an Old Testament promise that God would send us a Shepherd to set us free and give us life more abundantly. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of that promise. In our first reading Saint Peter preaches “Repent and be Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Upon hearing this over 3,000 people were baptized that day. Saint Paul continues to teach you saying “By His wounds you have been healed for you have all gone astray, like sheep return to your Shepherd, who is the guardian of your soul.” Jesus, Himself tells you in today’s gospel;” I am the Gate, whoever enters through the Gate will be saved, for I came so that YOU might have life and have it more abundantly.” The sudden arrival of the Covid19 virus, the disruption and harm it has caused, should make you want to re-evaluate what is most important and what you spend your precious time pursuing? What are you seeking and to whose voice are you responding? The pursuit of Eternal Life must begin in the” here and now.” Are you willing to enter through the GATE? Jesus says;” My sheep know my voice. I call them by name and they follow Me.” CAN YOU HEAR JESUS, THE GOOD SHEPHERD, WHISPERING TO YOUR HEART SAYING; “I HAVE CALLED YOU BY NAME AND YOU ARE MINE!”
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
4/26/20: “JESUS LIVES”
Today Saint Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, tells you: “God raised this Jesus and of this we are all witnesses.” This is first hand testimony from an eyewitness who spent time with Jesus after His Resurrection. Peter gives his own life rather than deny Jesus as the Christ. It is believed that Saint Peter himself was crucified, perhaps upside down. What did they experience that could have possibly given the Apostles this kind of courage? They had the amazing truth of the RESURRECTION! In today’s gospel, Jesus joins two of his disciples on their way to Emmaus as they discuss the events that had just taken place in Jerusalem. Jesus asks them what happened. They reply to Him “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN that you don’t know?” They do not recognize Jesus as He joins them on their journey. Jesus uses this time to explain the Prophets and the Scriptures, setting their hearts aflame. They finally recognize Him with the breaking of the bread. Will you spend some of your quarantine time reading the Bible, getting better acquainted with Him? Why not open the Gospels as you have your morning coffee. Jesus has something special to discuss with you. This is His love letter to you. He has ransomed you, not with silver and gold, but with flesh and blood. JESUS HAS GIVEN YOU HIS ALL, NOW HE ASKS…WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE TRUE PRESENCE OF JESUS IN THE EUCHARIST? WILL YOU RECOGNIZE HIM WHEN WE RESUME THE BREAKING OF THE BREAD? IF YOU WANT YOUR HEART TO BURN WITH LOVE FOR HIM THEN CONSIDER TURNING YOUR “SHELTER IN PLACE” INTO A “SHELTER OF GRACE” WHERE JESUS LIVES!
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
4/19/20: “I BELIEVE”
Today’s readings speak about the events following Jesus’s Resurrection and how the early church went forward. The young Community gathered, shared, and taught the way of Jesus Christ. Saint Peter tells you; “awe came upon everyone, as many wonders and signs were done through the Apostles, and the Lord increased their numbers daily.” Saint Paul preaches; “Rejoice with an indescribable and glorious Joy because Jesus has given you a new life with His victory over death on the day of His Resurrection. You will attain the goal of your Faith, which is the SALVATION of YOUR SOUL.” Although Jesus was abandoned by His friends when He needed them the most, He returns to them not in Revenge but in Love. He comes with Peace, Forgiveness and Mercy. Jesus breathes on the Apostles saying “Receive the Holy Spirit, whose sins you forgive are forgiven.” Out of Love for you He Institutes the Sacrament of Reconciliation. He then asks; “Do you Believe because you have seen? Blessed is the ONE who has not seen, but Believes.” That “ONE“ is YOU! This Sunday is the Feast of His Divine Mercy, with Faith and Trust we pray, “O Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of Mercy for the whole world, engulf and heal us.” IN LIFE’S GOOD TIMES AND ESPECIALLY IN TOUGH TIMES WHEN OUR FAITH IS TESTED,
WE MUST SAY; JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU...JESUS, I BELIEVE! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
During these days of Jesus’s Paschal Mystery the entire world has shared in Christ’s suffering and death on the Cross. Nowhere in history will you find any other religious leader, prophet, teacher, king or queen, promising you Eternal Life. Only Jesus makes you this PROMISE, FILLED WITH HOPE, when all else seems lost. Jesus is the only one who believes that you are so valuable you are even worth dying for...and so He does. When you look at the Crucifix you are looking at LOVE in action. Jesus has boldly invited you to climb up next to Him, emptying yourself of all worldly desires, and making room in your heart for only Him...for He is all you really need. Easter is YOUR moment, YOUR Great Love Story. God makes YOU His #1, placing you above all else. Now it is your turn to do the same for Him. THE RESURRECTION BEGAN WITH JESUS EMBRACING THE HOLY CROSS FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS. TODAY YOU SHARE IN HIS RESURRECTION, SINGING “ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA CHRIST HAS RISEN.” NOW THE RESURRECTED CHRIST IS EMBRACING YOU, HIS BELOVED EASTER CHILD…REJOICE FOR YOU ARE HIS GREATEST LOVE! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
Lord, this Lent you have gathered your people to yourself in a new way. Although we are physically separated, we are joined together in our sorrow and prayer. With one voice we enter into Holy Week crying out to Jesus, “Hosanna in the Highest, blessed are You, who comes in the name the Lord.” He is coming to save us, but it will include the cross. It will involve Him opening wide His arms to embrace us, as they are painfully nailed to the cross. In preparation for His leaving, He gifts us with the Priesthood, the Eucharist, and Our Mission to serve one another. Jesus leaves us everything necessary to follow Him into Eternal Life. Most of all He leaves us Love. This Passion Sunday you are actively involved in your Lord’s suffering and pain. Humanity has taken on the appearance of the “Suffering Servant“ in Isaiah 53. You are fearfully carrying the Cross and His reality has become your reality. Fear comes from a lack of trust in God SOOOO......DONT LET YOUR FEAR BECOME GREATER THAN YOUR FAITH. DO NOT BE AFRAID BECAUSE JESUS HAS PROMISED YOU THAT HIS RESURRECTION WILL BECOME
YOURS AND GOD ALWAYS KEEPS HIS PROMISES! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
3/29/20: “IN THE SILENCE”
During this difficult Lent, Jesus is teaching us just how far, how wide, and how long we must persevere in prayer while trusting in His love for us. Our Lord is speaking volumes to the world. He is asking YOU to STOP,PRAY and FOCUS on the power of His love for you and what is most important......YOUR GOD RELATIONSHIP. Are you listening or will this holy moment go unheard? Like Lazarus in today’s Gospel Jesus tells you “ARISE AND COME OUT FROM YOUR GRAVE, FOR I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE, WHOEVER BELIEVES IN ME WILL NEVER DIE.” IT IS IN THE SILENCE THAT YOU WILL FIND THE LORD BY SAYING, JESUS I TRUST IN YOU AND I BELIEVE YOU LOVE ME.
RCIA is continuing to form our candidate, Ilona, through phone conversations, emails, and regular mail so she will be prepared to receive her Sacraments whenever Church Masses become open to the faithful.
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
3/22/20: “BLIND SPOT”
Today’s readings focus us during this 4th week of Lent on light vs darkness, goodness vs evil, sight vs blindness, knowledge vs ignorance and the divine vs the demonic. In the Old Testament reading from Samuel the Lord says, “Do not judge from appearances or lofty stature because not as man sees does God see. Man sees the appearance but the Lord looks at the Heart.” Have you filled your heart with the light of the Gospel? St. Paul says “Awake, O light sleeper and arise from the dead and Christ will give you light for you are children of the light and light produces every kind of goodness, righteousness and truth; glorify the Lord by living in the light.” Jesus works a great miracle in today’s gospel when He heals the blind man, thus telling us He does so in order that the “works of God might be made visible through Him,” so that you and I may believe. Jesus asks “Do you believe in the Son of Man? While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” WE ALL HAVE SOME KIND OF “BLIND SPOT” THAT JESUS LONGS TO HEAL. WHAT IS YOUR BLIND SPOT AND WILL YOU LET HIS LIGHT IN?
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
3/15/20: “HIS GREATNESS”
In our first reading, we hear how the Israelites repeatedly grumble, question, quarrel and rebel against God as they die of thirst, forgetting all He has done for them. Underlying their thirst is the most basic of all human thirst…..a thirst for God who loves you just as you are. St. Paul tells you in the second reading: “Hope in the Glory of God, which does not disappoint, Christ proved His love by dying for us while we were still sinners. You have been justified by Faith because the Love of God has been poured into your heart through the Holy Spirit.” Justification means you are in a “right relationship” with the Lord and also with one another. Are you justified? Who are you unwilling to forgive? Does your indignant pride keep your heart hardened? Are you willing to say, “I’m sorry, forgive me?” Perhaps you’re mad at God for unanswered prayers? This Lent will you stop judging others, giving up your anger, fear and bitterness? What keeps you at a distance from the Lord? In our gospel today, Jesus meets the Samaritan woman, an outcast who speaks to Him without pretense or an inflated view of herself, but with the truth of her imperfections. Jesus sees the “real person” and does not hesitate to offer her the gift of “living water.” She accepts Christ’s gift and becomes a spring of faith for others. Jesus thirsts to be in relationship with the “real you”, not the public version you offer Him. Today Jesus tells you, “God seeks people who worship Him in Spirit and Truth.” Becoming a “spring of living water” means facing the truth about who you are when no one is looking. Stay aware that there is no hiding yourself from the eyes of God. You must be willing to escape your own ego, trading your self-made exile for the Ocean of His Mercy and live the call of your Baptism. JESUS THIRSTS TO FLOOD THE WORLD WITH HIS LIVING WATERS, BY MOVING YOU BEYOND YOUR LITTLENESS INTO …….. HIS GREATNESS.
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
3/8/20: “RISE”
Today’s readings call us to trust in God, so as to be transformed. In our first reading Abram (Abraham) is called by God to go forth to the Promise Land. In complete obedience, he does as God asks. In our second reading St. Paul writes to Timothy from prison saying, “bear your share of hardships for the gospel, with the strength that comes from God; for Jesus Christ destroyed death bringing life and immortality through His gospel.” This trust and obedience, both of Abraham and Paul, changed the projection of our human spiritual journey. In today’s gospel Jesus chooses Peter, James and John, presenting them with an extraordinary gift that will strengthen their faith, trust and obedience after His passion. Jesus is TRANSFIGURED, thus allowing the three Apostles to witness His Glory. They hear the voice of God saying “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased, listen to Him.” The three Apostles fall to the ground from fright, but Jesus tells them, “Rise, and do not be afraid.” You also have been chosen to witness for Christ. Will you correct, reform, improve and repent of your own sinful ways in order to be transformed into God’s vision of the “BEST YOU”? Are you listening to His voice? Do you have the courage, obedience, perseverance and faithfulness to begin changing? This Lent don’t be afraid to ask Jesus for the gift He gave to the Apostles. THE GIFT OF SUPERNATURAL FAITH, TRUST AND OBEDIENCE, “LORD, WHEN I’M CRUSHED AND HAVE FALLEN UNDER THE WEIGHT OF MY SINS…HELP ME TO RISE. Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
Today is the first Sunday in Lent, which is the liturgical season of repentance, purification, and enlightenment. It calls us to search, define and fine tune our relationship with the Lord. You are called to follow the path of Jesus; we must die to self, in order to rise to eternal life. In today’s gospel, we read of Jesus’s temptation when the devil tells Jesus, “I will give you all the Kingdoms of the World if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.” Jesus responds, “GET AWAY SATAN.” Is it any different today? Satan, the Con Man, is alive and well, preying on your weaknesses. We ALL have weak spots that cause us to sin. Temptation and Evil are real. All you need to do is watch the news to recognize how “right has become wrong” and spiritual darkness has taken its toll. There is “your truth, my truth,” but no absolute truth, according to the world. Spiritual blindness causes us to no longer recognize God’s truth. Confusion, half-truths and outright lies are just a few of Satan’s devious weapons. Let this Lent be a time of increased prayer, which will bring clearer spiritual vision and a deeper love of God. In our first reading Satan tells Eve, “If you eat of the forbidden fruit, you will not die but will be like God, knowing what is good and what is evil.” HUMANITY’S DESIRE TO BE GOD STARTED HERE, AT THIS VERY MOMENT, WITH THIS HALF TRUTH. THIS WAS AND STILL IS …….SATAN’S GREATEST CON.
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
Today you find God giving instructions on the most important element of His Holy principles…“Love.” Our three readings speak of God’s love for you & the need for loving others as God loves. The Lord assures you it’s possible for humans to love with a “Holy Love”. Do you realize that you are a temple of the Holy Spirit? Jesus says, “If you love those who love you, what recompense is that to you, do not the pagans do the same”? Jesus goes on to tell you, “love your enemy & pray for those who persecute you.” Isn’t this too much to ask of anyone? The common denominator that exists at our root is the “God Spark - The Breath of Life,” thus making everyone God’s child, therefore brothers & sisters sharing in God’s love equally. So why do we find it so hard to forgive & to love unconditionally? It’s the “false-self” which is created by human desires, ego & sin, which keeps you from your true-self & your authentic vocation. Get rid of your pity parties. Step away from holding grudges, hurt feelings & negative energy. Increase your expressions of kindness, show more compassion, & conscientiously increase your charity. Make it a point to immediately FORGIVE; you have big shoulders as a child of God. Isn’t God’s opinion of you more important than your hurt pride or anger? Pay more attention to your innate desire for Goodness, Beauty, Justice and Godliness. The reason why you were created was to LOVE. Are you aware of how happy you are when love surrounds you or when you are giving love away? Jesus says, “You must be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” The way to perfection is by choosing love, the most powerful force in the universe. INVEST IN LOVE …IT ALWAYS PAYS GREAT DIVIDENDS ****
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
2/16/20: “TAKE THE CURE”
Our three readings today are about “Heart Choices.” Our first reading from Sirach says, “Before you are life and death, good and evil, for whichever you choose shall be given to you.” From the depths of your heart you must keep and love God’s Commandments or you will pursue the fleeting things of this world. Your choice will either expand your heart towards holiness or shrink it with destructive self-serving. The desire for holiness opens the heart so the Lord can enter. St. Paul speaks of God’s wisdom saying, “To you, who are mature, eye has not seen and ear has not heard what God has prepared for those who love Him.” He is speaking, not of age, but of spiritual maturity that leads the mature heart to seek and choose God. In today’s powerful gospel Jesus speaks about keeping His laws saying, “Leave your gift at the altar and first be reconciled with your brother, then bring your gift.” Why? You will never keep the “spirit of His law”, nor can the Lord reside in your heart, if it is angry, jealous, deceitful, lying, cheating, revengeful and unforgiving. You can go through the motions but you will never DECEIVE the Lord. The condition of your heart matters. All wrong-doing and sin, begins in and flows out of, your heart’s intentions. Once you make that deep, honest, but difficult heart exam, you may find you’re in need of some heart medicine. JESUS PROVIDES THE PERFECT PRESCRIPTION, BUT ARE YOU WILLING TO TAKE THE CURE? THE CURE IS ……….RECONCILIATION!
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
Today’s readings focus clearly on your life’s mission to become SALT and LIGHT for the world. In our first reading, Isaiah says, “Remove oppression, false accusation and malicious speech, bestow your bread on the hungry and satisfy the afflicted; then light will rise from you in the darkness.” St. Paul exclaims, “I know nothing except Jesus Christ crucified; in weakness, fear and trembling I tell you, let your faith rest not on human wisdom, but on the power of God.” St. Paul knows that in order to be SALT and LIGHT for others we must be firmly rooted in Christ’s message, not on worldly ways. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells you this, “You are the SALT of the earth and the LIGHT of the world, your LIGHT must shine before others, so they will see your good deeds, and then you will glorify God.” JESUS TRUSTS YOU SO MUCH THAT HE HAS MADE YOU A PARTNER IN HIS MISSION. JESUS IS WAITING FOR YOUR….”HOWDY PARTNER”.
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
2/2/20: “HELP WANTED”
Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation where Baby Jesus is presented to the Lord, 40 days after His birth, along with a sacrificial offering in accordance with the law. All of our readings today concern “SACRIFICE.” In our first reading from the prophet Malachi, the Priests are called to return with faithful service to the Lord. Malachi also foretells the coming of the Messiah & the purification of the Priesthood. Our second reading from Hebrews says, “Jesus is the merciful & faithful High Priest before God, who came to expiate the sins of the people, and destroy death, through what He suffered.” In our gospel, Simeon’s words to Mary, Jesus’s mother, offer a glimpse of the sorrow Mary will suffer when he prophesied: “your child is destined for the fall and rise of many and will be a sign of contradiction and you yourself a sword will pierce,” so Mary kept, suffered & pondered these words in her Heart, at the moment when she was presenting her Son Jesus to the world. As you reflect on today’s readings ask yourself: “what sacrifices do I make for the Lord & how do I make Jesus present to all those around me? You can make Jesus present by offering YOUR VOICE, MERCY, FORGIVENESS, COMPASSION, KINDNESS, YOUR HANDS, FEET, AND ACTS OF LOVE. THEY ARE THE ONLY WAYS OF MAKING THE LORD A REALITY IN OUR WEARY WORLD TODAY. ALL ARE WELCOME TO ANSWER JESUS’S “HELP WANTED” SIGN ……… WILL YOU?
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
1/26/20: *RESET*
In today’s first reading from Isaiah, we hear “the people who walk in darkness have seen a great light, upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom, a light has shone”. Jesus calls His first 4 disciples, Simon (Peter) and Andrew (two brothers), plus James and John (two other brothers), saying to these fishermen: “come follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” This Gospel continues by telling us “they immediately left their boat and their father, following Jesus as He traveled all around Galilee & Capernaum proclaiming the Gospel, teaching and healing every disease and illness among the people.” Why did Jesus choose Galilee tor the place to begin His ministry? Galilee was a place of mostly Gentiles and unbelievers, and so it is the place first blessed by Jesus shining His light in the darkness, thus fulfilling the Isaiah prophecy of our first reading. You have also been called to shine His great light in your own world so filled with darkness, gloom, despair and pain, by offering the Hope and Promise of Christ. Like the Apostles have you left behind your old ways in order to follow Christ? In our second reading, Saint Paul focuses us on the Humility of the Cross and the healing power of living in His Kingdom, which promises Eternal Life to all persevering believers. None of us will make our life journey without suffering a cross or two, so hang on to your Faith. Unfortunately, humanity will not find the answer to all earthly problems through science, new medical discoveries or politics, because we are not yet morally or spiritually responsible enough. We are experiencing Good as Evil and Evil as Good. Each advancement brings with it an opportunity for good as well as an application for evil. Only through Faith, Hope, Trust, Prayer and a Love for the Way of Christ, will Humanity prosper and find Peace. “LORD, YOU ARE MY LIGHT AND MY SALVATION, COME FILL OUR HEARTS AND CHANGE THE FACE OF THE EARTH” (psalm 27). LORD, WE NEED A SPIRITUAL RESET! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
1/19/20: *IF YOU LOVE THEM*
Did you know that your Baptism is a lifelong journey? The reception of this Sacrament is only the beginning of a much longer journey, a lifetime commitment that requires heartfelt discipleship. Are you all in? In today’s gospel we hear John the Baptist witness with, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world for He is the Son of God who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.” At your Baptism you received the Holy Spirit along with an invitation from the Lord to join the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, by living and preaching His message. You are no longer a slave to sin, but now have the grace needed to turn to Christ, as His Child. You probably received an “Infant Baptism” because your parents desired that you belong to Christ’s Kingdom and His promise of Eternal life. Have you baptized your child? At your child’s Baptism, you made a promise to the Lord to teach them His ways. Are you keeping that promise by bringing them to weekly Mass, saying night prayers with them, bringing them to CCD and teaching them the meaning of forgiveness, mercy, kindness and sacrifice? Did you know that in Deuteronomy 6 VS 6-7, God addresses this responsibility saying, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength: take to heart these words, which I enjoin on you today, drill them into your children, speak to them at home or abroad, whether you are busy or at rest, thus keeping my Commandments” YOU WILL TEACH GOD’S WORD TO YOUR CHILDREN………IF YOU LOVE THEM. Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
1/12/20: “BELOVED ONE”
The first reading from Isaiah is a Prophesy about Jesus, with Isaiah saying, “I set you as a Covenant of the people, a light for the nations, to open the eyes of the blind, and to free those who live in darkness.” Our second reading from Saint Peter reminds us that “In truth God shows no partiality, those who fear Him and who act upright, will be acceptable to Him.” God can ONLY love us all equally or He would not be God. The only difference between each of us is the way we LOVE HIM IN RETURN. Do you want to stand out in the eyes of God? Then get to know Him more intimately, love Him more deeply, and schedule “Jesus time” daily, then you will have God’s attention. Our gospel today recalls Jesus’s Baptism. You are reminded that through your own Baptism you have been given a Mission and called to be a Child of God, an “ANOINTED ONE”. At the reception of the Sacrament of Baptism you received special graces and gifts to help you live and spread the Good News of Christ. How are you doing with this mission? DOES YOUR OWN LIFE GIVE GLORY TO GOD? ONE DAY YOUR LORD MAY SAY TO YOU, WHAT HE SAID TO HIS SON, JESUS………“YOU ARE MY BELOVED ONE, WITH WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED.” Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Today is the Feast of the Epiphany, known as God’s offer of Salvation to all of Humanity. The Magi followed that Extraordinary Star, which led them to the Prince of Peace. They knelt down in homage and offered the Baby King their gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. When their visit ended, they returned home using a different path, being forever changed. What gift do YOU offer your Savior? Do you give Him just the expected hour of weekly worship, with a small monetary tithe? Do you only say prayers of Petition, but never a prayer of Thanksgiving? Are you obedient only now and then to His Commandments? How much or how little do you offer yourself to the Lord? Are you giving Him only the bare minimum? At the beginning of this New Year ask, “How can I give the Lord more of myself?” Have you filled out your New Year’s List of Resolutions with your Hopes, Dreams and Plans for a better future? Is your “God Relationship, on your list of “valuable and important pursuits? What value does Christ hold in your family? Christ valued YOU SO HIGHLY, that IT COST HIM HIS LIFE. Recognize Christ as your “Everything” and you will travel a New Path. Follow the Lord’s Star and experience a clearer vision of God’s purpose for your Life. An Epiphany means “a flash of insight” or a “sudden understanding.” MAKE 2020 YOUR EPIPHANY YEAR BY PLACING CHRIST ON THE TOP OF YOUR LIST OF RESOLUTIONS, THEN LIKE THE MAGI, YOU WILL BE FOREVER CHANGED. COME AND EXPERIENCE THE GREATNESS OF CHRIST, AND YOU WILL KNOW……….YOUR OWN TRUE WORTH.ªªª
12/29/19: “WHAT’S IN A NAME?”
Today is the Feast of the Holy Family and our first reading from Sirach reminds us of the 5th Commandment “Honor your Father and your Mother, for your kindness will not be forgotten by the Lord.” St. Paul, in his letter to the Colossians, recommends, “Do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus by letting the word of Christ richly dwell in you and put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiving one another as the Lord has forgiven you, but above all put on Love, for it is the bond of perfection.” In today’s gospel Joseph, Mary and Jesus return to Nazareth after living in the safety of Egypt, away from the wrath of Herod. If you have been blessed with the name of FATHER OR MOTHER, then God has entrusted you with the job of protecting your child’s soul. Are you forming them with a holy conscience? Take this job seriously for the world is eager to own your child’s mind, body, heart & soul…don’t let it. It is your life lessons & moral teachings that will be their first line of defense as they wade through life’s murky waters. Help them to have a clear view of God’s love for them. As we approach the New Year, let’s make a new start by being unafraid to embrace the Way of Christ. When you have Jesus, you have EVERYTHING. What’s in a name?
Jesus IS… when you make your middle name LOVE!
12/22/19: "YES"
Today is the final Sunday of Advent and we are treated to the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy in our first reading. From the Old Testament reading Isaiah prophesizes, “The Lord Himself will give you His sign: The Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall name Him, Emmanuel, which means God is with us.” Our Gospel reading tells us that St. Joseph was not initially on board when Mary was found with child and he planned to divorce her quietly when the Angel of the Lord told him, “Joseph, son of David, DO NOT BE AFRAID to take Mary, for the child was conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit and you are to name Him JESUS and in obedience Joseph did as the Lord commanded him to do.” St. Paul, in our second reading, makes it clear that Jesus is the long awaited Messiah saying; “Through His Resurrection from the dead, Jesus has been established as our Lord, and through Him we have been called to obedient Faith and Apostleship. If you belong to Jesus then you are called to be a grace-filled Apostle set apart to bear the Gospel of the Lord.” For over 2,000 years the Lord has been commanding and calling, but who is listening? It is YOU that Christ calls to Holiness. IF YOU LISTEN CLOSELY, YOU WILL HEAR, “DO NOT BE AFRAID” FOR I AM SENDING A BABE TO SAVE YOU AND A CHOIR OF ANGELS TO PROTECT YOU IF ONLY LIKE MARY, YOU LET YOUR YES… MEAN YES. DARE TO KEEP THE LOVE, PEACE AND JOY OF CHRISTMAS GROWING THROUGHOUT THE COMING YEAR BY GAZING UPON THE INCARNATE LORD AND ALLOWING THE KING OF GLORY TO ENTER YOUR HEART… IN ORDER TO CHANGE YOUR FUTURE.*
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00 pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
12/15/19: “GREATNESS”
Today we celebrate the 3rd Sunday in Advent, which is known as Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete Sunday in Latin means “Rejoice”. Rejoice! You are halfway through Advent and you are nearer to the coming of your Savior, Jesus. The color “ROSE“ is used during this week’s Mass and also for the 3rd Advent candle because it is the liturgical color that represents JOY. Are you pursuing a loving and joy-filled relationship with Jesus? Our first reading from Isaiah is filled with prophesy concerning signs for the coming of the long awaited Messiah, “He who comes will save you, then the eyes of the blind will see, the ears of the deaf will hear, the lame will leap and the muted tongue will sing.” St. James tells you in our second reading, “Do not complain about one another so that you may not be the judged, but be patient because the Lord is coming.” In our Gospel, John the Baptist asks Jesus, “Are you the Messiah?” Jesus replies to John saying, “The blind have regained their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear and the dead are raised.” Jesus has fulfilled Isaiah’s 3,000+ year-old prophecy of our first reading, in order that all may know and believe. Is this not enough for you to believe? The Lord says, “I am the Lord your God, who holds your hand, be not dismayed for I strengthen you and say to you , fear not for I am with you and I will help you” (IS 41: 10-13). TODAY JESUS GIVES YOU A GIFT FILLED WITH HOPE SAYING, “THERE IS NONE BORN OF A WOMEN GREATER THAN JOHN THE BAPTIST, YET THE LEAST OF YOU WHO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ARE GREATER THAN HE.” ACCEPT JESUS’S GIFT…… START WALKING TOWARD GREATNESS*** Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
Welcome to the 2nd week of Advent. Today’s first reading from the Prophet Isaiah is special because it offers you two prophecies beginning with Isaiah saying; “a shoot shall sprout from the stump and roots of Jesse, from which a Bud shall blossom.” Jesse was the father of King David and this is the ancestral line from which Jesus shall be born. Isaiah then continues with his second prophecy saying; “a little child will guide them and the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, the Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Strength (fortitude), Piety, and Fear(AWE) of the Lord.” Do you recognize these gifts? They are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that you received at Your Baptism, and which were then strengthened with your Sacrament of Confirmation. Even before Christ came into the world, God the Father prepared these Gifts for you in order that you can make the journey of a life time. These gifts help you to SURRENDER ALL to the Lord, exchanging Your WILL for His WILL. In today’s Gospel Saint John the Baptist tells you: “REPENT, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, prepare the way for your Lord, and make straight His path, for He will Baptize you with the Fire of the Holy Spirit.” DURING THIS ADVENT WHAT WILL YOU FIX IN YOUR LIFE TO MAKE STRAIGHT THE PATH FOR CHRIST? INVITE HIM BY SAYING “COME LORD JESUS AND CHANGE MY HEART WITH THE FIRE OF YOUR LOVE.” ARE YOU PREPARED TO MAKE THE CHRIST JOURNEY? Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
Today is the 1st Sunday of Advent when we turn our hearts and thoughts to the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ. How do we prepare for such a great event? Today’s Psalm gives us a hint when it says; “Let us go rejoicing to the House of the Lord.” Saint Paul tells you; “It is the hour to awake from your sleep and put on the Armor of Light.” He also warns you to stop any rivalry, jealousy, lustfulness and to abstain from all sinning saying “conduct yourselves properly because Salvation is nearer then when you first believed.” In our Gospel today Jesus tells you that on the day of His 2nd Coming all will seem normal, with no advanced warning saying; “therefore stay AWAKE and be PERPARED for at an hour you do not expect, the SON OF MAN WILL COME.” Begin Advent by PUTTING ON CHRIST as soon as you awake, avoid sin and rejoice daily because the gift of HOPE awaits you. DURING THIS OPPORTUNITY OF WAITING, PREPARE FOR THE BIG CELEBRATION BY SWEEPING CLEAN YOUR HEART AND LOVE CHRIST BY LIVING CHRIST; REMEMBERING ALWAYS THAT YOU WERE CREATED TO “DO LIFE” WITH CHRIST. *****
*Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
11/24/19: “R.S.V.P.”
Today we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. Our first reading lays the ground work for Christ’s Kingship and Royal Priesthood with the anointing of David as King of Israel. David was a powerful military commander, who also filled the role as a wise and strong protector, whom God had chosen to shepherd the people. David was “bone of their bone” and making a Covenant with his people, he promises to repay their loyalty by ruling them justly. We know that the Lord promised David, “I will raise up from your loins an Heir whose Kingdom and Throne will stand firm and endure forever (2 Sam 7:12-16).” We also know that Jesus is born from the line of David. Do you believe that Jesus, the descendent of David, is the PROMISED ONE? In our second reading, St. Paul reminds you; “Jesus is the head of His Church, for all things visible and invisible were created through Him and for Him, and by the blood of His Cross He has reconciled and made peace.” The Good Thief, who hung on the cross next to Jesus, BELIEVED saying; “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom,” to which Jesus replied, “Today, you will be with me in Paradise.” Jesus’s Death and Resurrection ushered in His Kingdom along with YOUR invitation to join His Royal Household. It is by His blood that you have been FORGIVEN and REDEEMED. IF YOU ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR KING AND SAVIOR, THEN JESUS IS HOLDING A PLACE FOR YOU WHILE HE AWAITS YOUR R.S.V.P……… RESPOND YES AND BECOME ROYALTY. *Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
11/17/19: “THE REAL DEAL”
Today’s readings speak about the LORD’S JUSTICE. Have you ever given any thought to what that might look like for you? St. Paul, in our second reading, encourages you to imitate Christ as he did. The prophecy of Malachy, in our first reading and also today’s Gospel, speaks about the inevitable coming of the Lord’s Divine Justice. Will these prophecies be fulfilled in our own life time? There are many people today who feel we are fast approaching the end times, with famines, wars, earthquakes, Christian persecutions and powerful natural disasters. There are those who are storing up survival equipment; food, water, etc. What can you do to prepare? Do Not Be Afraid-Jesus gives you the answer when He says, “not a hair on your head will be destroyed, but by your perseverance you will secure your life.” What does Jesus mean by “your perseverance”? Let’s look at what Jesus DID NOT DO. He did not lie, cheat, curse, steal, gossip, envy, hate, abuse, malign or condemn. Instead Jesus forgave, showed mercy, ate with sinners, and loved the unlovable. Will you forgive and show mercy, even when you find it difficult to do so, “persevering to the end?” Eternal Life comes at a cost, which is why Christ calls you to become “LOVE”, in order to “LIVE”. LOVE IS THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE IN THE UNIVERSE. BE NOT AFRAID OF HIS DIVINE JUSTICE BECAUSE IT IS BALANCED BY YOUR PRACTICE OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. IMITATE CHRIST..…..BECOME THE REAL DEAL. *Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
Our three readings today bring into focus the belief of “Life after Death” as in a “Personal Resurrection.” Catholics believe that their physical death leads to Eternal Life. Our first reading tells the story of a Jewish family beaten, tortured and put to death for their refusal to break God’s dietary laws saying, “I die with the hope which God gives me , of being raised up by Him, but for you (my torturers) there will be no Resurrection after death. “ Then St. Paul instructs you saying, “May our Lord Jesus Christ, who loves, directs, encourages and strengthens your hearts, give you the endurance of Christ Crucified.” Jesus, in today’s gospel, concludes with “those who are deemed worthy to attain the Resurrection of the dead, can no longer die, for they are like ANGELS ; they are children of God, because they are the ones who will rise. He is not a God of the dead, but of the living, for Him ALL are ALIVE.” IF YOU LIVE IN HIM NOW, THEN YOU WILL LIVE WITH HIM FOREVER; IF YOU LIVE IN DENIAL OF HIM, YOU WILL FORFEIT CHRIST’S PROMISE OF ETERNAL LIFE. ALL WHO ARE IN HIM AND OF HIM, WILL ALWAYS BE WITH HIM, THEREFORE YOUR RESURRECTION AWAITS YOU, O FAITHFUL ANGELS …. Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
11/3/19: “By Invitation Only”
Our three readings today concern God’s offer of MERCY for all sinners. Since we are all sinners, it is an OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE. In our beautiful first reading Wisdom tells the Lord “You have mercy on all, therefore you rebuke offenders, and little by little you warn them and remind them of their sins, so they may abandon their wicked ways and believe in you.” Because God loves you, He counsels and warns you, having the hope that you will change, repent and confess your sins. In an act of Humility St. Paul continues with, “May God make you worthy of His calling and powerfully bring to fulfillment every good purpose and every effort of Faith, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in Him.” Are you getting a glimpse into the mind of our Lord and the plan he has for you? He calls you to sweep clean your heart with the Sacrament of Reconciliation so He can then fill it with His own spirit and Grace; then you will do great works in His name. Are you ready and willing? Zacchaeus was ready. Jesus tells you about Zacchaeus, the Chief Tax Collector and hated sinner, who is moved to conversion when Christ visits Jericho. He repents and offers restitution, and then Jesus tells him: “Salvation has come to your house, Zacchaeus, for the Son of Man has come to save what was lost, and today I desire to stay with you, so Zacchaeus welcomed the Lord Joyfully.” HAVE YOU JOYFULLY ASKED JESUS TO STAY AT YOUR HOUSE? HE COMES BY INVITATION ONLY! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for information.
We enjoy three powerful readings today. Our first reading tells you; “The Lord is a God, who has no favorites.” We are all equal in the eyes of God. We all have been given the same power to become a child of God. It is your Faith, Humility and Obedience that sets you apart. In our gospel reading Jesus uses the example of two people praying in the Temple. The Pharisee prays, “O God thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity, greedy & dishonest, for I fast twice a week and pay tithes.” The Tax Collector prays, “O God be merciful to me, a sinner.” Which one resembles your prayer? Do you offer God your own righteousness, while despising others? Do you exalt yourself rather than the Lord? God looks for an authentic humble heart. He is not interested in an outward show of deeds, done for one’s own glory. You can not impress God, you can not trick God and you can not fool God. The Lord knows you; the good, the bad and the ugly that lives within. It’s your job to cultivate sincere humility, which never fails to get God’s attention. St. Paul, while in prison & close to death, reviews his life saying: “I am already being poured out like a libation. I have competed well. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith; now a crown of righteousness awaits me.” WHAT WILL YOU CHOOSE? DO YOU WEAR A CROWN OF SELF-RIGHTOUSNESS OR WILL YOU CHOOSE HIS CROWN OF GLORY? Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
10/20/19: "FAITHFUL ONE”
Our first reading today speaks about Moses and His persistence in prayer. Keeping his hands raised to God, with the support of Aaron and Hur, allowed Joshua to win victory in the battle against Amalek. St. Paul continues the lesson on faithful and persistent prayer when he says, “Proclaim the Word whether it is convenient or inconvenient, all scripture is inspired so that those who belong to God may be competent and equipped for good work.” God does not call the most equipped, but equips those whom He calls into His service. Be not afraid to answer His call. In today’s gospel Jesus tells the parable of the “persistent widow” who constantly nags the unjust judge so continually that he finally renders a JUST decision for her. Jesus is the JUST JUDGE. Imitate the nagging widow with faithful, persistent prayer and move the Heart of God. AT THE END OF THIS GOSPEL, JESUS ASKS, “WHEN THE SON OF MAN COMES, WILL HE FIND FAITH ON EARTH?” WILL YOU BE …A FAITHFUL ONE? Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
10/13/19: "SAY THANK YOU”
Our readings today focus on Faith and Gratitude. The first reading and the Gospel both speak about the healing of lepers. Naaman, in the first reading, was so grateful for his healing that he offers a great gift of thanksgiving. In the gospel Jesus heals 10 lepers, but only one returns to give thanks. Falling at the feet of Christ, he glorifies God with his Faith and Gratitude. How about you – what needs to be cleansed in you? Are you always “asking,” but never “thanking?” When is the last time you offered an Act of Gratitude to the Lord, who loves and desires you? You could extend an act of special kindness, attend a weekday Mass, join a faith-sharing group, or recite the Holy Rosary. In our second reading, Saint Paul reminds us, “If you deny Him, He will deny you; if you persevere, you shall reign with Him and if you have died with Him, you shall live with Him.” The greatest gift you can offer the Lord is to be Faithful, Grateful and Satisfied with all He has given you. This is the secret formula for being happy. Jesus tells the leper who returned in gratitude, “Your Faith has saved you.” This leper was not only healed, but also saved. Everyday take time to say a prayer of thanksgiving. HOW CAN YOU MEET THE LORD JESUS, WHO HEALS AND SAVES? PUT YOUR FAITH IN ACTION, SHOW YOUR GRATITUDE …….. SAY “THANK YOU!” Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Our three readings today speak of Faith, Trust, Hope and Love. In our 1st reading Habakkuk, the Prophet, accuses God of ignoring his plea for help. God answers saying “the rash one has no integrity but the just one, because of his FAITH, shall live.” Are you impatient with God and therefore you have hardened your heart? Can you wait on God with faith? In our 2nd reading we hear from St. Paul, who is writing to Timothy from prison, encouraging Timothy to “step out in faith and preach the Gospel of Christ, trusting in the help of the Holy Spirit that dwells within you.” Do you believe that the third person of the Holy Trinity lives in you? Have you been observing the societal break down where wrong has become right and right has become evil? Are you a part of the silent majority? Christians are called to be unafraid and courageously voice their objections, refusing to be silenced any longer. In the gospel today the Apostles request: “Lord, increase our faith.” Jesus answers with: “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can say to the tree be uprooted and planted in the sea and it would obey you.” How strong and deep is your faith? Does it cause you to become Christ’s servant? THERE IS NO BETTER WAY TO LIVE THEN TO BRING FAITH, TRUST, HOPE AND LOVE INTO YOUR CIRCLE OF LIFE. HAVE FAITHFUL ENDURANCE TO THE GOD WHO LOVES YOU, ALONG WITH GOSPEL LIVING, BECAUSE YOU COULD BE THE ONLY GOSPEL ANOTHER PERSON MAY EVER WITNESS! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
9/29/19: “WHAT IS YOUR FOCUS?”
Today our readings should cause you to ask yourself, “Am I blind and deaf to the needs and sufferings of those around me?” During our life journey we encounter those who want to be known for their wealth and rich life styles. They want others to know “they have it all.” Consider what God sees as “having it all.” Our first reading points out how the wealthy of Israel lived in abundance while the poor suffered. They made acts of worship in the Temple but lacked true love of God or neighbor, so God withdrew from them. Their nation collapsed and they were sent into exile. They had abandoned the Greatest Commandment: to love God above all things and to love their neighbor as themselves. They had failed at the Golden Rule; do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In the Gospel Jesus tells the Parable of Lazarus, a poor hungry beggar, who dies in the arms of angels, forever sharing in God’s Paradise. When the rich, selfish man dies, suffering in torment, he requests that Lazarus return from the dead to warn his brothers, who are headed for the same final torment. At the end of this parable who truly “had it all?” Jesus then says: “If they will not listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.” If you are blind and deaf to the suffering all around you, you are blind and deaf to the Resurrection of Jesus. YOU WILL BE JUDGED, NOT ON YOUR WEALTH, BUT ON YOUR CHARITY. WHAT IS YOUR FOCUS ON……. GETTING OR GIVING? Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, Thursday evenings, 7:00pm or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
In today’s gospel Jesus gives a warning to all who follow Him when he says, “the person who is dishonest in small matters is also dishonest in great ones. If you are dishonest with borrowed wealth or what belongs to another, who will trust you with real wealth or give you riches for yourself?” Are you wise with your gifts? What about those rich and important gifts of wisdom, friendship, understanding, talents and income opportunities? You may like to say, “Hey, I’ve worked hard for my achievements” and this may be quite true, but it is the Lord who gives you those natural abilities to work hard, to be smart, to have that special talent. Everything you have is God’s gift, every breath and every step you make is HIS GIFT. The only thing your Lord asks from you in return is trust and true devotion to Him, which includes decency, honesty, charity, integrity, and respect. Are you trustworthy in small matters? Jesus reminds you today that “No one can serve two masters, and be faithful”. Invite Jesus to be the Master of your life for “there is one God and one mediator between God and man; that mediator is Christ Jesus, who gave Himself up as ransom for you, desiring all to be saved”. WILL YOU BE FAITHFUL AND TRUSTWORTHY WHILE SEEKING HIS MOST VALUABLE GIFT…SALVATION? Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please join us in the Parish House, 7:00pm Thursdays or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
9/15/19: “PLAY GOD”
All of today’s readings deal with mercy and forgiveness. In our first reading from Exodus, we find Moses pleading with the Lord to show mercy to those very people who rejected Him, by forming and worshipping the Golden Cow. What is your Golden Cow? The Lord turned away from their infidelity, by loving them as His own, showing mercy and forgiveness. In our second reading, St. Paul proclaims and accepts God’s mercy towards him saying, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and of these I am the foremost. Those who believe in Him for Everlasting life will be mercifully treated.” Will you allow God to forgive and love you? Then in today’s gospel we hear the parable of the Prodigal Son. You may ask yourself, “Which son am I?” I believe all of us have been both of these characters, at one time or another, in our own life. The selfish son and the jealous son were both compromised by their sinfulness. Carrying sin and being unable to forgive keeps you from a close and intimate relationship with the Lord. Only a God relationship can fill that “God size hole of incompleteness”. Of course, the point of Jesus’s parable is to expose the DEEP LOVE of the Father. Can you forgive those ego-driven sins, along with the ingratitude and jealously of others? Like the disobedient son, are you ready to FORGIVE YOURSELF and come home to the Father. Will you open your heart wide enough, go to confession and receive His abundant Grace? Are you grand enough, big hearted enough, generous enough to offer forgiveness to the one who hurt you? Are you humble enough to receive forgiveness from that person whom YOU hurt? TO ALL OF THE ABOVE SAY YES AND HEAR THE YOUR FATHER WHISPER “ONCE YOU WERE LOST AND DEAD, BUT NOW YOU HAVE BEEN FOUND AND EVERYTHING I HAVE IS YOURS!” OFFERING FORGIVNESS AND MERCY……. MAKES YOU BIG ENOUGH TO PLAY GOD !!!!
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? RCIA STARTS SEPT 19, Parish House, 7:00pm PLEASE JOIN US or call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
9/8/19: “The Frontline”
In today’s gospel Jesus gives you a shocking instruction saying: “If anyone comes after me without hating his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, all his possessions and even his own life, they cannot be my disciple.” What does Jesus mean by giving you such a severe warning about being His disciple? Jesus wants “Full Course” disciples, not “Cafeteria Christians”. He is telling you upfront what the cost will be to anyone who follows His teachings. Are you “ALL IN” or are you betraying Him daily with a watered down version of His Gospel message? He does not offer you a soft place to rest your head or a fuzzy, warm and easy path. In stark contrast He lays it all out for you. Being His disciple will mean conflict, suffering and surrender, by dying to self. You will be rejected, lose friends and gain enemies – all in His name. Jesus calls you to have unwavering faith, strength to carry your cross and courage to speak His truths. Only by preferring Him above all else will you bring Glory to His name. You must reject the world’s false promises and moral relativism. Can you do it? NO, not without His Grace; You must arm yourself now for your toughest battle yet. That’s where prayer, scripture and the Sacraments enter. Will you accept and use God’s winning tools of Love, Hope Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness? TODAY, THE CHURCH CELEBRATES THE BIRTHDAY OF OUR BLESSED MOTHER, WHO GIVES YOU THE POWERFUL WEAPON OF HER MOST HOLY ROSARY AND ASKS YOU TO PRAY IT DAILY, AS SHE ALSO PRAYS FOR YOUR VICTORY. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO BE CHRIST’S CHAMPION? YOU MUST FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT TO THE END BECAUSE YOUR SOUL IS ON THE FRONTLINE. MAKE JESUS YOU ALL! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
In today’s gospel, Jesus speaks to the Pharisees’ self righteousness by telling a parable that should invoke in you the question “What about me?” Are you a name-dropper, impressed with titles, degrees, money, power and prominence? Do not strive for status - Lessons in Humility are front and center in our first reading, along with the gospel message, “Conduct your affairs with Humility, for the more Humble you are, the greater is your favor with God.” Are you willing to take a backseat and let someone else shine or teach someone to reach their fullest potential? Can you share credit and praise with another? We all fall short at times in one area or another. Christ’s gospel calls you to be aware and to correct your behavior. Jesus advises you to always give from your heart, never looking to be repaid, or rewarded when He says, “The one who Humbles himself will be repaid at the Resurrection of the Righteous, for those who Humble themselves will be exalted.” Humility comes to each of us when we understand ourselves as God’s beloved creatures, called to give Honor and Glory to Him. All that you are and all that you possess has been given to you by God for the good of others. You must shine for the Lord, who loves you beyond your own imagination. GOD CANNOT BE IMPRESSED WITH YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS, UNLESS THEY ARE ACHIEVED WITH HUMILITY. ARE YOU IMPRESSING GOD? Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team every Thursday at 7:00pm, in the Parish House and let the Holy Spirit increase your Faith. Call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218 for more information.
Our readings today speak about God’s word being heard, taken to heart and then put into action. In the first reading, we hear from Isaiah, a prophecy, which is being partial fulfilled with so many nations and peoples worldwide hearing Jesus’s Good News. Our 2nd reading from St. Paul to the Hebrews along with St. Luke’s gospel focuses on our need to continue spreading the Gospel Message especially to our own children, grandchildren, family members and friends. Jesus knows our hearts; He also knows who likes to be seen as holy and faithful, but have “drooping hands and weak knees.” Today we would say, “They talk the talk, but fail to walk the walk.” Jesus is the narrow gate that He speaks about when He says, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate for many will try, but are not strong enough. I will not open the door to eternal life, for I do not know them.” Pray for God’s grace that you will be strong enough to promote the teachings of Christ to those you love, while the world promotes discord and sin. It is not easy to stand-up for Christ and speak out against the culture of darkness. Will you say to Christ, “We ate and drank in Your company, so let us enter?” WILL YOU BE PART OF THE REJECTION OF CHRIST BY YOUR SILENCE OR WILL YOU BE A COURAGEOUS WITNESS WHO SPEAKS CHRIST’S TRUTHS, ENTERING THROUGH THE NARROW GATE TO THE RESURRECTION? Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team every Thursday at 7:00pm, in the Parish House and let the Holy Spirit increase your Faith Call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218 for more information.
8/18/19: “ABLAZE”
Today’s readings speak about a faith in God that suffers, witnesses and perseveres. In our 1st reading, Jeremiah was left to die in a cistern for his prophecy that the people of Jerusalem would suffer and be captured by Babylon due to their unfaithfulness to God. In our 2nd reading St. Paul reminds us that Jesus “endured opposition from sinners”, yet suffered & endured, as to leave His Crucifixion as a witness of God’s love for you.” Luke’s gospel sums it all up when Jesus says “I have come to set the earth on fire with a Baptism that, until it is accomplished, I am in great anguish.” Jesus knows that His death and resurrection will usher in a purifying fire that will cause separation and destruction along with renewal, leaving you the offer of Eternal Life. Will you surrender all to Jesus, pick up your cross and become His witness by following His truths? In the Christian Churches today there are confusing and conflicting teachings, yet St. Paul says “do not grow weary and lose heart; instead persevere in running the race and rid yourselves of every sin, while keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus.” DO YOU HAVE THE COURAGE OF JEREMIAH, THE FAITH OF ST. PAUL AND A HEART BURNING WITH LOVE FOR CHRIST THAT CAN WITNESS AND SET THE WORLD ABLAZE WITH HIS TRUTH?
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team every Thursday at 7:00pm, in the Parish House and let the Holy Spirit increase your Faith Please call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218 for more information.
8/11/19: “THE FINAL EXAM”
Our three readings today focus on Perseverance in Faith and Trustworthiness. Jesus tells you, “Blessed are those whom the Master finds vigilant on His arrival; you must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect the Son of Man will come”. Are you ready? You have been entrusted with the Good News of Christ’s Death, Resurrection and His Promise of Eternal Glory. How well have you cared for His blessed gift? Jesus continues saying, “much will be required from the person entrusted with much.” No one can make your life journey for you, therefore only you are the one responsible for its outcome. You have been chosen to be His modern day Disciple. How well have you served the Lord? St. Paul tells you in today’s second reading, “Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.” Heaven is reached by our moment to moment life choices. BE TRUSTWORTHY AND FAITHFUL, HAVING A SINGLE HEARTEDNESS FOR THE TEACHINGS OF CHRIST, LOOKING ALWAYS TOWARDS ETERNITY. REMEMBER, THERE WILL BE NO CRAMMING FOR THE FINAL EXAM, SINCE “YOU DO NOT KNOW THE HOUR.”
In last week’s gospel Jesus taught you to pray the Our Father, a lesson in belonging to God’s Kingdom. Today, He continues teaching you that “less is more and more is not better.” He calls the rich man a fool for “storing up treasure for himself and for not being rich in what matters to God.” In our second reading Saint Paul drives the point home when he says “Put to death the parts of yourself that are earthly: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desires, the greed which is idolatry, seeking what is above, not what is earthly.” DO NOT ALLOW YOUR POSSESSIONS TO POSSESS YOU. Todays readings stand to remind you that your treasure lies in your New Life with Christ, through your Baptism. FOCUS ON ETERNITY AND FIND YOUR SELF-WORTH IN THE GIVER OF ALL THINGS, THE LORD WHO LOVES YOU BEYOND ALL MEASURE. EVERYTHING ELSE IS “VANITY OF VANITIES….. THE EVIL ONE’S DECEPTION.
In today’s first reading, we find Abraham pleading with God, saying, “Though I am but dust and ashes I presume to ask You will You sweep away the innocent with the guilty?” God’s great love for His people along with Abraham’s persistent pleading moves the Lord to promise that He will spare the many, if 10 innocent people can be found in the sinful city of Sodom and Gomorrah, but there were none. Like parents of today who teach their children that poor choices have consequences, our heavenly Father also wishes to correct His children when we are heading in the wrong direction. In today’s gospel, Jesus teaches you the Our Father prayer and the rules for living in His Kingdom: share your bread, be a friend, be persistent in prayer when you knock, ask and seek, “forgive those who trespass against you.” The deepest needs of the human heart are to be loved and forgiven. St. Paul tells us, “In baptism and with faith in the power of God, you were buried and raised from the dead with Christ, who forgave your transgressions, took your debt upon Himself, removing it from you and nailing it to the cross.” YOU BELONG TO CHRIST, SO REPENT, REWIND, RECALCULATE AND RENEW YOUR BAPTISMAL PROMISES, AND HIS LOVE FOR YOU WILL ALWAYS OUTWEIGH HIS JUSTICE!!
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team every Thursday at 7:00pm, in the Parish House and let the Holy Spirit increase your Faith Please call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218 for more information.
7/21/19: “THE BETTER PART”
Our readings for today present us with much to ponder. In our first reading, we find Abraham entertaining three mysterious strangers. After dinner and at the conclusion of the visit, they foretell and promise Abraham that by the same time next year, Sarah, his wife, will give birth to a son in spite of her advanced age. God’s promise is fulfilled with the birth of Isaac, one year later. Abraham, it seems, has been chosen by God to become the Patriarch of the three major religions - Judaism, Islam and Christianity. What did Abraham do that was so special in the eyes of God? Was it because his life was focused on his relationship with God? Was it because he was always willing to serve others without complaining or when God said go, he went. Could it be his obedience, for when he was asked to sacrifice, he did, regardless of the cost? Is this why he was chosen and blessed? Fast forward now to today’s gospel concerning the sisters, Martha and Mary. Martha is distracted and complains to Jesus about all her work while Mary sits at the Lord’s feet, listening to His words. Jesus answers Martha complaint with “you worry and fret about so many things, only one thing is needed and Mary has chosen the better part.” What part do you choose in your life? Do you busy yourself with your own plans? Are you willing to adjust your schedule in order to spend time adoring the Lord, making a Holy Hour, saying a daily Rosary, or reading Scripture? Have you ever scheduled time with Jesus just to do something special? Don’t let your overloaded agenda rob you of your destiny. Seek first His Kingdom, which means choosing the Divine Mystery of Knowing, Loving and Imitating Christ. TODAY, ST. PAUL TELLS US, “IT IS CHRIST IN YOU AND THE HOPE FOR GLORY, THAT HAS BEEN MANIFESTED TO HIS HOLY ONES,”…. BECOME THAT HOLY ONE BY CHOOSING THE BETTER PART!!!!
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team every Thursday at 7:00pm, in the Parish House and let the Holy Spirit increase your Faith Please call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218 for more information.
Today’s readings point the way to Eternal Life. In our first reading, Moses instructs you that God’s law is not high in the sky or far across the sea, not remote or mysterious but, “It is something very near you, already in your heart, you have only to carry it out, returning to the Lord, with all your heart and all your soul, keeping all His Commandments.” Today’s well-known Gospel continues your instruction, as it expands on what it will take to inherit Eternal Life. Jesus uses the famous parable of the Good Samaritan to answer the question put to Him of “Who is my neighbor?” In this parable, two holy travelers bypass a person who has been robbed, beaten, and left to die until a Samaritan comes along. Being moved with compassion, the Samaritan takes care of the man, showing him Great Mercy. In the last line of this gospel Jesus tells you, “GO AND DO LIKEWISE.” Our Lord teaches that it is not enough to know about God, to talk about God or to study God, unless it leads you to ACT for God, NO ACTION-NO GAIN. Is the Lord calling you to be a Good Samaritan? Who do you know that needs your support, a hand-up, or shoulder to cry on? Today Jesus says: “You must love the Lord with all your Heart, all your Being, all your Strength, with all your Mind and Love your Neighbor as Yourself, do this and you will live. ” THE WAY TO ETERNAL LIFE IS ALREADY WRITTEN ON YOUR HEART, YOU KNOW THE WAY….YOU HAVE ONLY TO ACT WITH COMPASSIONATE MERCY.
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team every Thursday at 7:00pm, in the Parish House and let the Holy Spirit increase your Faith Please call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218 for more information.
7/7/19: “SAVING POWER”
In last week’s gospel, Jesus asked for more disciples, who would be willing to follow His way and proclaim the Kingdom of God, to step up and serve. In today’s gospel, Jesus tells you: “The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few, for behold I am sending you like lambs among wolves.” Mentioning God or discussing your faith in Christ is a dangerous reality today, just as it was 2000 years ago, when this gospel was written. It takes real courage to witness about the Goodness of the Lord in your own life. What gifts are you most grateful for? Have you praised the Lord for them? At the end of each day take time to ponder God’s sweet touch. The people He sent your way, the kind words you heard, the smile of a stranger, the strength to go forward, the wisdom you shared, the love you gave and received. Practicing an Attitude of Gratitude goes a long way in the witnessing arena. Jesus sends His disciples out “ two by two “ with the following instructions; “Say Peace to the household, cure the sick, preach that the Kingdom of God is at hand, then if they don’t receive you, shake the dust from your feet , your Peace will return to you, and nothing will harm you.” In the last line of today’s gospel, Jesus tells YOU and ALL of His disciples, “Rejoice because your name is written in Heaven.” Who do you know who needs the Hope and Love of Christ’s good news? REACH OUT AND BOAST OF THE SAVING POWER OF HIS CROSS AND RESURRECTION, THEN REJOICE FOR YOU ARE AMONG HIS HOLY ONES! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team every Thursday at 7:00pm, in the Parish House and let the Holy Spirit increase your Faith Please call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218 for more information.
6/30/19:“A NEW WAY”
As we enter into the summer season, we ourselves enjoy, along with family, friends and neighbors, long weekends or week-long vacations. In today’s gospel, Jesus is also traveling, not to relax, but to teach, not to retreat, but to encounter, not to consume, but to be offered for consumption. Jesus is a Jew on His way to Jerusalem where His fate of Crucifixion awaits Him. Jesus does not sidestep to avoid His enemies, the Samaritans, but instead sees this as an opportunity to teach His disciples the “love lesson.” Jesus teaches by example when He rebukes His Disciples for their idea of taking revenge on the unwelcoming Samaritans. Have you defeated your own tendencies towards “GETTING EVEN” with those who have hurt you? He tells all whom he meets, “Follow Me; go proclaim the Kingdom of God” and today He invites you to do the same. These readings remind us that we are called out of our Comfort Zone, out of our Self-Righteousness, and out of “It’s my way of the highway” thinking. Making the journey with Jesus as His Disciple means being uncomfortable, taking risks, enduring sacrifices, and difficulties. Jesus always made time for people, even if it meant climbing a mountain to preach, teach, and fed the multitude. He prayed in deserted places, healed the sick and comforted the afflicted. NOW HE CALLS YOU TO THE MOST DIFFICULT TASK OF ALL, PUTTING THE NEEDS OF OTHERS ON THE TOP OF YOUR “TO DO LIST.” TODAY YOU ARE INVITED INTO A NEW WAY…… CHRIST’S WAY.
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team every Thursday at 7:00pm, in the Parish House and let the Holy Spirit increase your Faith Please call Carol at 973-283-2218 for more information.
6/23/19: “HEART, SOUL & DIVINTY”
Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, also known as Corpus Christi. All of today’s readings speak of offering a blessing of bread and wine. In our first reading we find King and High Priest Melchizedek blessing Abram using bread and wine and the words “blessed be Abram, by God Most High the Creator of Heaven and Earth.” In response: “Abram gave him a tenth of everything”, a tithe-offering which is an act of thanksgiving and praise to our Lord. The well-known Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes is today’s gospel reading which prefigures Jesus’s gift of Himself in the Eucharist. Jesus teaches and heals many of the 5,000 men in attendance, not counting the women and children also present. He then instructs His Apostles to feed everyone. Having only five (5) loaves and two (2) fishes the Apostles are puzzled as to how they can feed so many. The gospel tells us, “Jesus, taking the five (5) loaves and two (2) fishes, and looking up to heaven said a blessing over them, broke them and gave them to His disciples to feed the crowd , they all ate and were satisfied. When the left over fragments were collected, they filled 12 baskets.” What does this remind you of? Saint Paul answers that question for us in our 2nd reading when he reminds us of Jesus’s actions at His last supper. “He took bread, broke it and said, this is my body that is given up for you and this cup is the new covenant in my blood, as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim Christ’s death until He comes again”. At every Mass, in all the Churches throughout the world a daily miracle takes place when the words of consecration are spoken by a priest; the simple bread and wine becomes the Body and the Blood of Christ, sacrificed for the forgiveness of your sins. No greater love is found than this, no greater gift offered to you than to share and participate in the life of Christ. MAY YOU BE AWESTRUCK EVERY TIME YOU PARTAKE OF THIS MIRACULOUS GIFT OF TRANSUBSTANTIATION. GIVE GOD PERMISSION TO TRANSFORM YOUR HEART AND SOUL WITH THE POWER OF HIS HEART, SOUL AND DIVINITY. ACCEPT AND LOVE THE MYSTERY OF THE HOLY EURCHARIST! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team every Thursday at 7:00pm, in the Parish House and let the Holy Spirit increase your Faith Please call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218 for more information.
6/16/19: “CIRCLE OF LOVE”
Today is the Feast of the Holy Trinity. You will not find the word “Trinity” in the Bible, yet every Christian denomination believes in the Holy Trinity. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus instructs His Disciples: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” In this statement Jesus is presenting you, His Church, with the Holy Trinity. You were baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity, then the light of the Holy Spirit and the life of Christ became available to you. In today’s Gospel, we hear Jesus say, “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now.” Why? Our Lord is patient with His children and gives the gift of Wisdom in small doses. God gives this gift, a little at a time, so we can put it into action in our life and the lives of those around us. When we fully understand, totally utilize, and grow with His Wisdom gift, we are then ready for another. Life provides you with many opportunities to implement God’s wisdom. How are you doing in the Wisdom Arena? Prayer, Holy Scripture, and a Bible Study group can help to speed up your growth. In our 2nd reading, St. Paul teaches that “We have been justified by Faith in Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access to Grace.” The Faith of all Christians rests on the mystery of a Triune God, three persons but only One God. The Trinity consists of a loving Father (our Creator), Jesus the Son (Our Redeemer), and the Holy Spirit (Our Sanctifier) pouring into our hearts their transforming love. Through them, we have the Hope that will not disappoint those who remain faithful, of Everlasting Life. THE TRINITY IS THE ETERNAL FIRE OF CONTINUOUS LOVE BETWEEN THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT, WHO LONG TO DRAW YOU INTO THEIR CIRCLE OF LOVE.
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Why not join the RCIA team every Thursday at 7:00pm, in the Parish House and let the Holy Spirit increase your Faith Please call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218 for more information.
6/9/18: “BEAUTIFUL”
Do you know that you were created to carry the Holy Spirit within you? Today is the Feast of Pentecost, and at your Baptism, you received the Holy Spirit, became ONE with Christ and entered into His Holy Kingdom. It was not until sin and worldly desires entered into your heart that you began to lose sight of WHO YOU REALLY ARE and what your mission REALLY IS in the here and now. Each person was sent by God to bring into the world a special gift and charism. Your gift is whatever you are especially good at doing. What gift do you bring? You have been given the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord. (1 Cor. 12:7-11) They will produce the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, which are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Faithfulness, Goodness, Gentleness, and Self-Control (Gal. 3:22-23). Make a deep examination of yourself; focus and find the gift where you excel. That is the starting place in pursuing holiness, so begin there and branch out. You belong to God: you were meant to shine and radiate your gifts to those around you so become the best at developing, practicing, and sharing your gifts. Rediscover the REAL YOU before the world took charge of your life. Your soul thirsts for God and desires Holiness. This Pentecost, call on the Holy Spirit to fill your heart and to enkindle in you the fire of His love. You will then understand your nothingness without the Holy Spirit living within you. You will be filled with a profound love for your Creator. You will be New Creation, yoked to Christ. You will become a living masterpiece exhibiting the Lord’s mercy, forgiveness and compassion. YOUR SOUL WILL BE SET FREE TO FULFILL GOD’S ORIGINAL PLAN FOR YOU, AND BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, YOU ARE MADE BEAUTIFUL. Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Join the RCIA team? Please call Carol 973-283-2218 for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
June 13 Team Meeting Parish House, 7pm
6/2/19: “OUR DESTINY”
Our three readings today speak to you of the Past, Present and Future. In the first reading we find Stephen, being put to death, after witnessing for Christ during the formation of the early church. Young Saul, later known as Paul, stands by and enjoys the persecution of this Christian Martyr. Who could have guessed that the great Conversion that takes place in Saul’s life will lead him to become Saint Paul: Lover, Follower and Preacher of Jesus Christ. These Past events lead us to our second reading which deals with our future. Taken from the last paragraph of the Book of Revelations we hear Jesus say, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, blessed are you who have washed your robes in order to have the right to the Tree of Life and to receive the life-giving waters, yes I am coming soon.” Are your robes washed clean of all sin? When is the last time you have humbled yourself and asked for Absolution with the Sacrament of Confession? So what about the “Present Time”? Jesus prays for you and all believers right before He is crucified. He asked, like others on their death beds often do, that family remain together and love one another, after His passing. In today’s gospel, Jesus prays one last ‘Priestly Prayer’ saying: “Father they are your gift to me, I wish for them to be with me in Glory: I made known to them your name and the love with which you loved me, that it may also be in them, so they may be brought to perfection”. LOVING THE LORD IN THE “HERE AND NOW” DETERMINES YOUR FUTURE. HOW SERIOUSLY ARE YOU WORKING OUT YOUR DESTINY?
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Join the RCIA team? Please call Carol 973-283-2218 for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
June 6 Love & Evangelization Carol Mangani
June 13 Team Meeting Parish House, 7pm
5/26/19: “IF YOU LOVE ME”
Today’s first reading centers on “Belonging” - who belongs and who does not. We humans have an innate desire to belong to someone or something. The early church called together it’s first Council in Jerusalem to decide the controversy of circumcision. After much debate, searching scripture, and invoking the Holy Spirit, it was “The decision of the Holy Spirit not to place that burden on you” the Gentile Christians. This decision meant the new Gentile converts could now belong to the Church. The wise Apostles understood that it was the “Circumcision of the Heart” that matters. In today’s gospel Jesus promises you 3 gifts, if you belong to Him: “(1) I will send you the Advocate and He will teach you everything. (2) I will leave you my Peace, so do not be troubled or afraid. (3) Whoever loves me will keep my Word, my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our dwelling with them.” These 3 promises free you from the heartache of not being loved enough, from the need to overdo in order to be loved, and the fear of not belonging. YOU BELONG TO THAT FAITHFUL GROUP CALLED ‘BELIEVERS’, YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD AND THE BELOVED OF CHRIST, WHO LOVES YOU UNCONDITIONALLY. TODAY CHRIST TELLS YOU, “IF YOU LOVE ME, REJOICE”. Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Join the RCIA team? Please call Carol 973-283-2218 for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
June 6 Love & Evangelization Carol Mangani
Do you realize that all of creation, you and me, exist for one purpose only…to give Glory to God. In today’s Gospel, Jesus leaves us clear instructions on how we are to live as His followers when He says: “I give you a new commandment – love one another as I have loved you. In this way the world will know you are my disciples if you have love for one another.” Jesus glorified the Father from the height of the cross by suffering with an incalculable and unfathomable love for you, His child, to the point of death. What parent would do less for their own child? This is the kind of love that called you out from the mind of God into existence. Jesus has shown you what God’s unconditional love looks like. The next time you look at a Crucifix, remind yourself that you are looking at “Love in action.” Like Jesus, your love for another will always include self-sacrifice of your time, talent, attention and knowledge. If you are unable to love those you can see, then how can you love God, whom you cannot see? Love must come from within, overflowing out of your love for Christ. Jesus is loving you, with an everlasting love, from this life right into the next. WHATEVER YOUR SACRIFICE, YOUR REWARD IS GREATER, BECAUSE NOW YOU ARE LEARNING TO LIVE THAT GLORIOUS LIFE WITH THE CHRIST!
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Join the RCIA team? Please call Carol 973-283-2218 for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
May 23 No RCIA
June 6 Love & Evangelization Carol Mangani
5/12/19: “WHAT MORE?”
Today is “Good Shepherd” Sunday and Jesus continues His teaching on shepherding when he says: “My sheep hear my voice and they follow me and I give them Eternal Life.” Your Eternal Life must begin here and now. You must talk the faith-filled talk and walk the holy walk, with Jesus as your guide. You must exchange your own kingdom of vice, sin, pleasure and self-centeredness, for His Kingdom of Peace, Love and Mercy. A loving shepherd gives his life for the welfare and sustenance of the flock entrusted to him. His life is entrenched in all the events and movements of his sheepfold. When he is absent from the flock, they scatter. When he becomes invisible, they become vulnerable. A good shepherd gives example, strength and unity, which allows the herd to move in unison when they hear his voice. A great shepherd is unafraid to share their field and live among them. Whose voice are you following? Have you invited Jesus, the Good Shepherd, to be alive and active in your life? TO ALL OF THOSE WHO HAVE NOT EXTENDED HIM AN INVITATION, JESUS ASKS FROM THE CROSS, “WHAT MORE COULD I HAVE DONE FOR YOU?” Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Join the RCIA team? Please call Carol 973-283-2218 for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
May 16 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Mary Ramsden
Ascension & Pentecost
May 23 No RCIA
June 6 Love & Evangelization Carol Mangani
In today’s first reading, the Apostles, after being jailed for teaching and preaching Christ, are publicly interrogated by the authorities. They defend themselves by declaring, “We must obey God rather than men for we are witnesses to these things, as is the Holy Spirit, whom God gives to all those who obey Him.” In the face of being sentenced to death, the Apostles refuse to be silenced. What about you? Are you afraid to witness for Christ? Are you afraid of being ridiculed for your faith? Christ calls you to be an Apostle, to have courage, to be obedient to His Truths. In today’s gospel Jesus asks the Apostle Peter three times, “Do you love me?” Peter answers with, “Lord you know everything, you know that I love you.” During the Passion, Peter denied Christ three times; today Peter is given three opportunities to proclaim His love for Christ. Jesus tells Peter, “Feed my sheep, tend my sheep”. Are you being fed? A Shepherd must always be among their flock, guiding, teaching and leading. If a Shepherd becomes invisible to their sheep, the sheep find new fields, with a new Shepherd, who cares enough to show up for every meal. Are some Shepherds, including ourselves, asleep on the job, secure in their own mediocrity, having abandoned the Lord’s calling? You who are obedient to the commandments, you who are filled with the Holy Spirit, you who understand your mission, must help to feed others. Be an authentic Shepherd, for only by living and witnessing for Christ will you strengthen your community and build up His Kingdom. Belonging to, working for, and loving Jesus requires a 24/7 commitment, not a part-time, once in a while, guest appearance. “FEED MY SHEEP”, If you don’t … who will? Bishop, Pastor, Parish Priest, Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief, Saint or Sinner, You and Me, we may fool some of the people some of the time, but we will not fool all of the people all of the time, and YOU CAN NEVER FOOL THE LORD AT ANY TIME BECAUSE, AS SAINT PETER SAID….“LORD YOU KNOW EVERYTHING!” HAVE COURAGE BECAUSE CHRIST CALLS YOU TO SHEPHERDING! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Join the RCIA team? Please call Carol 973-283-2218 for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
May 9 Real Presence in the Eucharist Msgr. Carroll
& The Good Shepherd
4/28/19: “I BELIEVE”
Psalm 118 says, “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love is Everlasting.” Today is the Feast of Divine Mercy and the readings give us a sense of what the early Church experienced. Our first reading witnesses to the early Christian life and all the miracles that resulted from their faith in Christ. They were a community caring for each other, sharing everything, having one heart and one mind. In our second reading, St. John the Apostle relates that Jesus Christ appeared to him, saying, “I am the first and the last. I was once dead, but now I am alive forever and ever. Do not be afraid because I hold the keys from death to life.” Finally, we come to the Gospel where Jesus breathes on the Apostles, saying, “Peace be with you. Receive the Holy Spirit, the sins you forgive are forgiven them.” This is the foundation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Jesus then addresses Thomas’s unbelief by saying, “Do not be unbelieving, but believe I am truly alive. You believe now because you see me, but blessed are they who believe and do not see.” Do you see Christ present in your life? Where do you experience His love? What Blessings have you received that brings you a sense of gratitude? Look for God in all things, your family, your work and in nature, then give thanks. ON THIS GREAT FEAST, TRUST IN HIS UNENDING MERCY AND HIS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR YOU, THEN LIKE THE APOSTLE THOMAS, YOU WILL RESPOND TO JESUS WITH THIS WONDERFUL PROFESSION OF FAITH, “MY LORD AND MY GOD, YOU ARE TRULY THE CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD… I BELIEVE.” Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218 for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
May 9 Real Presence in the Eucharist Msgr. Carroll
& The Good Shepherd
In today’s gospel we are told, “The stone that sealed Christ’s tomb was rolled away, the tomb was empty and His burial garments were left behind.” The empty tomb tells us “out with the old life and in with the new.” Death has been defeated by Christ’s obedience and suffering, so Christian hope may Spring Eternal. Have you rolled away the stone that keeps you entombed? Christ is calling you from your darkness into His light by simply asking that you accept and believe in Him as Lord. Remember, the Apostles did not understand everything but they believed anyway. Faith must come from your heart, not from your head. Do you desire to believe? Believe and have Eternal Life. He doesn’t say believe beyond a “shadow of a doubt.” His challenge to you is “Choose to Believe.” He knows that your daily journey with Him will produce unshakeable faith, and understanding of His Love, so you will have the conviction necessary to go the distance with the Lord. The Easter Resurrection brings you the Great Gift of Hope; the hope of reuniting with your loved ones who have already traveled on. It brings the hope of an Eternal Peace without tears, pain, suffering or sadness. It promises you the Glory of Heaven and the unconditional love of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Decide to “Think Christ, Believe Christ, Trust Christ and Love Christ.” Have the courage to start a “Christ Awakening” in your OWN family, among your OWN children & grandchildren. Come out of your tomb, imitate Christ fearlessly, and change your world. Did you know there was a Jewish custom of folding your napkin if you had to leave the table before you were finished? When servants saw a folded napkin they knew not to clear away your dish, since you would come back to finish. When the disciples entered the tomb on Resurrection Day they found Jesus’s face cloth folded and lying separately from the burial cloths. WHY? EVERY JEWISH PERSON UNDERSTOOD THE MESSAGE OF HIS FOLDED CLOTH, SIGNALLING HIS RETURN. REJOICE IN HIS RESURRECTION AND CELEBRATE HIS EASTER MESSAGE OF…. “I’M COMING BACK.” Next Sunday, April 28, is Mercy Sunday. Please join us and experience His Divine Love and Mercy at 1:30pm in the Church (See attached flyer).
Date Topic Presenter
May 9 Real Presence in the Eucharist Msgr. Carroll
& The Good Shepherd
Humanity was created by God, in His Image. The first man was not content to be the Image of God, but instead wanted to be God. Now, through Jesus Christ, God’s purpose for humanity is brought to completion. In a few days Jesus will celebrate the Passover Meal with His twelve disciples. He has forever changed the course of human events when He takes the bread and breaks it saying “This is my body, take and eat it”, and then giving thanks, He took wine saying, “Take and drink, for this is my Blood, the Blood of the New and Everlasting Covenant, which will be shed for many, for the forgiveness of sins.” At Christ’s Last Supper, He institutes the Holy Eucharist, along with the Priesthood; thus leaving you the gift of Himself, present at every Mass. Will you be prepared to receive Him worthily by making a good and honest confession? Jesus’s greatest gift is revealed on the Wood of the Cross, where he pours out His very life for you. Do you remember the “Tree of Life”, which all Humanity was forbidden to partake of, in the Garden of Eden ( Gen 3:22)? Now it is made available to you by the new and everlasting “Tree of Eternal Life”, on which Jesus is Crucified. He will empty Himself, dying in humble obedience and self-giving love, in order to restore the way to His Father and Eternal Life, which was lost by Adam’s disobedience. There is no greater gift than to surrender one’s life for another. You must be willing to serve God by dying-to-self, giving hope, offering forgiveness and mercy , a helping hand or a kind word to one in need .… this is your mission - Your salvation rests on it. Following Christ means forgiving, being non-judgmental and loving others unconditionally. It is not about “you” but about “us.” With the words “Father Forgive them” Jesus breathed His last. Jesus’s painful sacrifice, next Friday, should awaken in you a spirit of self-reflection and deep ongoing conversion, together with a longing to reflect Christ everyday, in everyway. This means carrying your Cross, rising when you fall, accepting a helping hand when you need it, always staying the course, onward and upward, until reaching Heaven. You have been ransomed at a great price, for it was not the nails that held Jesus to the cross….. but His love for you! FROM THE CROSS, JESUS CRIES OUT THE WORDS, “IT IS FINISHED,” MAKING YOU AN OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE… THE PROMISE OF EVERLASTING LIFE… WILL YOU SAY, “YES LORD, I COME TO DO YOUR WILL?” Would you like to become Catholic, complete you Sacraments or learn more? Join us at RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm, in the parish house. For more information call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
4/18 Holy Thursday 6:15 p.m. Church Rehearsal, 7pm Mass
4/19 Good Friday 3 p.m. OLM Church
4/20 Holy Saturday 8:15 a.m. Chapel, 9 a.m. School
Easter Vigil 6:45p.m. Rehearsal - Church
7:30 pm Mass
Today’s readings ask us to learn from the past, but to move into the future, where our Lord waits for us. Sometimes we can get stuck in past anger, disappointments, shame, missed opportunities and old wounds. It is our lack of trust in Christ’s Forgiveness and Mercy that sometimes keeps us from moving forward. Isaiah tells us in our first reading, “Remember not the events of the past, the things of long ago consider not; for I am doing something new for my people, so that they may announce my praise.” St. Paul continues with a similar lesson in our second reading saying, “forgetting what lies behind, but straining forward to what lies ahead, so I may attain the Resurrection from the dead; for I have been taken possession of by my Lord Jesus Christ.” Have you allowed Jesus to take possession of you? Are you willing to be faithful to His Gospel, which demands mercy, forgiveness and repentance from every follower, both you and me? Today this well known gospel tells of the woman caught in adultery, waiting to be stoned to death, when Jesus steps in to save her, saying, “Whoever among you is without sin, throw the first stone.” They all walked away because all were sinners. In the last line Jesus tells the woman, “I do not condemn you, go and sin no more.” Have you spent your life looking and longing for authentic love? Look no further, love is waiting in the confessional where Jesus will love you with the best kind of love… unconditional love and saving grace. In today’s gospel, we find a mystery when Jesus bends down and writes something in the sand. What did He write? – Did He write about the Sins of Humanity? Do not judge? Do unto others??? I PREFER TO BELIEVE HE WROTE: YES, I AM DOING SOMETHING NEW, I AM TAKING POSSESSION OF YOUR HEART, SO YOU MAY BECOME LOVE AND MERCY ITSELF, GO AND SIN NO MORE! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
4/8 (Monday) Confessions 6:45 p.m. Church
4/11 Triduum, Stations & Divine Mercy Maryann Hobbie
4/12 (Friday) Creed Ceremony, Stations 6:45 p.m. Chapel
Have you ever asked the question, “How do I forgive?” Many people struggle with forgiveness. Sometimes we find ourselves wanting to forgive, but cannot find our way to the freedom of forgiving. Our Gospel today deals with this difficult issue. The younger son, who squandered his inheritance, sees the error of his ways and his own selfishness, while the older son, feeling cheated, wants to punish his brother and refuses to join the party. Who are the winners and losers in this parable? Through his sin, the younger son sees the true condition of his soul; he repents and begs his father to forgive him – Bingo, we have a winner. The elder son chooses not to forgive, revealing an ugly aspect of himself, thus sinking into his own sinful nature. The real loss here lies in the failure of big brother to see the condition of his own soul. Sometimes the inability to forgive stems from a refusal to admit your own prideful nature. When our pride is wounded or our ego deflated, we become unforgiving. Like it or not, you have flaws, you are a sinner who needs a Savior. There are different times in our life when we are like each of the brothers in today’s parable: greedy, selfish, jealous, demanding, prideful, and desiring of an unhealthy lifestyle. Someone wronged you and you can’t or won’t forgive them. Ask yourself these questions: “What part of me was really damaged? What loss did I truly suffer?” Dig deep and you may find that the stumbling block stems from somewhere else in your own life experience. Why not exchange your desire to be “right” for “righteousness”. Only a forgiving heart will enter the Kingdom of God. In order to forgive, you must be willing to recognize, confront and forgive yourself first, before you can forgive another. This is a tall order, but “self honesty,” receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation and a worthy reception of the Holy Eucharist, will lead you to the victory of forgiveness. This is a way to become whole, a way to be reconciled – a way back to Love. REJOICE IN YOUR OWN RECONCILIATION TO CHRIST, FOR HE IS WITH YOU ALWAYS AND EVERYTHING HE HAS IS YOURS. IN TODAY’S PARABLE JESUS CALLS YOU TO IMITATE THE “FORGIVING FATHER”, TO JOIN THE PARTY AND TO CELEBRATE FORGIVENESS.
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
4/4 Confession, Eucharist & Benediction Fr. Lukasz
4/8 (Monday) Confessions 6:45 p.m. Church
3/24/19: "TO DO LIST"
Our first reading today recalls Moses’s initial meeting with the Lord. As he stands on holy ground he hears the Lord, our God say, “I AM WHO AM, this is my name forever, thus I am to be remembered through all generations. I have come to rescue the Israelites from their captivity,” and Moses answered, “Here I am Lord.” St. Paul continues their story in our second reading, with a warning by saying, “God was not pleased with most of them, for they were struck down in the desert for their desire of evil things.” Is what you desire Holy? Is a close relationship with the Lord on the top of your “TO DO LIST”? If not, why not? A desire for YOU most certainly tops Jesus’s list. In today’s Gospel we have the parable of the fig tree, which after three years has failed to bear fruit. Jesus is pointing out to you, the listener, that you can not bring forth fruit if you have not allowed Christ to form your roots. You can not give what you do not have or what you do not understand. As Lent continues why not make those necessary changes; go to Confession and like Moses say, “Here I am Lord, I come to do your will. Jesus came to free you from your captivity to sin, but you must be a willing participant. PUT CHRIST AT THE TOP OF YOUR “TO DO LIST” THEN YOU WILL BE CAPABLE OF BEARING MUCH FRUIT, SO YOU CAN BLOOM WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN PLANTED~~~
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
3/28 Types of Sin Kristen Prescott
4/4 Confession, Eucharist & Benediction Fr. Lukasz
4/8 (Monday) Confessions 6:45 p.m. Church
In our first reading today from the Book of Genesis God tells Moses “Look at the sky and count the stars if you can, for thus shall your descendants be.” Moses Trusted and put his Faith in God’s promise and so he was credited with “Righteousness” and a powerful Covenant was sealed between God and His people. The Lord God has promised to be your Light and your Salvation and you can be assured that God keeps His promises. St. Paul tells us to “observe those who conduct themselves according to the model of Christ and who stand firm in the Lord.” Today is the 2nd Sunday of Lent and the Feast of St. Patrick. We will also celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph this Tuesday. These two saints are perfectly conformed to Christ and worthy of Imitation. Now let us focus on Luke’s gospel. Jesus tells Peter, John and James to remain awake while they go up the mountain to pray, however they are overcome with sleep. Are you awake or has the world lulled you into its Godless ways where you go along for the ride, not willing to take a stand for the Lord? Wake up and see the Glory of the Lord. Wake up and hear God’s voice saying, “THIS IS MY CHOSEN SON; LISTEN TO HIM.” As Jesus prayed, His appearance was transformed; His clothing became dazzling white and His face shown with His Glory. THIS LENT TAP INTO THE POWER OF PRAYER AND BE TRANSFORMED, GENTLY AND GRADUALLY INTO THE “IMAGE OF CHRIST”, THEN YOUR LORD GOD WILL SAY TO YOU “THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!”
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
3/17 The Rite of Continuing Conversion 11 am Mass
3/21 Ten Commandments
& 2 Greatest Commandments Bobby Prescott
3/10/19: “GOD MOMENTS”
In our first reading today, Moses reminds us, “We have cried to the Lord, our God, who has heard our cry, saw our affliction, and with his strong hand and outstretched arms, He has saved us.” When has Our Lord answered your cry, brought you through your own heartache and restored your faith in Him? St. Paul reminds you that “if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord and the Resurrection, then you will be saved.” In today’s Gospel, Jesus is fasting in the desert for 40 days and nights, which concludes in a confrontation with the devil - the tempter. This first Sunday of Lent leads you into your own battle with temptation. Lent asks you to reject false gods, such as power, glory, greed, pride, etc., to which every human heart is vulnerable. Instead, Lent asks you to remember your “God Moments” when the Lord has held you in the Palm of His hand, when He sheltered you and sent His angels to guard you. All have had those moments when we have felt the Lord near, delivering us from harm. THIS LENT, STRENGTHEN YOUR FAITH BY CONFRONTING YOUR DEMONS, AND TRUSTING IN GOD’S LOVE FOR YOU. THEN YOUR 40 DAYS OF LENT WILL RESEMBLE A VICTORY MARCH FILLED WITH MORE OF THOSE “GOD MOMENTS.”
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
3/14 Types of Prayer, Humility, and Audrey Marciniak
The Our Father
3/17 The Rite of Continuing Conversion 11 am Mass
3/21 Ten Commandments
& 2 Greatest Commandments Bobby Prescott
3/3/19: “A HEART’S DESIRE”
The last line that Jesus speaks in today’s Gospel is “for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.” All three readings today warn you of the power of your tongue and the damage that can flow out from your mouth. Unkind words spoken from your own hurt or anger can lead you down a rocky road of sin. The truth of that old saying “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” is still valid. How often do you justify your own gossip by soothing yourself with the self-righteous, “I’m a good person.” But Jesus says “A good tree does not bear rotten fruit.” Today, Jesus wants you to have a heart checkup. He asks you to clean out any jealousy, pride, unforgiveness and judgement, replacing them with compassion, mercy and love. Your own words will reveal the REAL YOU, so look deeply and discover who YOU REALLY ARE. No one should point the finger in judgement of another, that job belongs only to the Lord. Remember to remove the splinter from your own eye so you may focus all your energy on becoming the “Best You”. Bear in mind St. Paul’s words, “Therefore my Beloved, be firm, steadfast and always devoted to the work of the Lord.” WE ALL FALL SHORT WHEN IT COMES TO PLEASING OUR DEAR LORD BUT REMEMBER, PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT WHEN A HEART’S DESIRE IS TO RESEMBLE CHRIST. WHAT IS YOUR HEART’S DESIRE?
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Sun. March 3rd Lenten Prep Fr. Lukasz
(10 a.m. Ryan Room)
March 7th Creation, the Fall, Holiness Katherine Missbrenner
and Human Freedom
March 9th Diocesan Retreat, 9:30am St. Paul Inside the Walls
2/24/19: “THE CHALLENGE“
Today’s first reading tells the story of David and Saul who were deadly enemies. When David is offered the chance to have Saul killed, he walks away and shows Saul mercy. This is also the lesson of today’s “turn the other cheek” gospel. Jesus sets the bar high for His followers because His kingdom is made up of mercy, compassion, and forgiveness, which are all forms of love. Heaven’s citizens begin acting out heaven here on earth. You may be thinking “no human can practice, fulfill and maintain Christ’s requests”, but you can. It all starts with your heart’s desire to please your Lord. God provides the sincere follower with the grace they require to put into action His gospel lesson. He is looking for people who take their identity from God, rather than forming their self image from the way others see them. These people know they are a Spirit Being having a Human Being experience. Why not have the goal of living in peace with family, friends, neighbors and all others? Remember, Peacemaking is a pre-requisite for entering Heaven. Do not lose heaven over petty hurts. You have the power, but do you have the desire to let go and let God? Begin healing by talking it out, agreeing to disagree, and then create a plan to reconnect and stay connected. JESUS KNOWS OF YOUR GOD-GIVEN GREAT POTENTIAL TO LOVE AND FORGIVE, SO TODAY HIS CHALLENGE TO YOU IS………………. DARE TO BE GREAT!
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Feb. 28 Catholic Morality Bob Seifert
Sun. March 3 Lenten Prep Fr. Lukasz
(10 a.m. Ryan Room)
Our three readings today preach and teach the same basic message. In our first reading Jeremiah warns you saying, “Cursed is the one who trusts in human beings, who seek their strength in flesh, and whose hearts turn away from the Lord, but blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.” Which person are you? Do you think that your happiness lies in the things of this world or are you Heaven-bound? St. Paul reminds us that it is our faith in the Resurrection, where we must place our Hope and find our Joy in Christ. Jesus has promised you Eternal Life and has left you “Heaven’s Blueprint” in today’s gospel. The Beatitudes are where you will richly encounter Christ, who calls you to walk side by side with Him. Are you on “Cruise Control” fulfilling every “want and must have,” finding fault with others, holding grudges and disrupting your own Peace with the Lord? Today God calls you take back control and let go of those little disturbances that cloud your vision. GET OFF OF CRUISE CONTROL IN ORDER TO SEE THE BIG PICTURE, THE GOD PICTURE, AND THEN YOU WILL BE CALLED BLESSED!
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Feb. 21 Heaven, Hell & Purgatory Paul Saks
Feb. 28 Catholic Morality Bob Seifert
All three of our readings today are similar. Isaiah, Paul and Peter are called out of their comfort zones and into the countercultural life of Christ. When approached by the Lord, they recognized that they were sinners and unworthy of God’s glance. St. Paul tells you that it is by God’s Mercy and Grace that you are forgiven and made whole. God strengthens and calls you to become His servant. Every choice you make and every word you utter should reflect Christ’s love. Are you serving the Lord? Today’s culture is filled with controversial moral issues, which are in direct conflict to the teaching of Jesus and the Catholic Church. Whenever God asks anything of you, it is always for your own good and your long term joy. How often do you stumble because what He asks of you seems too hard or too old fashioned? All you need is God’s Grace which is sufficient for success, so step out in faith. In today’s gospel, Jesus tells you “Do not be afraid, for you will be fishers of men.” God is never out of fashion. The world would like to have you believe “there is no God.” Today Isaiah, Paul and Peter tell you a different story. When the Lord showed up, their daily lives took a new direction. Maybe you’re tired of doing it your way, with mediocre results? Maybe you’re exhausted from doing it alone? LIKE PETER, WHY NOT JUMP INTO THE BOAT, FOLLOW CHRIST’S DIRECTIONS, DROP YOUR RESISTANCE, ANCHOR YOURSELF TO CHRIST AND PREPARE FOR A NEW GOD EXPERIENCE. YOU ARE CALLED TO MISSION. WILL YOU ANSWER LIKE ISAIAH, “HERE I AM LORD…. SEND ME.”
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Feb. 14 An Attitude to Beatitude Bill O’Brien
Feb. 21 Heaven, Hell & Purgatory Paul Saks
In today’s 1st reading the Lord tells you: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I dedicated you.” Today, this reading from the Prophet Jeremiah indicates that your vocation was given to you before your birth and even before your formation in the womb. God knew you and formed you with a purpose. You were formed in love, for love and to love. Your vocation is to “Be Love.” St. Paul continues, in the 2nd reading, explaining that “Agape Love” outshines even the gifts of Faith and Hope. Agape Love continues into heaven where Faith and Hope are no longer necessary. There are three kinds of love that human beings usually feel. Eros is the romantic type of “love at first sight” experience. Philos is a “sharing of interest” type of love. Both of these loves are conditional and self-serving. Agape Love is Unconditional and is GIVEN FREELY, no strings attached. Agape Love is the vocation that God calls each of us to manifest throughout our life journey. Agape Love is the only gift that never ends, and must be present in us in order to guarantee entry into Eternal Life. Agape Love is the Life, the Breath, and the very Essence of God. YOUR PURPOSE FOR EXISTENCE IS TO PERFECT AND PERFORM AGAPE LOVE, AND FOR MOST OF US…. THAT TAKES A LIFETIME!
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Feb. 7 Sacrament of Marriage Annmarie Kelly
Feb. 14 An Attitude to Beatitude Bill O’Brien
1/27/19: “JESUS SAYS”
Today Saint Paul continues his teaching on the church as ONE SPIRIT, ONE BODY. He tells you that your gift, however large or small, is important to the Body of Christ. There is never room in the Church for Spiritual Jealousy, as each gift is given by our Lord, placed in you for a purpose, and each gift is necessary. Be happy with your gift, develop your gift and then give it away. In today’s first reading from the Old Testament, the priest Ezra begins to rebuild and renew the Faith of the Jewish people returning from Babylonian captivity. Ezra reminds them that although they have lost everything, their land, their prosperity, family and friends, even the Temple, they have all they need in God’s Law. He reminds them of the power of the Word of God and the power in keeping His Commandments. He tells them to wipe away their tears and sadness and, “go forth rejoicing, for the Lord must be your strength.” Ezra renews Israel’s Covenant Commitment with the Lord. Sometimes you may find yourself questioning your own commitment to Christ and could even have a crisis of Faith, like the Israelites in our first reading. Stay strong and persevere. Saint Luke tells you that he is writing today’s gospel for the purpose of preserving the events that the Disciples have all witnessed. In today’s gospel, Jesus reads the Scripture passage from Isaiah saying, “The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, He has anointed Me to bring glad tidings to the poor, healing to the blind, liberty to the captives and the oppressed.” Jesus rolls up the scroll, sits down saying, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” The gift of Faith means believing without seeing. The Scriptures tell you, Faith comes through hearing the Word of God. Christ lives within the church, within the Sacraments, within the Body of Christ, and longs to live within you. TODAY YOU HAVE HEARD, FROM THE VERY LIPS OF CHRIST HIMSELF, THAT HE IS THE LONG AWAITED MESSIAH, THE PROMISED ONE. TODAY JESUS SAYS BELIEVE…. FOR I AM HE! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Jan. 31 Holy Orders Msgr. John J. Carroll
Is it any surprise that Our Lord uses the portrait of the Marriage Covenant as the image to imitate in your own God relationship? I could write about our first reading where the Prophet Isaiah declares, “As a bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so shall your God rejoice in you.” I could also bring your attention to our second reading in which St. Paul instructs you about God’s generosity, the different gifts of faith, healing, prophecy discernment, speaking and interpretation of tongues, wisdom and knowledge, when he says, “The Lord distributes His gifts individually to each person as He wishes; there are different kinds of Spiritual gifts, different forms of service, and different workings, but they are all from the ONE SPIRIT.” Like the Marriage Covenant, the bride and groom must become one, having the Spirit of the Lord as their center. Both of these readings give insight to what your own God relationship should look like. Today’s well known gospel of the “Wedding at Cana” reveals Jesus’s first miracle. Jesus gets involved at the very beginning of the couple’s life together, showing concern for their happiness and also fulfilling His Mother’s request for His intercession. He first reveals His power to the lowly servants, who witness the transformation of the water into wine. When you allow yourself to be transformed, you become God’s witness. United as a Bridegroom to a Bride, you become one union with our Lord, who should become your first and sweetest love. I could tell you about all of the above, but the most important lesson I want to tell you about today comes from Our Blessed Mother’s last words to you in Scripture, “DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU.” THE ONE WHO LOVED YOU FIRST AND THE ONE WHO WILL LOVE YOU LAST, CALLS YOU TO UNION WITH HIM, AND YOU SHALL BECOME ONE.
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Jan. 24 Conversion, Grace, Moral Conscience, Ron Scalise
Divine Election & Providence
Jan. 26 Tour of the Church Michael Pierce
1/13/19: “AT JOURNEY’S END”
Today, we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus. Do you know the date of your own Baptism? Why not try to look it up, then each year celebrate your own special day when you entered into the family of the Lord. On the day of your Baptism you became a Child of Christ, receiving all the gifts you would ever need to forever belong to Him. At that moment you were also assigned a Mission. All of us, at one time or another, ask ourselves, what is our purpose for being born, what is our Mission in life? Today you have received your answer; You were created and you exist in order to find the path in life that best utilizes your gifts to glorify, imitate, and reflect Christ, who loves you. We all travel a different road by the job we choose, by the state of life we live, by our different personalities, the hobbies we enjoy, and the family and friends we interact with on a daily basis. Your mission is to do it all in the name of Jesus. The last words that Christ spoke to his apostles were, “Go and baptize all in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit“ Why? Out of love for you. Christ knew if you ever really desired Him, the gift of the Holy Spirit that you received at your baptism would spring forth, providing you with living water that will bring you back home to the Lord. Have the courage of those first believers who stood on line at the Jorden River waiting to be baptized, who believed and risked death to receive the gift of Salvation. Be humble like the Lord who also waited at the end of the line to be baptized and then heard His Father say “you are my Son, with whom I am well pleased.” Will these be the words our dear Lord will say to you when you meet and greet him at the shining river? AT YOUR JOURNEYS END WILL YOU HEAR: “MY DEAR CHILD, WITH YOU I AM WELL PLEASED?”
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Jan. 17th Prayer for Life Chapel
Jan. 26th (Sat.) Tour of the Church, 3pm Michael Pierce
Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. Isaiah prophesies in the 1st reading, telling you “they shall come bearing gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh proclaiming the Lord”. In our 2nd reading, Saint Paul proclaims that “you are co-heirs, members of the same body and co-partners in the promise of Christ Jesus, through His Gospel.” Each one of these people experienced an Epiphany. So what does it mean to have an Epiphany? It is a moment or revelation that reveals something previously hidden. The Magi journey seeking the Lord, bringing Him their gifts; “Prostrating themselves, they open their treasures”. They are given the understanding that this child is the Christ, the long awaited Messiah. We take a similar journey, perhaps our longest journey. When we seek a Savior, we find Christ. When we seek unconditional love and acceptance, we find Christ. We finally come to understand that it is only Christ who can fill that emptiness within. Let Jesus reveal the power hidden within you: your own power to forgive the unforgivable, your own power to show compassion, mercy and unconditional love, your own power to bring joy, all hidden treasures. IN 2019, TAKE THE HIGHER ROAD, CHOOSE THE GREATER GOOD, AND KNOW THAT CHRIST IS ALL YOU REALLY EVER NEEDED; THIS IS THE GREATEST EPIPHANY OF ALL. Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Jan. 10th Baptism, Your Mission Fr. Lukasz
Jan. 17th Prayer for Life Chapel
Jan. 19th (Sat.) Tour of the Church, 3pm Michael Pierce
12/30/18: “THE FOREVER GIFT”
In today’s gospel we hear that Jesus, age 12, went missing from the family caravan and after three days they found Him teaching in the Holy Temple. His parents, Mary & Joseph, ask Him, “Son, why have you done this to us?” Jesus replies “Why were you looking for me, did you not know I must be in my Father’s house? They did not understand and pondered all these things in their hearts.” Has Jesus gone missing in your family? A Holy Family is one that guides, nurtures and practices God’s ways of doing and being. Your own self-interests are usually sacrificed for the good of the family unit. Are you having a Holy Family experience? Jan. 1, 2019 is the Solemnity of Mary, a perfect time to FIND JESUS and introduce Him into your children and grandchildren’s life journey. If you don’t, who will? Christ is the foundation that needs to be in place when the going gets tough. Give your children Christ, the Savior they can turn toward, when difficulties arise. HELP THEM TO FIND PEACE, HELP THEM TO FIND WHAT’S MISSING, HELP THEM TO FIND CHRIST, FOR HE IS THE FOREVER GIFT! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Jan 3rd, 2019 Salvation & the Epiphany Kim Oliveira
Jan 10th Baptism, Your Mission Fr. Lukasz
12/23/18: “HIS WORD”
Today is the 4th Sunday of Advent and our first reading was written over 2000 years before the birth of Christ. Micah prophesizes that the Messiah will come from a small, insignificant town called Bethlehem when he tells you: “He will Shepherd His flock and His greatness will reach the ends of the earth and He shall be Peace.“ In a few days our Christmas readings will speak of the Prophet Isaiah who foretells of a “child born to us, a Son given us, and upon His shoulders dominion rests and they will call Him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever and Prince of Peace. He will come from the throne of David and His Kingdom is one of Justice and Judgement, Now and Forever.” God’s word is Truth. God’s Word is His promise. This Christmas begin to read the Scriptures daily, for they have the power to change you. Jesus first shows himself to you as a baby, snuggled in His Mother Mary’s arms, helpless and dependent. This is the miraculous moment, in time, that changed the world. How will you show yourself to Christ? Full of power and fury? Come to Jesus as a trusting, helpless child, ready to accept His Love and Mercy. God’s only excuse for creating you was Love. God’s only reason for the Word made Flesh, was Love. This Christmas will you let God close enough to change you? Close enough to touch you? Close enough to hold and heal you? CLOSE ENOUGH TO LOVE YOU? THIS YEAR IT’S TIME TO HAVE YOUR OWN CLOSE UP, MIRACULOUS MOMENT, and ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF HIS WORD!!!!!! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
1/3/2019 The Epiphany and Gift of Salvation Kim Oliveira
1/10/2019 Sacrament of Baptism Fr. Lukasz
12/16/18: “Heartbeat”
On this third Sunday of Advent, which is known as “Gaudete Sunday,” you are told to Rejoice and be Glad, for the Holy One is near. All of today’s readings encourage you to have no fear, “have no anxiety at all, pray and petition with thanksgiving for the Peace of God surpasses all understanding and will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” John the Baptist instructs you to love what is good, wholesome, and adjust your life to reflect Christ. Most of you have decorated, strung up lights, and have purchased many gifts, but have you prepared your heart? Reconcile and Pray for those you may have hurt, those who may have hurt you or those who you are estranged from? Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, then Jesus will find a clean, comfortable place to rest his head. Whatever you may have suffered, your Hope, Joy and Gladness lies within the Lord’s promise of Eternal Life; this is His “Good News.” By your own Baptism you are called to bear His light of Peace, Forgiveness, Mercy and Love. YOU ARE THE TRUE LIGHT OF CHRISTMAS, SO LIGHT UP THE WORLD. REJOICE AND BE GLAD FOR THE LORD IS AS NEAR TO YOU AS YOUR OWN HEARTBEAT. Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Dec. 20 The Incarnation Grace Davin
Jan. 3, 2019 Epiphany & Salvation Kim Oliveira
In today’s 2nd Sunday of Advent Gospel reading, St. John the Baptist calls you to “CONVERSION,” which is a turning towards God and away from sin. Each of us knows the personal sinful tendencies we struggle with. It is in this process of your struggle to overcome your sinfulness that you are formed into Holiness. At your Baptism you received the Holy Spirit, whose job is to help you fight temptation, to make straight your crookedness, smooth out your rough ways and fill up those dark valleys that lie within you. It is in your everyday life and consciousness that you choose to accept or reject the teachings of Christ Jesus. You were created to become a person of Beauty, created to reflect God’s Truth. You are called to be a Witness to all the Wonder, Glory and Good that God has done for you. St. Paul calls you, in our 2nd reading, to “discern what is of value so that you may be pure, blameless, and filled with the fruit of righteousness that only comes through Jesus Christ.” Are you ready? Have you prepared? Will He be welcomed into your heart? This Advent Season, are you willing to let go of your selfish tendencies? TODAY THE HOLY SPIRIT CALLS YOU TO BECOME A NEW, SHINING, STREAMLINED VERSION OF YOURSELF POWERED BY GOD’S GRACE!
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Dec. 13 Discernment, Trust, Surrender, Molly Gregorie
Hope, The Prodigal Son
12/2/18: “PLAN AHEAD”
Do you realize that God loves you more than you love yourself? In today’s first reading the Lord promised to send “a right and just shoot from the line of David.” A thousand years after this prophecy God keeps His promise, sending Jesus…the Incarnation. St. Paul speaks of Christ’s love for you reminding you to “be blameless in holiness before your God.” He instructs you “to abound and increase your love for one another, in order to please the Lord Jesus Christ.” The gospel continues with His discourse on the End Times and Last Judgment. Out of love, Jesus alerts you to some of the telltale signs that forewarn you of His 2nd Coming. He cautions you to “not let your heart become drowsy from carousing, drunkenness, and anxieties but to be vigilant, praying for strength to stand before the Son of Man at that imminent moment, when your Redemption is at hand.” Jesus’s love for you is all encompassing. Do you love yourself enough to heed His words? By your perseverance you will secure your future. AS A FOLLOWER OF CHIRST THE “END TIMES” are “YOUR NEW BEGINNING”, as you are called to share in the power and glory of the Lord. ADVENT IS THE PERFECT TIME TO PREPARE AND PLAN AHEAD. Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Dec. 6 The Immaculate Conception Peg Markert
Liturgical Year, Catholic Beliefs
All three readings this week remind us of our mortality. All of us have been given the mission by Our Lord to forgive and love one another. We each have a share in the same mission but are given many different gifts, tools and careers by which we achieve the end goal of giving and receiving love. Today Jesus gives the gift of hope to those who are obedient, as was He to His Father, when he says, “they will be gathered up by the angels to live forever.” “Christ’s one offering “has made perfect and forever, those who are being consecrated.” You were consecrated at your Baptism. You are among the Elect if you keep the Lord’s Commandments. Today, Jesus reminds you of the importance of His teachings when He says “Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away.” Are the scriptures coming alive in you? As a faithful follower of Christ do you heed today’s warnings, staying focused on Heaven? When the time comes to meet your maker will you be worthy? What is the point of today’s readings? JESUS WANTS YOU TO BE HIS HEAVENLY ROOMMATE, SO YOU MUST BE MOVE-IN READY! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Nov. 22 Happy Thanksgiving No RCIA
Nov. 29 Prophecy & 2nd Coming of Christ, Joe Coralluzzo
Advent & Judgement
11/11/18: “HEART TO HEART”
Last week Jesus told you that loving God and your neighbor, above all else, are the greatest of all the commandments. In today’s readings, our Lord continues teaching you more about “love.” The 1st reading, along with the gospel, tells the stories of two widows who give “All” they have out of love for the Lord. They give from their poverty, their last penny and last bit of food, trusting that God will sustain them. Most of us give from our overflow. We share our talents, our knowledge, our money and our time, which are all gifts given to you by the Lord. There is only one thing that you can give to God that really matters. There is only one gift that the Lord truly desires from each of you, only one treasure that stands apart from all His gifts given to you. It’s the one thing He does not have and only you can give … Love from Your Heart. Love from Your Heart is the one true gift that is entirely yours to give to God. Jesus gave “His All” out of love for you on the cross. Learn to surrender all, in order to give yourself to Christ. IT IS THE ONE GIFT THAT BINDS YOU, HEART TO HEART AND ALL TO ALL. IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS, THE ONLY RESPONSE TO LOVE GRACIOUSLY GIVEN… IS LOVE FREELY RETURNED. Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Nov. 15th Christ the King, Apostles, Peggy Tana
Would you like to be God’s favorite child? Today, Jesus tells you “HOW” when He reiterates Moses’s statement from our Old Testament first reading, “The Lord your God is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” Jesus then adds, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” These two statements sum up all Ten of God’s Commandments. The people who make up your world are your “neighbors.” How well are you loving them? Your answer will reveal your level of love for God. If you can’t love the neighbor you can see, then how can you love God, whom you can’t see? What is love? Love is a choice you make every second of every day. Love can produce life. Love can heal a broken heart. Love can forgive. Love can save. Love produces joy and happiness. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. Jesus’s central message of love is summed up in today’s Gospel. AT YOUR APPOINTED TIME, YOU CAN EXPECT JESUS TO ASK YOU: “HOW MUCH DID YOU LOVE?” WHAT WILL BE YOUR ANSWER? Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Nov. 4 The Rite of Welcoming, 11am Mass Ryan Room
Nov. 8 Social Justice & Stewardship John Yago
10/28/18: “BELIEVE AND SEE”
Today’s first Old Testament reading from the Prophet Jeremiah foretells of a Messiah who will “deliver His people, the remnant of Israel.” Our 2nd reading speaks of Christ as the High Priest who must make a sin offering and sacrifice before God, for His people. Both readings concern themselves with delivering and setting free God’s people from the slavery of sin. WE are that people. Today’s gospel speaks of a blind man, Bartimacus, who cries out “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me.” Jesus asks Bartimacus: “What do you want me to do for you?” The reply comes “Master I want to see.” Jesus heals his blindness by giving him the gift of sight and thereby setting him free, telling him “Go your way, your FAITH has saved you.” This was the last healing miracle Jesus performed a week before His Crucifixion. WHY? Jesus knows how sin blinds us to His light. Only faith, not reason, will move us to believe in miracles and God’s love for us even unto death. On the cross Jesus sets you free from your own blindness which keeps you captive to sin. FROM THE CROSS JESUS ASKS YOU, “WHAT MORE CAN I DO FOR YOU, SO YOU WILL BELIEVE IN ME? I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT. BELIEVE AND SEE THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD.” Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Nov. 1 All Saint’s Day-Holy Day of Obligation No RCIA
Nov. 4 The Rite of Welcoming, 11am Mass Ryan Room
Nov. 8 Social Justice & Stewardship John Yago
10/21/18: “GLORIOUS UNION”
Today’s first reading is from the Old Testament, written approximately 4,000 years before Christ. The prophet Isaiah writes of a “suffering servant” who will redeem Israel, “giving His life for many, as an offering for sin, and whose guilt He shall bear and the Will of God will be accomplished through Him.” Jesus is the fulfillment of this prophecy. The 2nd reading continues Christ’s story with, ”He is the High Priest, the Son of God, who sympathizes with us in our weaknesses so we can confidently hold fast to our confession, approaching the throne of His grace to receive mercy and help.” When was the last time you asked for Christ’s grace and mercy in the Sacrament of Confession? In today’s gospel, the Apostles James and John request positions of honor in God’s kingdom. Is their selfish ambition stemming from their desire to be close to Christ or are they pridefully looking for their own glory? Jesus gives them a powerful lesson when He tells them “whoever wishes to be first must become the slave of all, whoever wishes to be great among you must become a servant.” Are you willing to suffer like Christ, to serve like Christ, in order to share in the Glory of Christ? In this life we all have suffering, some more than others. Consider your greatest suffering as a share in His Victory and Glory. As the Blessed Mother told St. Bernadette at Lourdes “I cannot promise you happiness in this world, but only in the next.” YOUR TRUE HAPPINESS IS IN HEAVEN WHERE CHRIST AWAITS YOU WITH OPEN ARMS. YOUR SUFFERING IS NOT IN VAIN BUT IN GLORIOUS UNION WITH CHRIST. Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Oct. 25 Jesus the Miracle Worker Peggie Byrne
& Faith
Each human heart holds a desire for “MORE,” but more of what? We fill ourselves with worldly possessions until the newness wears away, then we look for the next possession that will bring us that feeling of excitement, expectation and happiness. If you take the time to examine the course of your life you will probably find that your journey has been from possession to possession. You have been working and seeking the next house, car, vacation, honor and more importantly, control over your own happiness. Today Jesus tells you to “sell what you have, give to the poor, then come follow me.” Wow, who can do what Christ asks in this gospel? Jesus gives you the answer, saying: “For human beings it is impossible, but not for God, as all things are possible with God.” What lesson can you come away with? Jesus tells you to have faith and trust in God’s great love for you, then cut loose everything that takes possession of your mind, body, energy and time. Make God the center of your earthly journey and focus your attention on the end goal…heaven. Jesus is inviting you to leave your many distractions behind and follow Him. Only Jesus’s unconditional love will ease your every heartache and fill your desire for completeness. Happiness is fleeting and true contentment is only obtained when Christ lives in your center. When your heart is free from attachments, you are freer to love others and experience God’s love. Christ’s loving gaze calls you to climb off of your merry-go-round, and accept His promise of truth, forgiveness, mercy and love. In today’s 2nd reading you hear, “The word of God is living and effective, penetrating and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart, so all is exposed to the eyes of the Lord to whom we must render an account.” AS THE LORD LOOKS INTO YOUR HEART DOES HE SEE THAT “ONE ESSENTIAL POSSESSION”…CHRIST LIVING IN YOU? Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Oct. 18 Mary, Angels and Saints & Joann Richardi
All Souls and All Saints Day
Our first reading reminds us that God created human beings from the same substance, having the same dignity and nature. We were created not for isolation, but for communion with each other and with the Lord. The Gospel continues to enlighten you when Jesus gives you notice of your responsibility towards the Sacrament of Marriage and the commitment of faithfulness to Christ, to your spouse and your children. Our second reading from Hebrews describes how Jesus becomes perfect through His suffering. Do you know that you are also called to perfection? Are you willing to suffer like Christ for the sake of the Gospel? In the Gospel, Jesus explains, “Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God like a child, will not enter it.” Do you accept the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Crucified One? The Kingdom of God is formed by those suffering souls who surrender to the Father’s will. Becoming a heavenly citizen may mean crucifying your own selfish desires for the hearts and well being of your family. Jesus tells you that to be part of His Kingdom, you must become like an obedient child. TRUST, BELIEVE AND TRIUMPH IN UNITY WITH THE CRUCIFIED ONE. Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Oct. 11 The Mass & Missal RCIA TEAM
9/30/18: “TRUTH TELLER”
Today’s readings all address sin and its deadly effects in our lives. In both our first reading and the Gospel, we find the sin of jealousy being revealed by Joshua and John. Both are following the ways of the Lord, yet they are disturbed when others prophesize and drive out demons. The Lord addresses our weaknesses of hoarding God’s graces and gifts. When we envy the good others achieve, it detracts from our own holy undertakings. The Holy Spirit calls us all to work for the Lord and His Kingdom. There can never be enough “good works” in the name of Christ. Jesus tells you, “whoever does a mighty deed in my name, because they belong to Me, will not lose their reward; but whoever causes one who believes in Me to sin will go into Gehenna, the unquenchable fire.” Today, he tells you He hates sin and the effects of sin and He commands you to “cut it off, pluck it out,” even when it hurts. He also warns you of your responsibility to lead others with the example of your own Godly actions. All earthly goods will rot away; only our deeds remain and will determine our Eternity. His gaze remains forever on you, His voice forever calling you from every attachment, which you may prefer in place of Him. We humans have the tendency to justify our sinful actions; we like to create our own “alternate truths.” When you signed on to follow Christ you knew his commandments. Sin and Evil are real, but so is Christ’s Forgiveness and Mercy. Remember that sin separates us eternally from God unless we accept His invitation to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. There is no “alternate truth” acceptable to the Lord. You have heard the saying, “The truth will set you free.” JESUS IS IN THE TRUTH-TELLING BUSINESS. CHRIST, THE TRUTH-TELLER, HAS SET YOU FREE AT A HIGH COST..... THE COST OF THE CROSS!
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
10/4 Salvation History RCIA TEAM
9/23/18: “LITTLENESS”
In today’s first reading from the Book of Wisdom you hear from those who refuse to accept the idea of a loving God who can be trusted to rescue the “just”. Our society today also includes those who refuse to acknowledge God’s existence or His action in the world. Unbelievers are disgusted by those who are “God lovers” and who believe in a Creator and a Savior. Have you ever experienced sarcasm and insults because of your faith? Don’t be afraid, you are in the company of Saints. Our 2nd reading from St. James discusses our sinful passions such as jealousy, greed, disordered ambition, pride, inconstancy, envy, insincerity and love of worldly goods. What is your sinful passion? These are the attitudes that cause conflict, unhappiness and other difficult relationships. They will interfere with your love of God and neighbor. Are you in sync with St. James’s quote: “Wisdom from above is first of all pure, peaceful, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and produces good fruits.” What fruit are you cultivating in your own life? Jesus sets you on the straight and narrow path of Holiness in today’s gospel when He tells you “If anyone wishes to be first, they shall be last of all and servant of all.” Jesus puts a twist on the idea of greatness when he embraces a little child. His actions should open your eyes to the absurdity of your own actions, which lead to unhealthy pride, selfishness and egoism. A little child trusts, believes and desires to satisfy those whom he loves. BE CHILDLIKE, DEPEND ON THE WAY OF CHRIST, AND EMBRACE THE CROSS OF SELF SACRIFICE, THEN ALL WHO SEE YOU WILL RECOGNIZE CHRIST IN YOU. YOUR GREATNESS DEPENDS ON YOUR LITTLENESS. Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
9/27 Trinity, Sign of the Cross, Nicene Frank Zukovski
Creed & Vatican II
Today, Jesus asks you “Who do You say I am?” This important question is at the foundation of your Faith in Christ. Each one of us must answer it honestly if we hope to have that authentic “Come to Jesus Moment.” If you struggle with the belief that Jesus is the Messiah then you are stumbling in your faith journey. Until you come to terms with the Jesus question, you cannot move to ‘GO.’ You must examine your expectations of a Christ relationship. The Messiah expected to die for you, but will you do the same for Him? Jesus ends today’s Gospel with “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross; for whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the Gospel will save it.” St. Paul tells you in the 2nd reading “Faith of itself, if it doesn’t have works, is dead. Good works are born from a willingness to be open-minded to God’s Word by reading scripture and growing in Wisdom. Start with a daily Psalm or favorite prayer, invoking the Lord’s help and grace. This investment of time and prayer will lead you to Faith, Hope, and Love for God. Following Christ involves self-sacrifice, time and resources. UNLESS YOU CLIMB UP ONTO THE CROSS TO FINALLY EMBRACE CHRIST, YOU MAY FOREVER CONTINUE TO STUMBLE THROUGH THE LAND OF THE LIVING. Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
Sept. 20 Bible, Tradition Fr. Henry
& Divine Revelation
9/9/18: “SHADOWLAND”
Today’s Gospel tells the story of Jesus healing a deaf man who also suffered from a speech impediment, thus fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah in our first reading. Jesus came to heal the deaf, mute, crippled and blind, but more importantly to heal the hard-hearted. Sometimes we suffer from spiritual deafness and blindness, which become obstacles to God’s Grace. If the gospel message does not penetrate the dark and stormy recesses of your heart then inner change and compassionate understanding won’t happen. Isaiah tells you, “Thus says the Lord, those whose hearts are frightened, be strong and fear not, for your God comes to save you.” How can God save you if you won’t let Him? Only by hearing His holy words in the Gospel, by letting Him enter the hostile and closed up regions of your heart, can He triumph. JESUS, THE HEALER, IS THE ONE WE FOLLOW, SO COME FORTH FROM YOUR OWN HIDDEN SHADOWLAND INTO CHRIST’S TRUTH AND LET HIS HEALING LIGHT SHINE IN YOU. Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
9/2/18: "ENCOUNTER"
In our 2nd reading today, St. James refers to God as “The Father of Light.” Have you ever given any thought to what it means to be a “Child of Light?” Our first reading from Deuteronomy instructs you to “carefully observe the Commandments of the Lord, not adding or subtracting from them.” St. James adds, “Welcome God’s Word, be doers of the Word, not only hearers. Keep oneself unstained by the world.” The light of God was planted in you at Baptism making you a Child of Light. Have you kept your light bright? In the gospel, Jesus speaks to you about giving him “lip service,” when he asks for your heart. He warns against impurity, self-indulgence, greed, envy, unclean intentions, hurtful gossip and unkind judgments. Are you deluded by the sin of pride hidden within you or are you humbly self-examining the state of your own soul? Do you strive to eliminate your own transgressions? God knows if your hands are soiled from serving others or if you have been digging in someone else’s dirt. Jesus says, “Nothing that enters a person from outside defiles, but the things that come out from within a person is what defiles, and evil comes from within.” It is easy to become an expert at practicing reverence, with an outward appearance of prayer and piety, but instead harbor dark and unforgiving thoughts in your heart. All sin can be traced back to infidelity to Christ, who despises hypocrisy and who will not tolerate sin. He will remove kings from their thrones and princes from their robes in order to preserve his Bride, the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church. TODAY THE FATHER OF LIGHT INVITES YOU, HIS CHILDREN OF LIGHT, INTO A PROFOUND ENCOUNTER WITH THE DIVINE BY CHALLENGING YOU TO LIVE AN AUTHENTIC CATHOLIC LIFE. Want to become Catholic or complete your sacraments? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
For the past four weeks Jesus has spoken on His Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist. He tells you that the bread and wine are truly His Body and Blood come down from heaven and all who eat and believe will have Eternal Life. Many followers left Him. In today’s gospel Jesus asks His Apostles “Does this teaching shock you and is it too hard to accept: for the words I have spoken to you are Spirit and Life. Do you twelve want to leave me also?” Peter replies, “Lord you have the words of Eternal Life for you are the Holy One of God.” The Catholic Church has Christ as its Head and you, who form the one body, as His Bride. It is Christ’s love for you, from which the Eucharist flows forth, giving you spirit and life. Currently the Catholic Church is facing difficult times brought on by human sinfulness. Like the Apostles, Jesus asks you, “Do you believe me? Will you leave me?” THE CATHOLIC BELIEF IN THE REAL PRESENCE OF CHRIST IN THE EUCHARIST, PRESENT AT EVERY MASS, IS A POWERFUL REASON TO BECOME CATHOLIC, REMAIN FAITHFUL AND RECEIVE YOUR SACRAMENTS, SO AS TO ENTER INTO HIS EUCHARISTIC LOVE. Want to become Catholic or complete your sacraments? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
8/19/18: “GOD’S INVITE”
Our readings today speak to you about “God’s Invite”. In our first reading from Wisdom, God invites you to a banquet asking you to “forsake foolishness so that you may live and advance in the way of understanding”. God invites you to taste and see His goodness by believing Jesus’s words in the gospel, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has Eternal Life and I will raise him up on the last day for I am the Living bread that came down from heaven”. St. Paul warns you to “watch carefully how you live, making the most of your opportunities, because the days are evil. Do not live in ignorance but try to understand the will of the Lord.” Avoid making allowances and excuses in order to justify your lack of reverence, commitment and belief. When you believe in Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist you confirm your acceptance of Our Lord’s sacrifice and the gift of Himself at every Mass. DON’T BE A FOOLISH DOUBTER, BUT BE WISE AND ACCEPT GOD’S INVITE - YOU WILL BE FORMED IN HIS IMAGE AND MADE WORTHY OF EVERLASTING LIFE. Want to become Catholic or complete your sacraments? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
8/12/18: “THE WORKOUT”
All of today’s readings focus on “THE WORKOUT” that every Christian must accomplish during their earthly journey. In the firstt reading we find “THE WORKOUT” includes Perseverance. In the second reading “THE WORKOUT” is to rid ourselves daily of “bitterness, fury, anger, shouting, reviling and all malice.” We must strive to be kind, compassionate, forgiving and must become Imitators of Christ. Jesus again reiterates, in today’s gospel, His Bread of Life discourse. Your “WORKOUT” starts with listening to the Father, who draws you to His Son. Jesus further instructs you with: “Amen, Amen I say to you whoever believes in me has Eternal Life, for I AM the Living Bread, sent down from Heaven. I will give my flesh for the life of the world, so that you may eat it and never die.” BELIEVE IN THE REAL PRESENCE OF JESUS IN THE HOLY EUCHARIST; FOR THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT “WORKOUT” OF YOUR EARTHLY JOURNEY, AND YOUR REWARD FOR “THE WORKOUT” IS ETERNAL LIFE, SO GET MOVING! Want to become Catholic or complete your sacraments? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
8/5/18: “WILL YOU?”
In today’s first reading God hears the grumbling of the Israelites and sends “Bread from Heaven” as a great sign of His love and mercy for them. Their hunger was satisfied but they squandered their chance to exchange their bad attitudes for His grace and a real “God Relationship”. St. Paul tells us in the second reading that you are “created in God’s way of Righteousness and Holiness of truth” when “you take off your corrupted, deceitful desires, put on the new self, renewed in the spirit and truth of Jesus”. Will you? In the last line of today’s gospel Jesus reveals the “Great Sign”, again given to you by God, “I am the Bread of Life, come down from Heaven, whoever comes to me will never hunger and whoever believes in me will never thirst”. WILL YOU EXCHANGE YOUR HUNGER AND THIRST FOR WORLDLY RICHES THAT CAN NEVER SATISFY? WILL YOU FOCUS MORE STEADILY ON A GOD RELATIONSHIP WITH THE “BREAD OF LIFE”, JESUS, THE ETERNAL NOURISHMENT? WILL YOU? Want to become Catholic or complete your sacraments? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Today’s readings speak to you about living in a manner worthy of your call from God. It reminds you to strive for humility, gentleness, patience, peace, having unity in one Baptism, one Faith, one Body and one Spirit. Today’s Gospel is the well-known Miracle of the multiplication of five barley loaves and two fish, which feeds five thousand people, leaving twelve baskets of leftovers. We can understand, as St. John did, that this is the forerunner of the Eucharistic Meal and the Mass. Jesus feeds all who empty and offer themselves to Him in complete surrender to His Love and Mercy. Are you hungry? Are you seeking food that forever satisfies? “There is one God who is over-all, through-all and in-all” and when we offer to God what little we have, no matter how insignificant, He expands, multiplies and puts to great use your gift. LIKE THE SMALL BOY’S OFFERING IN TODAYS GOSPEL, BECOME PART OF THE MIRACLE; OFFER YOURSELF AND LET JESUS INCREASE, EXPAND AND SATISFY YOUR HUNGRY HEART. Want to become Catholic or complete your sacraments? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Today’s readings offer you several important lessons about your faith journey. In the first reading the Prophet Jeremiah warns you to be aware of false teachers, who will lead you astray and away from the commandments of God. You must have a “well-formed conscience” in the precepts of your Catholic faith, which will then alert you in times of poor shepherding. Jeremiah also tells you that the true teaching of God will be revealed by a “righteous shoot from the line of David,” who will be called “The Lord of Justice.” Fast forward to the New Testament and the saving work of Jesus Christ, the Lord of Justice, who reconciled you to Himself through His Holy Sacrifice on the Cross, giving you access to Eternal Life. In today’s Gospel Jesus reveals that He is also the Good Shepherd, “whose heart was moved with pity for they were like sheep without a shepherd.” He began to teach those who sought Him out. Are you one of those people who long and hunger for the touch of the Master? Do you desire to dwell close to the Lord, who comforts, protects, leads and refreshes your soul? These are “Sacred Longings” that can only be satisfied by Christ. Go to Reconciliation and attend the Eucharistic Sacrifice offered at every Mass, worthily receiving the Body and Blood of Christ. THE LORD, WHO CALLS YOU, WILL SATISFY ALL YOUR SACRED LONGINGS, IF ONLY YOU SEEK AFTER HIM!
Want to become Catholic or complete your sacraments? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
7/15/18: “FENCE SITTERS”
On April 9, 2018 Pope Francis released his third Apostolic Exhortation entitled “Gaudete et Exsultate” or “Rejoice and Be Glad.” In it he speaks about your call to Holiness and reminds you of your unique call from God to become a Saint. Today’s readings talk to you about ordinary people like Amos, the farmer turned prophet and the twelve Apostles sent by Jesus to trade in their nets and boats in order to preach, teach, heal and forgive. Before the foundation of the world you were chosen to be God’s sons and daughters, to teach and preach “His truth of Salvation.” Today our Lord asks you to accept your mission, for which you were preordained to accomplish. You are part of God’s plan. “You have heard the words of truth, the Gospel of Salvation and you Believe in Him; therefore you are sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit, the promise of Adoption. This is the first installment towards your inheritance of redemption, as God’s possession.” God does not want “Fence Sitters” but instead calls those with the courage to proclaim “Jesus as Lord.” Do not be afraid, because God calls you to be faithful, not successful.
IN HEAVEN THERE ARE ONLY SAINTS - MANY WHO WERE REFORMED FENCE SITTERS!” Want to become Catholic or complete your sacraments? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
7/8/18: “DARE TO BE GREAT”
In last week’s gospel Christ found faith so great that He performed miracles. Today’s gospel ends with “He was amazed at their lack of faith.” Jesus was rejected by His own family and towns people. “So He was not able to perform any mighty deeds there.” If Jesus had a difficult time bringing those closest to Him into the Kingdom, you should not become discouraged when you experience push-back from your own family and friends. The greatest gift God has given you is the “freedom to choose or reject Him.” Christ did not force Himself on those closest to Him then, nor does He now. He loves and respects your freedom so much that He invites you, and then leaves you to decide. Love is not love if it is forced - love must be given freely and unconditionally. CHRIST DARES YOU TO BELIEVE, CHRIST DARES YOU TO SERVE. CHRIST DARES YOU TO LOVE. CHRIST DARES YOU TO BE GREAT! Want to become Catholic or complete your sacraments? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
7/1/18: “ANGEL WINGS”
In today’s gospel reading Jesus brings about two miracles. He heals the hemorrhaging woman and raises Jairus’s daughter from the dead. An act of great Faith and Trust in the power of God moved Jesus’s heart to heal them. How deep and strong is your faith? Do you trust that God continues to love you, even when your prayers are not answered, or when you don’t get your miracle? God holds you and comforts you even in your sorrow. Your disappointment will gradually lessen if you believe that Jesus is your tender Savior who offers you Eternal Life. Faith must lead you to Hope Eternal and the belief in His promise of Heaven. Suffering will always be part of the human condition, so we must “fight the good fight”, persevere in Faith and receive the grace-giving Sacraments. Your Miracle is ready and waiting for you when you most need it. ONE DAY YOUR DEEP FAITH WILL GIVE YOU ‘ANGEL WINGS’, WHICH WILL TRANSPORT YOU INTO PARADISE. Want to become Catholic or complete your sacraments? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
6/24/24: “THE CALL”
Do you believe that you are wonderfully formed, known to God alone, as He knit you in your mother’s womb? Do you believe God knows when you sit and when you stand, that all your ways are familiar to the Lord and that there is no place for you to run and hide from Him or from His love for you? Today is the Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist, who is the cousin of Jesus. John was called by God to be Christ’s forerunner by proclaiming a Baptism of Repentance and preparing the way for Christ’s message of Salvation and the Promise of Eternal Life. Do you know His message as well as you could? Or should? Like John the Baptist, you are also sent as a “modern day prophet” to proclaim Christ. You must develop your own gifts, your own wisdom and understanding in order to fulfill your destiny as “Prophet”. Only you can take charge of your faith journey, no other person can do it for you. Some of you like to screen your incoming calls in order to decide whether or not you’ll answer it. IT IS CHRIST CALLING - WILL YOU ANSWER THE CALL?
Want to become Catholic or complete your sacraments? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Jesus offers you seeds of Wisdom when the first line of His Gospel today opens with “This is how it is with the Kingdom of God; it is like the mustard seed, the smallest of all seeds when sown it springs up and becomes the largest of plants.” Every earthly seed sprouts up to be EXACTLY what God designed it to be. Every seed glorifies the Lord with its beauty, fragrance and grandeur. Only Human Beings fall short of revealing the beauty within themselves. Only you, the greatest creature of all God’s creations, fails to reach the pinnacle of your greatness. Within you lie the seeds of Holiness. You were created for Sainthood. God calls you into His Wisdom as He inspires you to Grow, Flourish and Bloom EXACTLY where he planted you. Look at your surroundings and find where you’re needed, then bring forth your sweet fragrance and add beauty where it’s lacking. With each effort to grow closer to God comes more of His grace, which is like a powerful fertilizer, which pushes you up and out of your self-absorption. Every act of kindness, when done from your heart, leaves GOD’S FINGERPRINTS on the heart of the “RECEIVER.” You are the best and brightest seed in God’s Garden. The Lord Prunes, Waters and is the Caretaker of His Garden until every seed produces fruit. Let God be your favorite gardener. Get involved, start growing, join a ministry and share your talent. Will you reveal your own beauty and strength to those lives that you touch? In our second reading, St. Paul tells you, “Walk by Faith, not by Sight, be courageous and when you appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ, you will receive your recompense according to what you did whether good or evil, therefore aspire to please Him.” AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME, HE WILL HARVEST EVERY BEAUTIFUL AND FRAGRANT SOUL, WITH SAINTLY ASPIRATIONS, TO ADORN HIS KINGDOM. ARE YOU READY FOR THE HARVEST?
Want to become Catholic or complete your sacraments? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
6/10/18: “FIRST PLACE”
Our readings today speak to you about pride, disobedience and sin. They also give you the formula for Intimacy with God. As far back as the beginning of the Old Testament in Genesis, we find the man and the woman blaming each other, and the serpent, for their disobedience. This stems from the Sin of Pride. This deadly sin results in separating the Creature from the Creator and has left humans carrying the stain of sin and the attitude of “I can do no wrong so it can’t be my fault.” The sin of pride makes it so difficult to take responsibility for our failures, to own our mistakes, or to say, “I’m sorry.” All sin leads to poor choices, breaks in relationships, lapses in morality, shirking of duties, etc. God, in His kindness, gives you the Sacrament of Confession, because He alone knows your weaknesses, woundedness and heavy heartedness. It is in Confession that we receive the Grace to rise above sin and harmful pride. It is through the priest that we receive Christ’s Mercy and Absolution. Do not think you are above the Sacrament of Reconciliation, for Jesus tells you in today’s Gospel, “all your sins will be forgiven, but whoever sins against the Holy Spirit is guilty of an Everlasting Sin.” It is the Holy Spirit, who moves, lives and has its Being in all the Sacraments, given to you, out of love for you. We find the formula, for Holiness and Intimacy with the Lord, when Jesus says, “Who is my mother and brothers? Whoever does the will of God is my brother, sister and mother.” Surrender your pride by exchanging your own will for His will. Decide to stop making excuses for living a life separated from the Lord, who loves you unconditionally. Reject Satan and his lies, reject the world’s false promises of fulfillment; instead Trust and follow the Way of Christ and He will raise you up so you can enjoy a “First Place” spot on Jesus’s Family Tree!
Want to become Catholic or complete your sacraments? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. From the very beginning of the Old Testament, God shows His love and compassion by providing humankind with nourishment. He places Adam and Eve in the “Garden of Eden” telling them to enjoy every fruit, seed and tree except for one. He sends “manna” to His people, the Israelites, in the desert. In the New Testament, we find Jesus turning approximately one hundred and twenty gallons of water into choice wine. He feeds more than five thousand men, plus women and children, with only five barley loaves and two dried fish. Jesus ministers to the lame, the blind, the deaf and the dying. He heals them and by His love, leads them into a personal encounter with the Divine. Jesus overflows with Mercy, Kindness, Compassion and Forgiveness. He lays down His life as a perfect sacrifice in order to obtain Eternal Life for YOU. Do you believe Jesus is Lord? Do you believe He healed and brought back to life the dead? Do you believe in His Resurrection? Almost every Catholic believes all of the above, but 60% of all Catholics do not believe that the Holy Eucharist is the “True Presence,” the real Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, made present during the Transubstantiation at every Mass. Today’s Gospel challenges you to BELIEVE, when Jesus proclaims at the Passover Supper, “Take it, this is my Body, this is my Blood, shed for many as a New Covenant.” HE DID NOT SAY: “take the bread; take the wine.” Just like today, many of his followers refuse to believe and walk away. Jesus did not correct Himself, telling them to come back, that it was just a symbol. Instead Jesus repeats Himself, saying, “this IS my Body, this IS my Blood.” Then Jesus asks His followers, “Will you leave me, too?” Jesus wants to become intimate with you. He wants to be a blood family member. He wants to become part of your DNA. Every time you receive the Eucharistic Jesus, you are in Holy Communion with the Lord, who continues to nourish you. The existence of The Church, the Sacraments and the Sacrifice has only one purpose – to bring the Love of God, in a concrete way, TO YOU, His Beloved. YOU ARE BEING HUGGED, KISSED AND LOVED BY CHRIST WITH EVERY EUCHARIST YOU CONSUME.
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
5/27/18: “IN LOVE”
Today, we celebrate The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Nowhere in the Bible will you find the word “Trinity,” yet every Christian Church believes in the Doctrine and teaches it. Why? In the very beginning of Creation God’s breath sent a mighty wind across the Abyss and spoke “The Word”, and the formless began to take form. Then God revealed for the first time, a mysterious hint of the “Trinity” when, in Genesis 1:36, He says, “Let Us” make man in “Our” image, after “Our” likeness. Who is the “Us” and who is the “Our”? In the opening paragraph of John’s Gospel we hear, “In the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God.” Jesus, the Son, is The Word made flesh by God, the Father. Out of Love for you, God sent His only Son, so that Humanity can see, hear, touch and know Christ who is God. Last week, the power of the Holy Spirit appeared as tongues of fire to create “The Church” which contains the life-giving Sacraments. Today, Jesus reveals the mystery of the “Us” and the “Our” when He says, “Make disciples of all nations, Baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus gives you The Most Holy Trinity in ALL ITS GLORY, THREE PERSONS yet ONE GOD. It is not through our intellect that we come to believe in The Holy Trinity, but it is through God’s “Gift of Faith.” This Sunday, St. Paul reminds you that those who are born of the Spirit must suffer with Christ so as to be glorified with Him. You are Heirs to His Kingdom, grafted in and joined to the Trinity by dying to self and living for Christ and observing all that God has commanded. Today Jesus, in His Last Will & Testament, states for the record “Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” The Trinity existed in the beginning and will remain for all eternity; God has given you His BEST, God has given you His ALL, BECAUSE GOD IS “IN LOVE” WITH YOU!
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
The readings for this great Feast of Pentecost remind YOU that it is the “Breath of God” that brings forth life to all creation. God sent down the Holy Spirit 50 days after Jesus is Resurrected from the dead. God is all about giving you “life in the spirit”. It is only after you receive the Holy Spirit that you can say “Jesus is Lord”. It was on Pentecost that over 3,000 people became the first believers and the Church was born. You received the Holy Spirit at your Baptism and you entered into the life of Christ, having received your 1st Sacrament. Your “life in Christ” should have continued with the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation, each bringing you closer to Christ. Today’s scripture serves as a witness to the “supernatural actions” taking place over 2,000 years ago when a driving wind and tongues of fire announced the arrival of the Holy Spirit on each person gathered that day. Astounded and amazed, each person heard the message of God’s great love in their native tongue. Does God speak your language? Does Christ’s peace and truth live in you? St. Paul tells you “there is one Spirit but different spiritual gifts”. God has an investment in you, so give God a return on the gifts He entrusted to you. Don’t look for or be envious of the gifts given to others, but develop and use the talents that come naturally to you. Want more gifts? Use well what God has given you and he will give you the desired increase. The “Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit” are Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear of the Lord. The “Nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control”. Have you mastered all the “Gifts and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit?” They will lay dormant in you unless you recognize the life-changing power they hold. Begin by getting focused; define the one thing you already know you’re good at doing. Do not under-estimate yourself or God. You were designed for Greatness, so stretch, grow, reshape and re-think your goals. With the Holy Spirit as your co-pilot, your gifts unfold, mature and manifest Holiness in you. PENTECOST IS THE PERFECT DAY TO HIT YOUR RESTART BUTTON AND LET GOD ENKINDLE HIS POWERFUL GIFTS OF GREATNESS IN YOU! Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Would you like to join the RCIA team? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
5/14/18: “THE BIG QUESTION?”
Do you realize that your family was handpicked for you by God? Your existence and the very family you were born into was orchestrated by the Lord before you were born. There are no coincidences with God. The last few weeks the gospels have spoken to you of truth, love and remaining in Christ. Today’s readings speak to you again about love and remaining connected to the Lord. We must begin by loving our families first, the good and the difficult, the young and the old, the proud and the humble, because they are the path by which God perfects His love in you. It is God’s job to judge and your job to forgive, mend, and find a way to peace. Christ is the Way. It is through loving Christ that you will become aware of your own inner beauty. It is through the eyes of the Holy Spirit that you will see your true self, that you will correct your frailties and then finally accomplish the difficult task of forgiving and loving yourself. Your love of Christ must become the center of your journey before you can become capable of loving anyone else. In today’s gospel Jesus prays for His Apostles and for all the future “Believers,” – THAT MEANS YOU! He prays that His Father will “Consecrate” You in Truth.” This means Jesus wants you to be “set apart, made Holy, having the courage to lay down your life for Him, who is Truth.” Before His Ascension, Jesus gave you His very own mission. You are now His Disciples and His Church holds the Keys to His Kingdom. Today, He tells you to Believe, be Baptized and remain Faithful to His Church. Two thousand years ago Christ warned you, and reminds you today, that this world belongs to the “Evil One” and all the fools who follow him, desiring and devouring worldliness. Today, Christ claims You as His own, as a member of His Kingdom, a Lover of His truth and a Witness to His Holy Love. Christ loves each person equally, but not each one will equally love Him in return. It is you who sets the bar, it is you who determines your standing with the Lord, it is your love for Him that “Sets YOU Apart”. THE BIG QUESTION HE WILL ASK YOU IS “HOW MUCH DID YOU LOVE ME?”
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
May 17 Love and Evangelization Carol Mangani
Today’s gospel is from Jesus’s last discourse to His disciples. What would be your “Last Lesson” to your loved ones? What is the one most important “word of wisdom” you would want others to remember? In His last sentence of this gospel, Jesus tells you, His Beloved, “This I command you: Love one another as I love You.” It is not His suggestion, but His command. Everyday you get to choose whether to love or not to love. Love is not an emotion that wavers day to day, but it is a committed choice Christ asks you to make. Jesus further explains, “I have told you this, so your joy might be complete.” The Father’s love for us is revealed in His Son, Jesus Christ, who calls you into joyful friendship with Him. All true friendships call you to exercise honesty, faithfulness, loyalty, service, patience, and above all, an undivided heart. Today, Jesus no longer calls you a slave to sin. Instead He calls you “Friend,” when you keep His Commandments, Remain in Him and Bear Fruit in His name. Jesus Christ, your friend, laid down His life in the ultimate act of love. You have not chosen Him, but He has chosen you for Himself. What have you laid down, given up or turned away from, out of love for Him? Friendship is a two-way street and demands the act of self-sacrifice from both parties; it is never one-sided, but is always a Dance of Love. It is complete surrender, a process of “self-emptying,” leaving space for the “Other” to enter into. Jesus’s last word to you is “LOVE,” not as the world loves, but as He loves, unconditionally and showing “no partiality.” The more you desire to love, the more you will attempt to love and the more you will learn to love until you, like Christ, become Love. There is no greater accomplishment than to live a life of “LOVE.” Make This Your Last Word Of Wisdom, Make This Your Last Testimony, Make This Your Last Lesson. Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
May 17 Love and Evangelization Carol Mangani
4/29/18: “TRUTH”
In the movie, “A Few Good Men,” an investigating officer asks for the “truth” concerning a certain situation and the Commanding Officer answers him with “Truth? You can’t handle the Truth.” Can YOU handle the truth? Today’s 2nd reading tells you that the Lord knows all the inner workings of your heart so discern, in truth, all your thoughts, words, deeds and actions. Are you faithful to God’s Commandments in order to “remain” in Christ? The Gospel speaks of Christ as the True Vine and YOU as the branch. When the branch becomes detached from the Vine it withers and dies. It is Christ, the True Vine, who feeds and strengthens every individual branch so that they can bear much fruit. How much fruit do you bear? Do you know you are responsible for revealing Christ to your children, grandchildren family and friends, by word, deed and action? If you don’t, who will? Are you hoping they will get it through osmosis? Not in today’s culture. Today, Jesus calls you to either to be cut off as dead, dry wood or to burst forth with great faith in Christ, so as to bear much fruit. The choice is yours. Through prayer, attending Mass, reading Scriptures and receiving the Sacraments, you remain in Him, for “cut off from Him you can do nothing.” It is the very life of Christ that flows out from you to others. Remain in Him and your life becomes an arena of Faith, Hope, Charity and Love. You belong to Christ, who is TRUTH itself. THIS IS YOUR PROFOUND MISSION. THIS IS THE PURPOSE OF THE INCARNATION AND RESURRECTION. CHRIST DID IT ALL FOR YOU!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR HIM? THIS IS THE “TRUTH.” CAN YOU HANDLE THE “TRUTH”?
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
May 3 Gifts & Fruits of the Holy Spirit Mary Ramsden
Pentecost & Ascension
4/22/18: “SPOTLIGHT”
How would you answer this question: “What is your most precious gift?” Many of you will answer that it is your children and family. A few may say their friends and their work, but who among you will answer, “My Lord and my God?” Today’s readings have a golden thread that ties them together. It is Christ, who longs to be your “CORNERSTONE.” Without Christ as your center, as your most PRECIOUS POSSESSION, you will never be complete. Most happy times are fleeting and you then continue your journey looking for the next joyful event. Today Christ offers you a different journey with Complete and Uninterrupted Joy by becoming His Child. He has laid down His life because of His love for you. He knows you and calls you to Himself, but do you recognize His voice? Maybe you have tried to fill your life with possessions, relationships, recognition, achievements, etc., which may all be good, but they will fall short in the end. It is only Christ who can open for you the doors of Eternal Happiness. You must lay down your own life, put aside your own pursuits, for a Greater Good. Make Jesus your most “PRECIOUS POSSESSION.” Every accomplishment, all that you have, all that you do, all that you love, has come to you through His hands. The gifts and talents you possess have been given to you for the purpose of increasing “HIS FLOCK.” Are you sharing a knowledge of Christ with your OWN children? Are you ready and willing to increase your OWN understanding of God? Do you look for opportunities to serve Him? Are you giving all Praise and Glory to your Savior? AS BELOVED CHILDREN OF GOD, YOU MUST PUT THE “SPOTLIGHT ON CHRIST,” LIGHTING THE WAY TO THE LIFE, LOVE AND CARE OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD.
Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
April 26th Eucharist & The Good Msgr. Carroll
4/15/18: “WITNESS BOX”
All three of today’s readings speak of Jesus, whom the Old Testament prophets predicted would come as a Suffering Servant, to save you from your sins. In today’s Gospel Jesus opens to you the understanding that He, your Savior, has fulfilled all of the Old Testament prophecies. Now, having passed from “Death to Life,” Jesus asks you to make His Mission, Your Mission. To Love and Forgive must become YOUR PROFESSION. What does it mean when Jesus says “Peace Be with You?” He is saying; “let nothing stand between us, for if you repent, I shall forgive.” Repenting, not only means being sorry, but it means changing your ways and living in Communion with Christ. Today, St. John tells you “knowing God’s Commandments is not enough.” It is in your daily obedience to His commands that “the love of God is perfected in you.” Love is in “the Doing,” Love is in “the Giving,” Love is in “the Sacrifice.” Christ is calling you to empty yourself of everything that is not of Him so that He can fill you with His “Perfect Love.” You must make space in your heart and in your life in order to create room for God’s Love. Your soul will burn with the desire to serve your Lord, and then you will become “Love.” ARE YOU READY TO BECOME HIS WITNESSES AND HIS AMBASSADORS? ARE YOU READY TO BE CALLED INTO CHRIST’S WITNESS BOX? Would you like to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Please call Monsignor Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218, for more information.
Date Topic Presenter
April 26th Eucharist & The Good Msgr. Carroll
4/8/18: “LOVE AND MERCY”
In today’s gospel Jesus imparts the Holy Spirit by breathing on the Apostles and empowers them to forgive sins. He gives these gifts to the Apostles, who had sadly abandoned Him just a week before, during His Passion. Jesus is revealing for you His great Mercy and Forgiveness which reconciles YOU, His beloved, to HIM. He then asks you to do the same for those who offend and hurt you. Today’s Gospel also speaks of “doubting Thomas”, the Apostle who only believed once he saw and touched Jesus’s wounds, yet the Lord tells you “Blessed are you who have not seen and have believed.” Do you count yourself among these believers? Do you profess a belief in Christ but remain self-absorbed? Our Savior loves you unconditionally and asks you to pursue holiness, seeking out His will and letting go of your own wants and ways. Pursuing Christ will obtain for you “His Peace.” It is Jesus Himself who requested of Sister Faustina that the 1st Sunday after Easter be celebrated as the Feast of His Divine Mercy. Why? Jesus desires that every soul becomes aware that He prefers Mercy rather than Justice. He is not interested in punishment but in forgiveness. This is the message of His Cross and Resurrection. This is the message of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. Are you aware that Jesus’s tender Mercy and Love is poured out for you at every Mass or are you indifferent? Is your attendance and attention at Mass completely focused on the One who died for love of you? Do you receive His Word into your heart, allowing it to transform you by its power? St. John tells you: “Jesus performed many other signs but not all have been written down, but these are written down so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and through this belief you may have life.” DO YOU BELIEVE? ARE YOU CHANGED BY CHRIST’S SACRIFICE? DO YOU TRUST IN GOD’S INEXHAUSTIBLE LOVE AND MERCY FOR YOU? This Sunday, April 8, is Mercy Sunday. Please join us and experience His Divine Love and Mercy beginning at 1:30pm in the Church.
Date Topic Presenter
April 14th 5pm Neophyte Mass & Dinner Church
April 26th Eucharist & the Good Shepherd Msgr. Carroll
4/1/18: “YES, I BELIEVE”
In today’s gospel we are told, “The stone that sealed Christ’s tomb was rolled away, the tomb was empty and His burial garments were left behind.” The empty tomb tells us “out with the old life and in with the new.” Death has been defeated by Christ’s obedience and suffering, so Christian hope may Spring Eternal. Have you rolled away the stone that keeps you entombed? Christ is calling you from your darkness into His light by simply asking that you accept and believe in Him as Lord. Remember, the Apostles did not understand everything but they believed anyway. Faith must come from your heart, not from your head. Do you desire to believe? Jesus makes you an offer you can’t refuse – “Believe and have Eternal Life.” He doesn’t say believe beyond a “shadow of a doubt.” His challenge to you is “Choose to Believe.” He knows that your daily journey with Him will produce unshakeable faith, and understanding of His Love, so you will have the conviction necessary to go the distance with the Lord. The Easter Resurrection brings you the Great Gift of Hope, the hope of reuniting with your loved ones who have already traveled on. It brings the hope of an Eternal Life without tears, pain, suffering or sadness. It promises you the Glory of Heaven with the peace and unconditional love of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Decide to “Think Christ, Believe Christ, Trust Christ and Love Christ.” Have the courage to start a “Christ Revival” in your OWN family, among your OWN children & grandchildren. Come out of your tomb, imitate Christ fearlessly, and change your world. TODAY THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST HAS WON FOR YOU THE CROWN OF GLORY, IF ONLY YOU WILL STEP INTO HIS LOVING EMBRACE BY SAYING “YES, I BELIEVE.” Next Sunday, April 8, is Mercy Sunday. Please join us and experience His Divine Love and Mercy at 1:30pm in the Church (See attached flyer).
After many months of preparation our candidates, Christopher Flammer, Lyndsee Manna and Roy Hinchman, celebrated their full reception into the Catholic Church by receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist. They will now be known as “Neophytes” during their first year as fully initiated Catholics. We congratulate them and their families on this holy and happy occasion. Please pray for them as they continue their journey through the period known as “Mystagogia”. Join us as we celebrate with them on April 14th at the 5pm Neophyte Mass. Want to know more? RCIA meets Thursdays at 7pm at the parish house. For more information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
April 26th Eucharist & The Good Msgr. Carroll
Congratulations to our candidates, Lyndsee Manna, Christopher Flammer and Roy Hinchman who have completed their 1st Reconciliation, The Creed Ceremony and the Stations of the Cross. Did you know that Palm Sunday is the only day in our Catholic calendar when two gospels are read at Mass? The first gospel occurs at the beginning of the Mass and tells of Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem, being hailed with “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel.” This leads us to the 2nd gospel which is the Passion of Our Lord. If you are baptized Christian then your parents chose to open for you the gift of Christ and His Kingdom. In Baptism you are claimed for Christ and begin the conversion journey of making Him your Savior and King. Have you? Stepping into His Kingdom includes peace and joy along with pain, suffering, forgiveness and mercy. Sometimes it includes climbing onto the Cross with Christ. You are never alone in your suffering – Christ is there. You are never alone in your desolation – Christ is there. Christ went to the Cross so that you would never be alone or abandoned. Christ keeps His promise “never to leave you” and so on Holy Thursday He institutes the great gifts of the Priesthood and the Eucharist. He longs to remain with the one He greatly loves – YOU. Love so great as His can only be repaid with Love. When asked “How much do you love me Lord”, Jesus answered, “This Much” then opened His arms and died. How much do you love? Have you met Him in the confessional where you experience His words of love, forgiveness and healing? ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THE GIFT OF RESURRECTION BY ACCEPTING THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL? Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
March 29th Holy Thursday Participation
March 31st Holy Saturday Follow Schedule
3/18/18: “CHRIST IN YOU”
Congratulations to our candidates, Lyndsee Manna and Christopher Flammer, who successfully completed “The Rite of Continuing Conversion and Acceptance”. Today’s gospel has this opening line, “Sir, we would like to see Jesus.” I ask you, would you like to see Christ? The gospel continues with “whoever loves his life loses it, but whoever hates his life in this world, will preserve it for Eternal Life and whoever serves me must follow me, for where I am, there also is my servant.” Christ saw your suffering and chose to join Himself to it. In His obedience to His Father, He caused suffering to become a force for Your Salvation. In difficult and despairing times, know that you are not alone. Your suffering is forming you into resembling your Savior, Jesus. Where are you looking for Christ? Where have you seen Christ? If you love Christ, if you serve Christ, then you don’t have to go far to see Christ…just look in the mirror, for Christ should be looking back at you. MAY YOU ALWAYS REFLECT GOODNESS, MERCY AND LOVE IN EVERY SEED YOU SOW, TO EVERY HEART YOU KNOW AND MAY YOU SEE CHRIST GROW IN YOU.
Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
March 19, (Monday) Reconciliation, 6:45pm OLM Church
March 22 Suffering, Stations of Maryann Hobbie
the Cross, Divine Mercy
3/11/18: "A ROSE OR A THORN”
In today’s 1st and 2nd readings, you are shown the greatness of God’s mercy as he saves his people by “His Grace” through “Your Faith,” which are both gifts from God. St. Paul warns against boasting about our own works since “we are the Lord’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for good works.” St. Paul also reminds us that we were “dead in our sins but brought to life by Christ, saved by His Sacrifice.” Today’s gospel highlights the Great Love and Mercy of our God when he says “God so loved the world that he gave His only Son so that you may believe and have Eternal Life.” Do you believe? If you believe, do you practice Christ’s good works of Forgiveness and Love? How do you use God’s gift of free will, which means you get to choose your own destiny of Heaven or Hell. God loved you first, as a “sinner,” and now continues to love you as a “repentant sinner.” Do you repent of your sins? Have you been to confession lately? Are you fighting the good fight between the Way of the Cross and the Way of the World? Are your works filled with division and darkness or do you live in God’s truth and light, serving only the Lord, and leaving behind the sweet fragrance of holiness? (At the end of your life, how will you be remembered....as a “Rose or a Thorn?”)
Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Location
March 15 No RCIA
March 19, (Monday) Reconciliation, 6:45pm OLM Church
3/4/18: “BE AMAZED”
Today’s readings remind you that a “Right Relationship” with The Lord is a requirement for Eternal Life. In our first reading, the Lord wants you to know that He is a Personal, Jealous, and Merciful Lover, who expects and wants YOUR LOVE. His first three commandments deal with your interaction with Him. The next seven commandments express the law and the expected behavior between you and others. God leaves no gray areas and no wiggle room when it comes to His laws for living a Holy life. These Commandments are His GIFT of LOVE to YOU. In the gospel today, Jesus speaks to you about your own body being a temple for Him. Have you cleaned up your inner room, your heart? Is it a place where Jesus would feel welcome? In the last line of today’s gospel it says, “Jesus would not trust Himself to them, because he knew them well.” Can Jesus trust Himself to you? Have you ever performed an “Examination of Conscience” by using the 10 Commandments as your guide? Break open your Heart of Stone by receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and then Christ’s living waters will purify your very being. You will be washed clean and given a New Heart, where Christ will want to rest. You will be renewed, and through your love for Christ, others will come to know Him. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life. THIS LENT DO SOMETHING “RADICAL”…… SURRENDER AND BE AMAZED BY THE HEALING LOVE OF CHRIST!
Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
In today’s readings we encounter God the Father who tells Abraham in the first reading, “I will bless you abundantly because you withhold nothing from me.” In the Gospel we hear God the Father again speak: “This is my beloved Son, listen to Him,” during Christ’s Transfiguration. Lent is a good time to acknowledge that only God can transform your hearts. What do you need to “let go of” or what are you “withholding” from God that could get in the way of your transformation? God is big enough to deal with your anger, hurt, and unforgiveness; all you have to do is turn it over to Him. St. Paul tells us “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Believe that God is in your corner, let go and be transformed. Congratulations to Chris Flammer, and Lyndsee Manna who, along with their Sponsors, completed the mandatory RCIA Retreat on Saturday, Feb 17th at St. Paul Inside The Wall. It was a powerful retreat on the Triduum. JESUS CHRIST LOVES YOU AND LONGS FOR YOU TO BE TRANSFORMED, REFLECTING HIM IN EVERY WAY, EVERY DAY, AND YOU WILL BE ABUNDANTLY BLESSED.
Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
March 1 The 10 Commandments/ Betty Dominico
The 2 Greatest Commandments
In today’s 1st reading, God placed the sign of a “Rainbow” in the sky as a reminder of His Covenant with you, which restored you to “Right Relationship” with Him. Jesus’s Incarnation is the fulfillment of God’s Covenant Promise. In today’s Gospel Jesus is tempted. If you read between the lines you can realize that Jesus could have easily handled Satan’s desert temptations differently. He could have used His own power to ease the hunger, suffering, and satanic promises during those 40 days of temptation in the wilderness. Jesus chooses, not His Will, but the Will of His Heavenly Father. Now He asks you to do the same, to follow in His footsteps during these 40 days of Lent. It is in denying yourself that you grow strong. It is in exchanging YOUR WILL for HIS WILL, that you are set free. In the desert you learn who you really are and what is truly important. You receive clarity of mind in determining what is worthy of your attention and your sacrifice. The desert experience can lead you to simplify, declutter and downsize in every area of your life. It is only in the quiet of the desert that you can recognize those everyday battles between God and Satan for Your Soul; between you choosing God’s ways, over the world’s ways. Your 40 days of Lent will be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit if you passionately desire to keep God’s Covenant. Like Jesus, who emerges from the desert preaching the Kingdom of God, may you Repent, Surrender and Emerge from your 40 day Lenten Journey “Believing the Gospel.” MAY YOU BE REFOCUSED AND RENEWED IN YOUR LOVE FOR JESUS AND MAY YOU ALWAYS LIVE INSIDE HIS RAINBOW! Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Feb. 22 Exposition, Benediction, and Molly Gregoire
Divine Praises
2/11/18: “THE CURE”
In both our 1st reading and the Gospel, we are reminded of the suffering and rejection of being a leper. Today there is a cure for leprosy, but is there a cure for the leprosy of your heart and mind? Like the lepers in today’s readings, do you suffer from the modern form of leprosy that eats away at your “wholeness.” Are you harboring unforgiveness, or practicing negative gossip, and unfair judgements? Too bad you can’t take a miracle pill that will “cure” you of these sins. In our 2nd reading, St. Paul says “do everything for the Glory of God.” Do your actions and words shine with God’s Glory or are they hurtful and demeaning? Christ was moved with pity for the leper in today’s Gospel and “stretched out His hand, and touched him, saying be made clean,” YOU TOO CAN BE MADE CLEAN. Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, where Jesus waits for you, desiring to heal you and make you whole. WILL YOU UNBURDEN YOUR HEART AND MIND ALLOWING JESUS TO SET YOU FREE? WILL YOU “TAKE THE CURE”? Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Feb. 14 Ash Wednesday (Church) 4:30 & 7:30 pm
Feb. 15 Human Freedom & Bob Seifert
Christian Morality
Feb. 17 RCIA Retreat (9:30 am) St. Paul Inside
the Walls
Today’s readings speak to you of God’s Great Intention to “RAISE YOU UP.” In today’s gospel we see Jesus grasp the hand of Simon’s mother-in-law, help her up, and she was healed. In great gratitude, the woman got up and served Him. Jesus then “went off to a deserted place where He prayed.” Later, Jesus tells you “For this purpose I have come,” that I may preach, heal and save all who look for me. Have you been looking for Jesus? Do you need a healing? Do you realize that by your Baptism, He has claimed you for Himself. He has healed you by opening the way to Reconciliation and Eucharist, available to you throughout your entire life. His Generosity and Mercy calls out to your very soul but are you listening? All of Jesus’s healing miracles were done as a sign of God’s power and love, SO THAT YOU MAY BELIEVE. To touch a sick or handicapped person during Jesus’s lifetime was to break the temple law and render oneself unclean. Jesus chooses to touch the sick and forgive the sinner, even though these actions will lead to His own death. His Suffering and Crucifixion was born out of love for you. His Resurrection is a call for you to DIE TO SELF AND LIVE FOR HIM. Will you heal, forgive and serve those whom the Lord sends into your life? WILL YOU LET THE LORD GRASP YOUR HAND AND RAISE YOU UP INTO HIS SERVICE? Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Feb. 8 Sacrament of Anointing of the Audrey Marciniak
Sick; Heaven, Hell and Purgatory
1/28/18: "THE LAST WORD"
In last week’s gospel reading Jesus Proclaimed, “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” Today Jesus exhibits His Power and Authority over His Kingdom when He calls out Satan’s demons. Does it amaze you that the unclean Spirits in today’s gospel reading have no trouble recognizing the voice of the Holy One of God? They feared, convulsed and cried out loudly as Jesus rebuked them but by Christ’s power they obeyed His commands and were destroyed. Do you have difficulty hearing the voice of your Lord? Do you find it hard to obey His commands? St. Paul, in today’s 2nd reading, speaks to you about having a divided heart and being overly distracted by your anxieties. What keeps you from recognizing God’s voice, following His ways and answering His call? You are always responsible for correcting and changing what is in your control, but most of your anxiety comes from what is not in your control. Is God calling you into a more trusting relationship with Him? In those times of worry, practice surrender, and turn it over to your Lord, who loves and cares for you more than you can ever imagine. Today Jesus wants you to remember that it is He who has the Power and Authority to conquer evil. LET GOD HAVE THE LAST WORD, BE CONSTANT IN PRAYER AND WATCH GOD’S MIRACLES UNFOLD IN YOUR LIFE. Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Feb. 1 Jesus the Healer & Katherine Missbrenner
The Our Father
In the Old Testament we find the Prophet Jeremiah announcing a hopeful prophecy, when He declares, “I will send many fishermen says the Lord, to restore the Israelites from their exile.” (Jer. 16:14-16). In today’s gospel, Jesus fulfills Jeremiah’s prophecy when He calls Simon, Andrew, James and John to follow him; “Come after me and I will make you Fishers of Men.” Jesus’s plan is set in motion with today’s gospel when He declares “The Kingdom of God is at hand, Repent and Believe in the Gospel.” Jesus does not tell you to believe in the NY times, The Wall Street Journal or the Stock Market, but He tells you “Believe in the Gospel.” All three of today’s readings speak to you about rejecting the evil ways of the world and focusing on the importance of Repentance in bringing about God’s Compassion and Mercy. Only personal conversion, which is a lifelong turning towards God, along with an understanding that the Kingdom of God begins in the Here and Now, will pave your way to Heaven. You must choose the way of Holiness, the way of the “Good News”, the way of Our Lord. What are you clinging to? Whatever beauty, loveliness and grandeur you experience in this life is but a glimpse of God’s Greatness. IF YOU WANT A PLACE IN HIS KINGDOM, YOU MUST START ASAP! REPENT AND BELIEVE! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Jan. 20 Tour of the Church Michael Pierce
Jan. 25 Conversion, Holiness & Bill O’Brien
1/14/18: “CALLED AND Challenged”
In today’s readings we experience the call of the Lord and the response of those who are called. In our first reading, Samuel, who has been promised to the Lord from birth by his mother Hannah, hears the Lord call him. Samuel was not familiar with the Lord’s voice, but with the help of Eli he answered the Lord saying, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening”, and the Lord continued to remain always with Samuel. In our 2nd reading St. Paul reminds the Corinthians (and therefore us also) of Christ’s call to remain pure and avoid sexual immorality. He instructs us to glorify the Lord with our body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Your body belongs to Christ for “you have been purchased at a great price.” Have you heard and answered the call of Christ? Do you know that “whoever is joined to the Lord becomes One Spirit with Him?” Like Samuel, are you willing to say “your servant is listening“ or do you usually filter out the Lord’s more difficult teachings, thereby turning your back on the Lord’s call? In today’s Gospel we hear the powerful witness of Andrew who tells his brother Simon, “We have found the Messiah.” Andrew encounters Christ when he overhears John the Baptist proclaim “Behold, the Lamb of God”; then Andrew followed the Lord. Jesus asks Andrew and another Disciple “What are you looking for?” Today Jesus asks you the same question, “What are YOU looking for?” How will you answer Jesus’s call to follow Him? The two disciples did follow and Christ challenged them to “COME AND SEE.” Will you take the time necessary to get to know Christ in order to recognize His voice? Jesus invites those of you who are serious searchers, who deeply desire to seek and know Christ, to a more intimate relationship. Take up His challenge of putting your faith into action. Purify your mind and body, seek only those things of God and surrender all to the Lord, becoming a committed witness to the Good News of Christ. In todays readings all who were called by Christ answered ‘yes’ to His challenge. TODAY, YOU ARE CALLED BY CHRIST TO THE SAME CHALLENGE. WILL YOU RESPOND BY SAYING, “HERE I AM LORD, I COME TO DO YOUR WILL.” THIS IS THE LORD’S CHALLENGE. WHAT IS YOUR RESPONSE? Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Jan. 18 Holy Orders & Your Vocation Deacon Yohan
1/7/18: “MUST HAVE”
Today is the Feast of the Epiphany and God’s offer of Salvation to all of Humanity. The Magi followed that Extraordinary Star, which led them to the Prince of Peace. They knelt down in homage and offered the Baby King their gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. When their visit ended, they returned home using a different path, being forever changed. What gift do you offer your Savior? Do you give Him an hour of weekly worship, a visit once a week, and some monetary tithes? Do you send up a prayer of need or thanksgiving? Are you obedient only now and then to His Commandments? How much or how little do you offer your Lord? Are you giving Him only what you can do without, by just giving Him your leftovers? Ask yourself “how can I give the Lord more of myself”? Where does “God rank in your household”? Have you filled your coming New Year with hopes, dreams and plans for a better future? What place does God hold on your “MUST HAVE” list? If God is not counted as “INVALUABLE” on your “must have list”, then DO YOU VALUE HIM? The value of God is worth more than Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. God has valued YOU SO HIGHLY, that IT COST HIM HIS LIFE. Recognize Christ as your “Everything” and you will travel a New Path, follow a Brighter Star and have a Clearer Vision of God’s Purpose for Your Life. Like the Magi, you will be Forever Changed, for only then will you begin to know God’s Greatness and “Your Own True Worth”. AN EPIPHANY MEANS “A FLASH OF INSIGHT” OR A “SUDDEN UNDERSTANDING”. MAKE 2018 YOUR EPIPHANY YEAR BY MAKING CHRIST #1 ON YOUR “MUST HAVE LIST”. Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Jan. 11 Divine Election & Providence, Peggy Tana
Creation & Pope Francis “Laudato Si”
The number one New Year’s resolution for most people is to lose weight and get healthy. It is always a good thing to worry about the External but what about the Internal? How about going on the “Messiah Diet”? Jesus tells us in scripture “Come to me all you who are weary and heavily laden and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28). Jesus gives you the Recipe that will lighten up your burdens and shape up your Eternal Soul. Your New Year Resolution should have Everlasting rewards. If you have been carrying around bitterness, negativity, worry, selfishness, frustration, pride, self pity, hopelessness, fear, envy and unforgiveness, your diet has been an unhealthy one, filled with sin which leads to unhappiness, therefore, the Messiah Diet is for YOU. Listen to Jesus “Take my yoke upon you, learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart and you shall find rest for your souls because my yoke is easy and my load is light” (Matt 11:29-30). Like Abram, start trusting Our Lord, who keeps His Promises. Why not put down your load, discard your hopelessness, and start the program that Jesus recommends which is Faith, Trust and Prayer. Follow His Holy Diet and Blessings will begin to flow into your life. God loves you, You’re not alone, You are a Child of God, You are called by Grace, You are offered Reconciliation, You are Forgiven, You are Needed, You are part of His plan, You have a Mission, You are Chosen and You are Blessed. Take your eyes off your past and focus on having your Best Year Ever. Make it a Holy New Year by getting Christ-Centered. In 2018, your motto could and should be “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and then all these things will be given unto you” (Matt 6:33). Replace your human concerns with the higher priority of Knowing, Loving and Pleasing God. Start the “Messiah Diet” and get Heart Holy and Soul Healthy. Have a Happy and Blessed New Year! Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Jan. 4 Baptism, Forming our JoAnn Richardi
Conscience & Our Mission
12/25/17: “A LOVE STORY”
Pope Francis tells us “You are in the midst of a Great Love Story and if you don’t understand this, then you cannot understand God and His Church.” It is totally and completely God’s love for you that causes the “INCARNATION” to occur. We are all looking for our own “Love Story”. Some of us have looked in all the wrong places and some of us may be spending our life on a LOVE SEARCH. Look no further than the Holy Scriptures, which is God’s Love Letter to you. Would you like to hear words of love everyday? Open your Bible and allow God’s love to fill your heart with Joy, Hope and Peace. Christ had you on His mind when He entered space and time on the First Christmas Day. He had you on His mind when He hung on the Cross. In fact, you are Always on His mind. Jesus is the love you were born to know. He is the reason for your existance. You were made for Him alone. God is Love and the Lover always wants to be with their Beloved. YOU are His Beloved, but YOU must let God love you. You must invite God to enter into your life, giving Him space and time. Will you accept the Christ Child as your comfort, your hope, your food, your resting place? Christ comes to you, remains with you, and loves you unconditionally. Nothing is more AWESOME than God’s love for you. Only He can satisfy your empty heart. Only He brings you Great Tidings of Gladness and offers you the Good News. YOUR WAIT IS OVER, FOR “LOVE HAS ARRIVED”. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS OPEN YOUR HEART AND EMBRACE HIS LOVE STORY, WHICH BEGINS FOR YOU IN THE STABLE. KNEEL AT THE CRIB OF EMMANUEL, FOR GOD IS WITH YOU. Merry Christmas! Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Jan. 4 Baptism, Forming our JoAnn Richardi
Conscience & Our Mission
12/17/17: “DRAW NEAR”
Today is the 3rd Sunday of Advent and in our 1st reading from the Prophet Isaiah we are reminded to “Rejoice and be Glad” for our Lord will “heal the broken hearted and set the captives free, for He has clothed you with His robe of Salvation.” Is your soul Rejoicing in the Lord? St. Paul tells you to “pray without ceasing, rejoicing always, for the Lord who calls you, is always faithful.” Are you faithful to your Baptismal Promises? Rejoice in Christ’s Incarnation and yearn for His return, as you continue your journey of Repentance and Grace. Strive for holiness, fearing nothing except the loss of your relationship with Christ. You were made in love, you were made to enjoy the presence of God, who is with you always. Are you aware of His daily presence? He comes to you at every Mass and is Intimate with you at your reception of the Holy Eucharist. Rejoice and be Thankful. Are you grateful for all you have or are you worried about getting more? Give thanks with deep gratitude for your Faith, your Hope in Christ and His offer of Everlasting Life. DURING THIS LAST WEEK OF ADVENT DRAW NEAR TO THE LORD, HAVE NO ANXIETY, BUT MAKE ALL YOUR PETITIONS KNOWN THROUGH PRAYER, AND THE PEACE AND JOY OF GOD WILL REST ON YOU, AS YOU REST NEARER TO YOUR LORD. Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Dec. 21 Incarnation, Mary, Mother Grace Davin
of God, The Epiphany
12/10/17: “CHRIST’S PROGRAM”
Today’s three readings convey the Advent Spirit of Hope, Expectation, Preparation and Reparation. Our First reading from Isaiah tells you that God will return in Power and Triumph. St. Peter, in our 2nd reading, speaks about God’s patient waiting for you to return to holiness, devotion, and repentance. He warns you by saying, “therefore, beloved, since you await Him, be eager to be found spotless and without blemish, and at peace before Him”. Have you signed up for Christ’s Program? In today’s gospel Jesus calls you into a more intimate relationship with Him. He loves you with all of your defects, wounds and warts. Advent is a season for “RECOVERY”. It is a journey to the stable of the Baby Infant Jesus, who is at the center. As part of Christ’s Program, you will be asked to surrender everything by making Him the center of your life. Are you willing to be replaced as the center of attention? Are you pleading with the Lord for change? Now is the time for change, now is your opportunity to recommit your life to Christ, not tomorrow, but today. This year Advent is shortened by almost one week and Christ is anxiously waiting for you to meet and greet Him with an unblemished heart and a clear conscience, which can be realized through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. By your own Baptism you already belong to Christ’s Program, but only through your OWN DESIRE for Christ will you become His Disciple. How deeply do you desire Him? Time is running short soooooo… what are you waiting for? GET WITH CHRIST’S PROGRAM AND EXPERIENCE RECOVERY THEN HIS POWER AND LOVE WILL BE RELEASED IN YOUR LIFE.
Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Dec. 14 Discernment, Faith, Grace Andrea Ciao
and Virtues
12/3/17: “ARE YOU READY?”
Today is the 1st Sunday of Advent and the start of our Liturgical Year. The fact that our Church Year is out of sync with the Calendar Year reminds you that Jesus is your focus and your entire year should revolve around Him. The year starts with preparing to receive Him “Advent” and ends with His coming in Glory as Christ Our King. In today’s first reading, the Prophet Isaiah informs you that the Old Testament people lamented and longed for God’s attention and love. They recognize their unclean wretchedness and begged God to restore them to wholeness. Remembering, “O Lord you are our Father, we are the clay and you are the Potter, we are all the work of your hands”, therefore, form us for yourself. Like children, they called out for God’s help and God answered by sending His only Begotten Son, Jesus. How many times have you called out? How often has your Lord carried you through the dark night into the light? St. Paul, in our 2nd reading, tells you “God is Faithful and by Him you are called to fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ.” Are you strong in your fellowship with Christ? It takes daily communication for all relationships to be strong, alive and growing. Jesus begins today’s gospel message with “Be watchful, Be alert! for you do not know the time of His coming.” We do know that we will celebrate His Incarnation in just 22 days. Why not begin Advent preparation by going to Reconciliation, beginning a purposeful conversation of daily prayer and opening your heart wide for Christ to enter, FOR EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE, WITH GOD’S GRACE, WHEN YOU BELIEVE! ARE YOU READY? Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Dec. 7 Liturgical Year, Catholic Sr. Ellen
Beliefs, the Immaculate Conception
Today is the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. It is the Death and Resurrection of Jesus that is the foundation for this Solemnity. St. Paul, in our 2nd reading, draws confidence from what Jesus has already accomplished for you. Christ’s offer and promise of Eternal Life is for those who love Him and keep His commandments. In our gospel today, Jesus gives you an account of the Last Judgement where “the Son of Man comes in His Glory sitting on His glorious throne with all the angels“, to judge the nations and peoples. He will separate the blessed sheep to His right and the condemned goats to His left. Are you a sheep or a goat? You choose to be on Jesus’s right or left side with the choices you make throughout your life journey. Are you selfish or selfless? All people will be judged on the mercy and care they have shown to the hungry, thirsty, naked, imprisoned and disadvantaged among us. “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least of mine, you did for me.” You have a King who promotes Righteousness and Love for those in His kingdom, the great and the small, the rich and the poor, the saint and the sinner. All are invited into His Kingdom, but not all will accept. CHRIST’S KINGDOM IS ETERNAL FOR ALL WHO ARE IN RIGHT RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. IS CHRIST THE KING IN YOUR LIFE? Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Nov. 30 Prophecy, 2nd Coming of RCIA Team
Christ, Advent & Prodigal Son
When we hear the word “talent” in todays gospel parable, we relate it to our individual qualities such as having a talent for music, cooking, finance, medicines, art, etc. However, today Jesus is referring to Himself and His possessions which have been entrusted to you. What are those possessions? What are you doing to “increase” them for when He returns? Jesus entrusted you with His Word, His Mercy, His Sacraments, His Forgiveness and His Body and Blood. Jesus gave up His life to leave you this “Great Inheritance”, to share with each other, thereby increasing His Kingdom. Are you forgiving, merciful and generous? Are you loving Jesus by creating peace in your family? Who are you rejecting? Are you actively seeking a closer relationship and a deeper understanding of “His Word”? We cannot give what we do not have. When was the last time you joined a Faith Sharing or a Bible Group, with the intention of growing in the knowledge of the Lord? How much Love, Hope, and Trust in the Lord do you share with others? When was the last time you acknowledged your faith openly? God has trusted you with His great inheritance; do not let your fear of rejection silence you – Jesus didn’t! YOU MUST BECOME THAT “GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT” IN TODAY’S GOSPEL, THEN JESUS WILL TELL YOU “WELL DONE, COME AND SHARE IN MY JOY”. Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Nov. 23 Happy Thanksgiving! No RCIA
11/12/17: “ALIVE IN CHRIST”
All three readings today have the same main message of Patience, Preparedness, and Perserverance. In our first reading from the Book of Wisdom, God advises us to patiently seek wisdom and to set our hearts on finding “her“. The worthy one who perseveres in seeking Wisdom will find her waiting to be embraced. In our 2nd reading, St. Paul reminds us of the Hope we have in the Risen Christ and the assurance that those who have first died in Christ will rise with Christ, as we patiently await His return. In today’s gospel message Christ tells you that only the wise who have filled and prepared their oil lamps will enter the Wedding Feast when the Bridegroom suddenly appears. Is your oil lamp ready and waiting? It is by practicing Wisdom, Forgiveness, Virtues, Works of Mercy and by receiving the Sacraments that your lamp fills up and overflows with God’s grace. Are you among the “foolish or the wise” that the Lord speaks about in His parable today? You may be expecting to enter God’s Kingdom but have you forgotten your key? It is the “light of Christ within you” that unlocks the door. His sudden appearance should not catch you off-guard. Today, Jesus gives you an advanced warning when He tells you: “Stay awake for you know not the day or the hour of the Bridegroom’s return”. ARE YOU PREPARED? ARE YOU AWAKE? AND ARE YOU ALIVE IN CHRIST? Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Nov. 16th Sacrament of Marriage Anne Marie Kelly
In today’s readings, God warns you about following religious teachers who twist His holy teachings in order to please you, causing many to stumble in their confusion. NO ONE can change Christ’s truthes as taught in His gospel message. Jesus warns you in today’s gospel against hollow works, empty religious practices and an uncompassionate heart. When you have the courage to look deeply at your own beliefs, actions and practices, what do you find? Are you doing all that you can? Are you serving and loving your husband, wife, children, family, friends, and community by giving them “your best?” Pope Francis tells you to beware of becoming part of the “globalization of indifference”. It is far easier to disregard the pain and suffering around you, and justify your own indifference, than to take action. Today Christ calls you out of your comfort zone by asking you to serve, with humility, those in need. He asks you to find the good, instead of the faults, to find the Christ in others. Jesus tells you “the greatest among you must be your servant, for whoever humbles himself will be exalted”. When it comes down to it, you really only love God as much as you love the least among you. You and I know that we are far from perfect, but if you are making the effort to expand your love and service, if you are aware of Christ’s call, then you can be the “change” the world needs. It all starts with a heart for Christ and a desire to serve. Everyone has something to give, a kind word, a smile or a tender touch. What can YOU give? Our Lord knows that you are a “work in progress” but gives you an “A” for effort. St. Paul, in our 2nd reading, reminds you “that it truly is the word of God, which is at work in you, who believe“; Sooooo, LET YOUR BELIEF LEAD YOU TO LOVE BY BLESSING SOMEONE TODAY!
Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Nov. 9 Christ the King, Apostles Paul Saks
and Papacy
Today, Jesus reveals to you the Job Requirements expected from all who claim to be “Christian”, when He tells you “You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and with all your mind. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus sums up the Ten Commandments into just Two. If you keep these Two Commandments you will have accomplished keeping ALL TEN. Jesus teaches that your 1st obligation is to love God with the totality of your entire being. Your 2nd responsibility is to know how you want and expect to be treated, then shower that conduct onto others. It is when you love God above all else that you become capable of loving others unconditionally. The Golden Rule “Do unto others what you would have them do to you” is the surest way into Heaven. Selfless acts that are done solely out of love for God are always Holy and Sacred Deeds. Exchange your self-centeredness for self-givingness. Look for opportunities to give without any expectation of reward. Become aware of your intentions behind all your actions. Do they contain selfish motives? Do your actions reflect a “What’s in it for me” attitude? If so, you must change it to a “What can I do to help you?” attitude. Do your life choices meet the Lord’s Job Requirements? St. Paul tells you to
transmit the “Good News” by becoming living examples of your faith in Christ. HERE IS THE CHANCE TO FINE-TUNE YOUR SPIRITUAL JOURNEY AND TO GRAB THE GOLDEN RING OF SAINTHOOD BY “GIVING YOUR ALL” AND DESIRING NOTHING EXCEPT “HIM” IN RETURN. Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Mon., Oct. 30 Social Justice, Stewardship Peg Markert
& Works of Mercy
10/22/17: “ARE YOU HIS?”
In today’s gospel, Jesus warns you not to confuse the things of the world with the things of God, when He tells you “Pay Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar and to God what belongs to God.” His message serves to remind you not to get lost in the complicated and sophisticated pursuit of money, power, career and unhealthy pleasures. You are in the world but you should not be filled by worldly things. No matter how much you get, you want more because enough is never enough. We are always looking for the next new thing. Your ‘U-HAUL’ will not follow you beyond this world into Heaven. All that you strive to achieve, the big house and car, the huge bank accounts, fame and prestige, will not impress the only one who really matters – the Lord. Your kindness, mercy, forgiveness, sorrow for your sinfulness and your good deeds and charity is what the Lord is looking for from you. These are the only things you will take with you to heaven - will your hands and heart be full? Do you know that God created you with an “empty spot” in your heart that only He can fill? Nothing in this world will satisfy your hungry heart except a relationship with God. You have been chosen by God, with the power of the Holy Spirit, to love and serve your Lord. GOD HAS CALLED YOU BY NAME….ARE YOU HIS? Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments? For info call Msgr., at 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Oct. 26 Mary, Saints & Angels Bobbie Prescott
10/15/17: “R.S.V.P”
Emily Post, a one-time authority on social behavior and proper etiquette once wrote “An invitation to dine at the White house is more than an invitation, it is a command and automatically superceeds all other invites.” In other words cancel all other events and GO! If this is the proper etiquette for an invitation from the President of the United States, what’s the proper etiquette for an invite from God? In today’s gospel Jesus tells you a parable about a Wedding Feast. He invites you to attend. Will you? You should R.S.V.P. your acceptance as soon as possible. Some of you are too busy, too tired, too angry, unforgiving, too distracted or occupied. Some of you will flatly refuse. But, should you accept Christ’s invitation, there will be a requirement of commitment and some effort on your part. It means making and taking time for the “things of God”. It means continually moving in God’s direction by growing your love for the Lord and each other. Are you hoping to make it into the Feast at the very last moment, without your proper wedding garment? In the final verse of today’s gospel Jesus sets you straight when He tells you “There will be wailing and grinding of teeth, for many are invited but only few are chosen”. You do not know the day or hour of your own personal invitation to the Feast, so make sure you are always wearing your “wedding garments”, those of Baptism, Faith, Righteousness, Virtue and the works of the Holy Spirit. Only you and the Lord will know if you are properly dressed, so that you may enter the Feast and join Jesus, the Bridegroom. WHEN THE LORD ACCEPTS YOUR R.S.V.P. THEN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN AWAITS YOU. Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
10/19 Humility & Prayer Peggi Byrnes
10/8/17: “SHOW AND TELL”
Today’s readings should cause you to ask yourself this question, “What type of fruits am I producing in my life?” Jesus tells us the parable about a landowner (God) and His Vineyard (God’s people). After sending many servants (priests & prophets) God sends His Son Jesus, whose words of truth, love, and His tender touch provide living water for the vineyard to produce Godly fruit. Jesus becomes the caretaker of the vineyard. This entire lesson from Jesus in today’s gospel is all about your relationship with God and the fruits you bear. Your relationship to Christ’s teachings should be visible in the structure of your life; every action causes a reaction, which is the fruit we bear and set in motion. St. Paul, in our 2nd reading advises you to choose only what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, gracious and excellent. He reminds you to “Give thanks and, without anxiety, petition the Lord in prayer; then the Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Have you made Christ the cornerstone of your family? Do all your decisions and responses reflect Christ? It takes perseverance and strong faith to move beyond the Ordinary into the Extraordinary. Can you remember “Show and Tell” as a child in school? WELL….THIS IS YOUR FIRST BIG ASSIGNMENT! Christ asks you to not only believe in the gospels, but to “Show and Tell” the gospel message. It is not enough to love and share His word but you need to show it by your life, in your home, your manner, your emotions, your relationships and in the way you love and forgive, that you are Christ-centered. Jesus was rejected by many of His own people but He was destined to become your cornerstone. ARE YOU TRIPPING OVER CHRIST, THE CORNERSTONE, OR ARE YOU BUILDING ON HIM? AT THE TIME OF THE HARVEST CHRIST WILL ASK YOU, “DID YOU SHOW AND TELL”? Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Oct. 12 The Mass & The Missal The RCIA Team
10/1/17: “U-TURNS”
Today, Jesus tells a parable about two sons whose father asked each to do a certain task. The first son answered “I will not” but then went ahead and did it. The 2nd son said “Yes, I will do it” but did not follow through. What is Jesus’s lesson for your own spiritual journey when He then says “Tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the Kingdom of God before you!” Here is the point: Are you a lukewarm Catholic or a Cafeteria Catholic who picks and chooses what they will or won’t accept? Are you a Catholic who hears the gospel but when it does not fit your lifestyle you choose to reject Christ’s teachings? If so, you’re like the 1st son - you say yes but then refuse the rest. The proud will refuse to serve, will set their feet upon the path of unrighteousness and will try to remake, redo and re-create an alternate vision apart from our Lord’s. This style of Catholicism is shallow and falls short of Glorifying Christ. Who does God see you serving when He glances your way? Are you like the 2nd son who first refused Christ but later followed the Father’s request? St. Paul reminds you that, in the end, “every knee shall bend and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord”. Only the humble and righteous will ponder the unfathomable ways of God, and will serve Him in Faith and Trust. Christ emptied Himself on the Cross and was obedient to the point of death thereby Redeeming us. GOD LOVES U-TURNS SO BE COURAGEOUS ENOUGH TO LET GOD BE GOD. Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Oct. 5 Salvation History RCIA Team
A Walk through the Covenants
9/24/17: “FIRST & LAST”
In today’s society “justice” is a word widely proclaimed from many different viewpoints. Is today’s gospel a “just” viewpoint? Jesus tells the parable of a landowner (God) hiring laborers at four different times during one day. Some worked many hours and others worked less. All got paid the same amount regardless of the hours they worked. Is this justice? What can justify the seemingly unjust payments? Your reaction to this gospel should tell you a lot about your own spiritual consciousness. It should expose your littleness and reveal your need for a Savior; we are not big enough to love and forgive the way God can. As a sinner, do you really want God’s justice or should you desire God’s mercy at the finale? What will happen when you reach heaven’s door and find out it is filled with repentant sinners and unworthy souls. In our 1st reading God tells Isaiah “Your thoughts and ways are not my ways, for my ways and my thoughts are above yours.” God’s mercy and love is so great that a sinner is allowed to steal heaven at the very last breath they take, as the Good Thief did at the Crucifixion. If you have been fortunate enough to have lived a life filled with Christ, then joy has been yours. Sinners who only know Christ for a short time long for more and their cries are heard by our merciful God. IN GOD’S EYES, THERE IS NO “FIRST OR LAST”, ONLY THOSE WHO CRY OUT FOR THE LORD’S GENEROUS MERCY. Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
In today’s gospel, Peter asks Jesus “How often must we forgive? Jesus answers “Seventy times seven”, which draws on the Jewish symbolism of the number seven, signifying “Completeness.” Jesus instructs you that “forgiveness and mercy have no bounds”. Jesus goes further with a parable about a master forgiving his servant, yet that same servant refuses to forgive a fellow servant. Jesus calls the one that was unforgiving ‘wicked’. Jesus continues instructing “You will be handed over to your torturer by my Heavenly Father unless each of you forgives your brother from your heart.” Are you a carrier of unforgiveness? Have you hardened your heart? Are you willing to take your anger, revenge and unforgiveness to your grave? Are you forfeiting Heaven for an injustice you suffered? Your job is not to judge, punish, seek revenge or foster division, but to find a path to wholeness and peace. Jesus’s prayer, the Our Father, teaches that your own willingness to forgive is the yardstick the Lord will apply to you. Our Lord will not ask you who was right or wrong. He will ask you, what did YOU do to repair the rupture? That person who has been a thorn in your side, the one you have been unwilling to forgive, needs to hear from you. Forgiving them means securing Heaven, whether they accept or reject your action of extending a hand in peace. The action itself is what gives you the gift of ‘Completeness’ and opens Heaven’s door. It is a clean heart that our Lord desires, so knock, seek, pray and you will find the way to heal your unforgiveness. Entering Heaven demands “Completeness” during your earthly journey. Your “Completeness” depends on your willingness to forgive others. JESUS DID IT ALL THE WAY TO THE CROSS, NOW YOU MUST DO IT ALL THE WAY TO HEAVEN. Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Sept. 21 The Bible, Tradition and Fr. Henry
Divine Revelation
Today’s readings remind us that we are all “Missionaries for our Lord”, serving our brothers and sisters each and everyday. Many times we are missionaries who suffer from amnesia only living to fit in, to be successful or to impress other people. Is this what you were created for? Peggy Lee once sang a song entitled “Is That All There Is?” Maybe you are asking yourself this same question. St. Paul addresses this in our 2nd reading as he instructs you, as a missionary, saying “Love does no evil to its neighbor; so love your neighbor as yourself, for love is the fulfilment of the law.” How does this connect to today’s gospel reading? Jesus calls us to be purpose-driven missionaries, sent on mission by the Lord. We are asked to direct our families, friends and colleagues back to God’s Church, to the Sacraments of Reconciliation and back to the Lord’s love and mercy. You are here on mission to pray for your brothers and sisters, to heal and forgive broken relationships and to promote Jesus’s great gift of Mercy. We are all sinners who have been called by Jesus to practice forgiveness. Today, Jesus tells you, “if someone hurts you, don’t gossip about it, but go to that person and talk it over in order to find healing.” We are missionaries asked to lead others to prayer and to the peace of Christ: “For where two or more are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them and anything for which they pray shall be granted to them by My Heavenly Father. Awake from your amnesia, remember your mission, and lead people back home to the Lord. Your mission is love; the summit and essence of the law and of a life in Christ. BE A “MISSIONARY OF LOVE” FOR THAT ‘IS’ ALL THERE IS, ‘ONLY LOVE’! Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member? Join us Sept. 14, parish house, 7pm. For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
When we are faced with difficult circumstances sometimes we find ourselves over-reacting out of fear and worry. In today’s gospel we find the apostle Peter rebuking Jesus when he hears Jesus describe the Passion He will suffer. Peter refuses to accept Jesus’s words and thus becomes an obstacle to Christ, causing Christ to admonish him. Are you an obstacle to others? Do you refuse to speak Christ’s truths out of fear of rejection? In both our 1st & 2nd readings we hear that both writers’ suffered for preaching God’s word. Jesus sets us straight showing us the way of Salvation when He tells us “Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me: for whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” To be a follower of Christ takes real courage because Christianity is counter-cultural. Do you want to win the approval of this world, or the approval of God? You must keep your final destination in mind for in the end only the opinion of Our Lord really matters. Today Christ asks you to accept your suffering, carry your cross and reap your reward in heaven. Christ suffered, so do not be surprised when suffering comes your way. You must participate in God’s plan by doing all that you can, and then you must “let go and let God”. This is the precise time to practice trusting in God’s great mercy. Do not allow your pain or disappointments to define you but be transformed; seeking always what is good, pleasing and perfect. LET YOUR ENTIRE LIFE BECOME A TESTIMONY TO THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL, THE LOVE OF CHRIST! Want to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Please join us on Thurs., Sept. 14, 7pm in the Parish House for our first RCIA meeting. For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol
8/27/17: “YOU ARE HIS”
Who is Jesus for you? Each of us must answer this question for ourselves. If you answer: Jesus is my Lord and my Savior, then you have been given the same gift that Peter received over 2,000 years ago. In today’s gospel Jesus asks His disciples “Who do people say I am?” It was only Simon who knew the answer saying “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Then Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, for only my Father in Heaven could reveal this to you”. Jesus then changed Simon’s name to Peter the Rock, on whom He would build His Church, thus installing St. Peter as our first Pope. In this powerful gospel Jesus gives the “Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven” to our first Pope, Peter, saying “What you bind or loose on earth shall also be bound or loosened in Heaven”. Here we witness the transference of power to the Pope. In this gospel we also find the foundation for the Sacrament of Confession and the beginning formation of the Catholic Church. You were also given a new name when you were Baptized and Confirmed. Like Saint Peter the survival of our church rests on you and the answer you give to Jesus when He asks you “Who do you say I am?” If you answer, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God”, then you, like Saint Peter, are filled with the Holy Spirit and will carry on Christ’s mission to bring forth the Kingdom of God. YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED, YOU HAVE ANSWERED AND YOU ARE HIS! Want to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
8/20/17: “GIVING YOUR ALL”
In today’s Gospel. We see the courage of a pagen woman as she approaches Jesus to ask for her daughter’s healing. At first Jesus seems to rebuke her request. The Canaanite woman is not deterred by Jesus’s rejection, but instead continues to dialog with Him saying: “Lord help me.” Both her words and her actions show great faith. Jesus replies “O woman, great is your faith, let it be done as you wish,” and her daughter was healed. How do you approach your Lord Jesus Christ? How deep is your faith and conviction in your Savior? Are your prayers filled with love and humility or are they just a passing thought or two? Do you engage your Lord in conversation, which results in relationship? Every person in love wants the heart and mind of their beloved. JESUS LOVES YOU. ARE YOU GIVING HIM YOUR HEART AND MIND? ARE YOU GIVING HIM YOUR ALL? Want to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
8/13/17: “OCEAN OF FAITH”
Most of us have had our faith tested once or twice in our lives. Many of those times are due to circumstances beyond your control. When you arrive out of the darkness with your faith intact you can look back and recognize that God “was with you.” In today’s Gospel reading Peter steps out of the boat and out of his comfort zone to reach Jesus by walking on water. When Peter begins to sink he cries out “Lord save me!” Jesus answers Peter “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” Is Jesus asking you to step out of your comfort zone? There is that old saying; nothing ventured, nothing gained. Peter ventured out and gained the knowledge that taking your eyes off the Lord could cause you to sink. Peter recognized that “truly, you Jesus are the Son of God.” Peter discovers his own weak faith, along with his real courage. You cannot remain in the boat and expect to grow in the ways of God. You will never know all that you are capable of achieving unless you step up and step out of your comfort zone. What are you waiting for? In today’s first reading, Elijah does not find God in the strong wind, nor in the powerful earthquake, nor in the consuming fire, but he finds the Lord in the tiny whispering sound that spoke to his heart. Jesus speaks to you in today’s Gospel when He commands you to “Come” after him and overcome your fear of “this and that” which may be keeping you in the boat. PUT ON YOUR WATER WINGS, KEEP YOUR EYES ON CHRIST, GRAB HIS HAND, STEP OUT OF THE BOAT AND TAKE THAT MIRACLE WALK ON THE OCEAN OF FAITH. Want to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Today we celebrate the “Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord”. Are you aware of this wonderful gift left to you by Jesus in the Holy Scriptures? Jesus takes Peter, James, John and “you” to the mountaintop and shows you His glorified self. He appears in glory with Moses, representing God’s law and Elijah, who is fulfilling the prophecy of his return as the herald of the Messiah. Jesus gives this gift so that the Apostles and all future believers will be able to absolutely recognize Him as the Messiah and also to strengthen their faith. Does that include you? Are you absolutely convinced that Jesus is the Son of God? Have you accepted His gift? In today’s 2nd reading Saint Peter declares that they, the three Apostles, were eyewitnesses to Christ’s Transfiguration and that they themselves heard the voice from heaven say “This is my Son, my beloved, with whom I am well-pleased.” In the gospel we hear that the Apostles were afraid and fell prostrate. Then Jesus touched them saying “RISE AND DO NOT BE AFRAID.” Has Jesus touched you? Life’s experiences, both joyful and sorrowful, transform us sometimes for better and sometimes for worse. However, it is Jesus’s touch that calls us to rise above every earthly experience so to rest in His glory and to shine with the love of His Transfiguration. Only Christ can bring about a change of heart, only Christ can develop your inner beauty, only Christ can transform you. Will you allow Jesus close enough in order to feel His “TRANSFORMING TOUCH”? Want to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
7/30/17: “THE REAL DEAL”
What do you long for? What do you desire? Answer these two questions and you will have a pretty clear picture of your “heart focus”. Whatever desires you hold in your heart is where you will direct all of your energy. Make sure your “heart’s focus” is aligned with the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Is your struggle to fulfill your heart’s desires “out of focus”? Is the price you are willing to pay worth the prize? No one wants to come to the end of their life’s journey only to find out that they over-payed. Don’t cheat yourself by running after those empty promises of love, wealth and happiness that the world offers you. Exchange the “big lie” for the “real deal.” In today’s reading we learn that having the Lord’s Wisdom and finding the Kingdom of Heaven is the “real deal”, the Pearl of Great Worth. Jesus Christ is the treasure waiting to be discovered by you. What are you willing to forego, to sacrifice, to reject, in order to own this great treasure? Love God above all else so as to be conformed to His image; “for you have been called, and those He has called He also Justifies, and those He justifies, He also Glorifies.” Like King Solomon, pray for Wisdom and an understanding Heart in order to lead those around you and “all things will work for the good, for those who love God.” JESUS CHRIST IS THE “REAL DEAL” SO MAKE HIM YOUR “HEART’S FOCUS”. Want to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Today we hear several parables from Jesus, which include the parable of the mustard seed. He speaks of the wheat and the weeds growing up together and also about the Kingdom of God being like the leavened yeast in the flour. Jesus, in today’s gospel, goes to great lengths in His teachings. What exactly is the point of His narratives? Could it be that without the yeast, without the good seed and without good soil, all is lost? Is it that all is diminished and nothing reaches its “full potential” without God’s nourishment? Our Lord Jesus Christ is telling you that He is the yeast and the sower of good seed. Even the tiniest seed of faith, when tended to, can bring about the Kingdom of God. How much tending do you give your faith garden? Are your conversations with your Lord long, deep, and sincere? How much do you listen in silence, allowing the Lord’s Presence to engulf you? You need to make time to tend to your precious seeds of faith if you ever hope to grow in spiritual stature and power. Like the mustard seed you will become a dwelling place, and the Kingdom of Heaven will live in you. The Lord Jesus has sown good seed but you must nourish the fertile soil of your heart, mind, and spirit providing it with a holy and healthy diet. This September turn off the TV and join a Faith Sharing or Bible Group. Join our RCIA Team or commit to a Ministry. Faith leads to service and service leads to the Kingdom of Heaven. Enhance your knowledge of the Lord, experience the Joy of serving and then you will “REACH YOUR FULL POTENTIAL!” Want to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
NOTE: This is the time of the year to sign up for RCIA! Please call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Throughout the Scriptures we find that when God speaks, things happen. God’s words have Power and Purpose. In today’s culture of despair and suffering we have in our very midst the “Power of God”. The Lord has given us the very breath of life in the Holy Scriptures. How completely do you retain, practice, live and share the Hope and Joy of God’s Word? Mass is the high note of your Catholic faith where you encounter Christ in His Holy Word and in the Eucharist. You are commissioned to then share His Offer of Salvation to those around you. Do you know Jesus well enough to give Him to another? You can’t give what you don’t have. Today’s readings speak of seeds that fall on fertile ground and take root, compared to seeds that wither and die. God knows every heart, the heart that is fertile and the heart that is hard. Do you have a heart for God? Have you allowed God’s words to take deep root and spring forth Holy fruit? The Word of God holds within it the Power to change your life, but you must be open to it. The Word of God has a Purpose that is a “perfect fit” to mold and shape your destiny; but will you let it? The Power and Purpose of God’s words are to bring you into a “Right Relationship” with the Lord; are you willing to change? The Power and Purpose of God’s words speak to you with Love and Intimacy; have you heard them? In today’s 1st reading, Isaiah 55, God tells you “my word shall not return to me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for which I sent it”. In today’s gospel Jesus tells you “Knowledge of the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven has been granted to you.” Are you the rich soil that produces fruit for God’s kingdom? Do not return God’s words of Power and Purpose to Him empty. Do you believe and trust in His Holy Word? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s mysteries and love, so that you can hear God’s Word with Faith and Joy; then you will bear Holy fruit. You are called to receive and sow the Word, only then will His Word achieve the end for which it was sent. GOD HAS TRUSTED YOU WITH HIS POWER AND PURPOSE. Want to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
7/9/17: “COME TO ME”
In today’s Gospel, Jesus is calling you; “come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Learn from Me for I am gentle and humble in heart.” Is the Lord calling you to complete your sacraments or to enter the Catholic Church? Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x 100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
We all know what it means when our G.P.S. tells us “Recalculating”. It means we have veered off into a direction that leads us away from our destination. Today’s readings redirect us to our original “Baptismal Mission”. When we were baptized into Christ we were also united to His suffering and death. Jesus gave everything up, all that He loved, to hang on the cross for a greater love—You. He asks you to do the same, by loving Him above all else. He asks you to pick up your cross daily by forgiving and loving, even when you don’t feel like it. Being a disciple of Christ means fighting the good fight so to wear the crown He wore. You must be that living example of Christian love, even when it hurts. Your children and grandchildren are watching and are aware of what you say and all you do. They must witness your fidelity to Christ and His teachings. This is what Christ means when He asks “are you worthy of me?” in today’s gospel. Have you lost your way or misplaced your baptismal mission? Christ is calling you to “Recalculate” and get back on track, because in the end, BELONGING TO CHRIST IS THE ONLY DESTINATION THAT REALLY MATTERS ! Want to become Catholic or complete your Sacraments? Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Are you “Tuned In” to Christ? The Apostles were deeply tuned into the Lord. In today’s gospel Jesus, after calling the Apostles to preach and teach, instructs them to be fearless. He tells the twelve to “fear no one; do not be afraid for even all the hairs of your head are counted.” Today, Jesus encourages you to “Tune In” to Him. If you reflect on what keeps you from greater and deeper commitments, you will find “fear” at the center, holding you back. “Tune In” and be empowered by the Lord’s confidence in you. Get beyond the daily battle of “me first.” Stop the self-talk that runs daily through your mind such as “How do I look? Who slighted me? I won’t forgive or forget. What about me? How can I get even? I don’t have time. I’m more important than you etc, etc, etc. When Jesus says “Don’t be afraid”, He is telling you to give your life away in service to others, for love of Him. He is telling you He has you in the palm of His hand. Tune into Christ and tune out of the negative self-absorption. By dying to self you give time and open heart space for the Lord to embrace you. God has empowered you to perform great acts of heroic love and mercy. God has set you free from fear. The next time you are asked to serve step out of your comfort zone, step out of your fear for the Lord is asking you to stretch and grow your faith. YOU ONLY HAVE TO “TUNE IN” TO THE LORD AND LET YOUR GREATNESS SHINE! Want to become Catholic or complete your sacraments? Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ known as “Corpus Christi”. Did you know that God is in the life-saving business? After He saves the lives of thousands, by leading the Hebrews from Egypt, He sends them life-saving “Manna”. Everyday the manna flakes would fall from heaven and would be gathered up to make bread. Moses tells you “Do not forget the Lord, your God.” The Lord then gives the people His Commandments and renews His life-saving covenant with them. Fast forward and we find Jesus explaining to the crowds that He is “the Bread of Life”, the bread that is His true flesh, and the wine that is His true blood, and whoever eats and drinks His body and blood will live forever and “I will raise him up on the last day”. Jesus tells you in today’s gospel, “Amen, Amen I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you do not have life within you, for I am the bread of life come down from Heaven.” Here again we receive the life-saving action of God. Do you believe in the True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist? Ask yourself these questions; Is Jesus lying to me in today’s gospel? If Jesus is the truth, the way and the life, why would He make deceptive statements? Jesus is either a liar, a madman, a lunatic or He is who He claimed to be, the Messiah. Do lunatics heal the blind, cure the crippled and raise the dead? Each of us must decide for ourselves who Jesus is. If you decide He is the Savior then you must believe in His words that the Bread and Wine become His true Body and Blood at the Consecration during every Mass. St. Paul reminds us today that we are one body in Christ. So the next time you partake of the Body and Blood of Jesus be aware of what is taking place. Be conscious of the Lord’s Holy Presence in the little white host which you are receiving, and by this saving action of Christ, we become “one body”. We become His Body, we become a Holy Church. God, the Savior, is in the life-saving business, so “Believe” as if your life depends on it! Want to become Catholic or complete your sacraments? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Today we celebrate the “Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity”, which is the central mystery of God Himself and of our Catholic Faith. You will not find the word “Trinity” anywhere in the Bible, yet every Christian Faith proclaims belief in it. Jesus revealed the Trinity to all believers when He commanded the Apostles to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – the Trinity. In today’s 1st reading, God reveals His very nature when He says that He is “merciful, gracious, slow to anger, rich in kindness and fidelity.” Our 2nd reading continues by revealing what God requests from you: “mend your ways, encourage one another, agree, live in peace; then the God of Love and Peace will be with you.” St. Paul then invokes “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit” to bless you. Here again we find the “Trinity.” Next we read John 3:16, “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but have eternal life.” The Holy Trinity is Love. It is a mystery which is not accessible by human reasoning, but is only revealed by God to those who believe. God reveals His mysteries to you, slowly but surely, as you mature along your own faith journey. Every time you recite the “Creed” or make the Sign of the Cross, you express faith in the Trinity. Our Trinitarian belief of “one God in three Persons” is supported throughout the Old and New Testament biblical writings. Are you mending and improving your ways, so as to live in peace and harmony with all persons whom God has placed in your life? Are you an agreeable person or must it be your way or the highway? Do you look for opportunities to encourage those around you or are you more likely to find fault? Peace begins with you, and becomes your reality the moment God lives within you, so do as today’s gospel instructs, “Greet one another with a holy kiss.” Today Jesus points you to the way of holiness, not as a judge, but as loving and merciful Savior. PRAY for the Grace of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit so that God’s goodness, kindness and mercy is realized through your actions. BE BOLD and bring “TRINITARIAN LOVE” into the world around you. Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218. If you are interested in joining the RCIA Team, please join our team meeting in the Parish House at 7pm on Thursday, June 15TH.
Did you ever wonder why such a multitude of pilgrims, speaking many different languages and from so many different nations, were in Jerusalem at the time of the Jewish feast of Pentecost, also known as the “Feast of Weeks” or “Shavuot”? This was a Jewish Holy Day, which launched the reaping of the summer harvest and also celebrated the Covenant Law given to Moses at Mount Sinai, written on stone tablets and calling the Hebrew people to become a holy nation belonging to God. Devout Jews from every nation gathered in Jerusalem for this major feast. God chose that perfect moment in time to send forth the Holy Spirit into the world, changing it through the followers of His Son, Jesus Christ. The Lord writes His laws on the heart of all believers and the Father’s life-giving breath is breathed into the world, forming a new covenant. You are the body of Christ and become a new creation in Baptism. You increase your capacity for His love, when you receive the life-giving Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, a gift left to you by Christ. Just like Olympic torchbearers who are charged with carrying the Olympic flame from the location of the last Olympic games to the next Olympics; God has given you the responsibility of carrying the flame of the Holy Spirit into the world from the very time of your own Baptism. You have the incredible task of witnessing for Christ, wherever you go, using your special spiritual gifts. God asks you to be vigilant in protecting and feeding your flame, allowing it to grow brighter and brighter, day by day, year after year. He asks you to make it a Holy run and to go the distance, crossing the finish line, on fire with the Holy Spirit, bearing the peace, love and faith of the living God. You are the Lord’s Olympians, you are God’s witnesses, you are God’s “Torchbearers”. Pentecost is the Church’s birthday, so raise high your torch and let your radiant light shine. Lord send out your spirit and renew the face of the earth! Want to know more about RCIA and receiving your Sacraments or about becoming a team member and a part of this rewarding ministry? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
At the Ascension, Jesus commanded that “all be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; observe all I have commanded of you and behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Today’s 1st reading speaks of the aftermath of Jesus’s Ascension into Heaven. Imagine the amazement, fear and suffering the Apostles experienced when Jesus left them. In their anxiety they, together with Mary, went to the upper room to pray and await the promised Advocate, the Holy Spirit. In our 2nd reading St. Peter connects two words that seem to be unrelated, “Suffer and Rejoice.” Many times our suffering is self-imposed and we suffer from our own poor choices. We suffer when we hang on to petty grievances, which lead to continuous strife and pain. This is what St. Peter means when he speaks of the shame and suffering of evil-doers and intriguers whose suffering is brought about by their own actions. Before you blame the Lord, inspect your own intentions as a catalyst to your sufferings. If you desire to live in the peace of the Lord, avoid these self-imposed traps that will pull you away from spiritual growth and intimacy with God. St. Peter has given you the new name of “Christian” which is found only three times in scripture. As a Christian, you can count on suffering when defending your Christian values. Also, there is suffering that the Lord asks you to accept. It is during these most difficult times that you find yourself undeservingly on the cross with Jesus. You are in agony and broken-hearted, but let all your sufferings bring about rejoicing for you are in deep communion with Jesus on the Cross. Unite your own woundedness with His and Jesus will call you Blessed! Do not be afraid, for in today’s gospel Jesus prays His priestly prayer for you, asking His Father to give Eternal Life to all who keep His word and glorify His name. You do not suffer in vain, but suffer and rejoice because Heaven belongs to you! Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
June 1 Love & Evangelization Carol Mangani
Do you desire to experience the Lord’s action in your life? Do you expect God’s mercy at the time of your death? Are you expecting to enter into heaven? Today, Jesus tells you “If you love me, you will keep my commandments; my Father will send you an advocate to be with you always.” In order to fully activate the power of the Holy Spirit you must sweep clean your heart of all jealousy, unforgiveness, greed, and ingratitude, etc. The Holy Spirit takes residence in a clean heart, which is fertile ground for His power. You must do your part by repairing and healing those broken relationships if you are sincere in your desire for spiritual growth; only then will you have power to preach and live “Christ”. The Lord is waiting on you to do your part. It is a Godly action to invoke the power which you already possess, the power to say “I’m sorry” or “forgive me” or “I miss you and love you”, or “can we talk?” God will not give anyone more gifts if they have not tried to use what they already have. These actions of peacemaking and forgiveness reveal your true Christian character and bear testimony to Christ. You must crawl before you walk, and walk before you run and so it also goes with spiritual growth. The Lord gives you “more” when you utilize the gifts you already have. In our 2nd reading, St. Peter tells us “you must be ready to give an explanation for your faith and hope in Christ”; can you? If the answer is no, then consider joining the RCIA Team, where you will learn your Catholic faith and how to defend it. You are always asking the Lord for this or that “but what have you given him? What part of your life have you put aside for loving Him”? Is it a one-day a week relationship or are you loving Him “hour by hour and day by day”? Jesus tells you today “because I live, you will live, I am in my Father and you are in me and I in you.” Live in the Spirit of Truth by remaining in Christ and rejecting the world’s lies. Accept heaven’s commandments and you will remain in the Love and Hope of your Lord, Jesus, for YOU ARE HIS! Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
June 1 Love & Evangelization Carol Mangani
If you should ever become curious about what happened after the crucifixion, read the Acts of the Apostles, which places you at the beginning of the formation of our Church. Today’s first reading from Acts explains how the 12 apostles dealt with the needs of their growing Church. They added seven new Deacons including St. Stephen, first-named Deacon, who later became the first Christian Martyr. There was a profound acceptance of Jesus as the Messiah, therefore an explosion of believers. Peter tells us that Jesus is the precious, chosen cornerstone which was rejected by the authorities. God willed that the Gospels be spread to every corner of the earth, and so it continues. The Church is the dwelling place where you can encounter and worship the living Christ. He is the cornerstone of all baptized believers and the foundation of your faith. You, who believe are called from the dark into the light, you are chosen and belong to Christ Jesus. In today’s well-known gospel, Jesus tells you that His plan is to come back again and take you to Himself so that where He is, you may also be. Jesus also tells you that “You know the Way, for whoever believes in me will do the works that I do.” Are you on board? Will you be ready for the journey when the Lord comes to collect you? Are all your works His works? Are you a living stone in Christ’s Church? Is your relationship with the Lord personal and up close? Jesus prays that you may be “as one” in union with Him, as He is with the Father. Your knowledge of Jesus must go far beyond the head, for it must travel to your heart. Jesus calls you to an “indwelling of the same mutual spirit”. Have you rejected or accepted His call? Spend your earthly journey doing the works of heaven and then you will be ready to catch the next Jesus flight when He calls out “All aboard, Heaven bound”. Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
May 18 Eucharist, The Real Presence Msgr. Carroll
Christ the Good Shepherd
Today is known as “Shepherd Sunday”. In today’s first reading we hear Peter proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Messiah. This is the same Peter who denied even knowing Christ. What is it that changed Peter from a coward to boldly proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Savior, in public, risking his own life and finally dying for Christ? There is only one fact that could give this kind of courage; walking and talking for 50 days with the risen Christ, the unshakable truth of the Resurrection and recognizing Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus is the Word of God and St. Peter tells us, “Be Baptized and Believe”. In our 2nd reading St. Peter continues saying, “by His wounds you have been healed, for you have gone astray like sheep, but you return to the Shepherd and the guardian of your soul. Be patient when you suffer for doing what is good, for this is a Grace before God because Christ also suffered for you.” Now we hear from St. John in today’s gospel, who also portrays Jesus as the “Good Shepherd”. Do you accept or reject Jesus and His teachings? Did you know that a shepherd, after herding the sheep into their enclosures, would lay himself across the gate so that no one could enter unknowingly? Jesus calls himself the “Gatekeeper” who opens wide the gate for all those who hear and follow His voice. Jesus tells you today “I am the gate, whoever enters through me will be saved, I came so you might have life and have it abundantly.” Like all shepherds, who could be called to save their sheep, Jesus did as his Father asked; He opened His arms and died, saving His flock. With Jesus Christ as your “Gatekeeper” you will enter into the fullness of life, a place of safety and rest. The Shepherd heart of Christ embraces and loves you for all Eternity. Enter into the “Gate”, follow the voice of your “Gatekeeper” and live! Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
May 11 Pentecost & Gifts of the Holy Spirit Mary Ramsden
Today’s 1st reading delivers a strong witness speech by St. Peter, giving scriptural evidence from the Old Testament prophecies, that Jesus is the awaited Messiah and that we can confidently Believe in Him. He then continues in today’s 2nd reading urging us to pattern our life on the teachings of Jesus Christ, who will judge us according to our works. He reminds us that we were all ransomed at a great price by the precious Body and Blood of Jesus. In today’s gospel passage we find two disheartened disciples, broken-hearted at the turn of events which ended with their leader dying on the cross, and all hope of victory lost. They do not recognize Christ when he joins the group. He interprets scripture for them, prays, and when he breaks the bread their eyes are opened and their hearts burn within them. When you accept the Eucharist as the true body and blood of Jesus, you accept His cross and enter into His victory. With a deep and abiding faith, eternal life is yours for the asking. What keeps you from becoming aware of Christ in your life? Fear, anger, hurt, pain? You can be so short-sighted that you fail to see all the Lord’s blessings in your own life. Ask Christ to open your heart, your mind and your eyes to enable you to recognize the Lord blessing you with His love. Jesus is walking with you every minute of every day and the best way to get to know Him is through the Holy Scriptures. St. Jerome said “Ignorance of Scripture is Ignorance of Christ.” Open the door of your heart through daily prayer, reading scripture and receiving the Holy Sacraments. TAKE THE JESUS WALK, HAVE THE JESUS TALK AND GET TO KNOW THE GOD WHO LOVES YOU! Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
May 11 Pentecost & Gifts Mary Ramsden
of the Holy Spirit
It is the Resurrection of Christ that our entire Church rests upon; no Resurrection – no Church. Our foundational belief in Christ Jesus’s divinity, power over death, and our own hope of resurrection and eternal life, rest on the belief and eyewitness accounts of the Apostles, who gave their own lives as testimony to the Truth of the Resurrection. In today’s first reading signs and wonders were performed through the apostles and AWE-filled the first Christian community. They prayed, broke bread, praised God, shared all they owned and grew in numbers. Christ had entered into their hearts and the Holy Spirit flowed out to form the new church, now His risen body, where we encounter the living Christ. Today’s gospel is rich with Jesus’s mercy and love for us. When doubting Thomas refuses to believe unless he sees, Jesus appears to him, telling him “Do not be unbelieving. You believe now because you have seen, but blessed are they who have not seen and believed.” Jesus is talking about you and me who believe by Faith. Christ’s triumph over suffering and death enables Christ to live and love within you. Jesus transferred His mission and power to the Apostles as he breathed the Holy Spirit on them and the Sacrament of Reconciliation began. You also are called to forgive and show mercy to your circle of family and friends. Today is the Feast of Divine Mercy. Who do you know that needs your forgiveness and mercy? You have been called to exercise the power of “Christ Within You”. Jesus tells you in today’s gospel “Peace be with you.” Will you extend His peace to the one who hurt you? Have you been healed by Christ’s love? Are you willing to heal another? You have the power of “Christ Within” to perform signs and wonders of Great Love. Let your heart overflow with forgiveness, generosity and friendship as you give away the truth of Christ Within You. Want to know more? For information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
May 11 Pentecost & Gifts Mary Ramsden
of the Holy Spirit
At the Easter Vigil our Elect, John Yago, received the Sacrament of Baptism. After many months of preparation our candidates, Bob Richardson, Jennifer Tweer and Jamie Conroy, along with our Elect, celebrated their full reception into the Catholic Church by receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist. They will now be known as “Neophytes” during their first year as fully initiated Catholics. We congratulate them and their families on this holy and happy occasion. Please pray for them as they continue their journey through the period known as “Mystagogia”. Join us as we celebrate with them on April 29th at the 5pm Neophyte Mass. Want to know more? RCIA meets Thursdays at 7pm at the parish house. For more information call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 x100 or Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
May 11TH Eucharist & The Good Msgr. Carroll
Jesus’s Passover meal with His twelve disciples changed the course of human events; He took the bread and broke it saying “This is my body, take and eat it”, and then giving thanks, he took wine saying, “Take and drink, for this is my Blood, the Blood of the New and Everlasting Covenant, which will be shed for many, for the forgiveness of sins.” In a few days Jesus will give you His greatest gift. He will empty Himself of life, in humble obedience and in self-giving love. Humanity was created by God, in His Image. The first man was not content to be an Image of God but instead wanted to be God. Now through Jesus Christ, God’s purpose for humanity is brought to completion. Christ’s last act was the Institution of the Holy Eucharist, along with the Priesthood, giving the gift of Himself to us at every Mass. There is no greater gift than to surrender one’s life for another. You also must be willing to die to self by serving God. That is your mission - giving hope, offering a helping hand, a kind word, or serving another in their need. It is not about “you” but about “us”. With the words “Father Forgive them” Jesus breathed His last. It is you and me whom He forgives and expects us to do the same. Do you choose to forgive? Your salvation rests on “it”, since following Christ means forgiving, being non-judgmental and loving others unconditionally. Christ’s death on the Cross next Friday should awaken in you a spirit of self-reflection and deep ongoing conversion, together with a longing to reflect His Image everyday, in everyway. You have been ransomed at a great price, for it was not the nails that held Jesus to the Cross, but His love for you and me. This means carrying your Cross, knowing that heaven awaits you. The promise of everlasting life belongs to all who persevere in His name. Accept His greatest gifts of Forgiveness, Mercy and Love then PASS IT ON! Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
April 13 Mass “The Lord’s Supper” Church 7pm
April 14 Veneration of the Cross Church 3pm
The most important words in today’s long, but famous Gospel, are the words Jesus speaks to His friend, Mary: “I am the Resurrection and the Life, whoever believes in me, even if he dies will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” Then Jesus weeps and raises Lazarus from the dead, so that you may believe. Do you believe? Jesus overcame death on the cross and rose from the dead, so that you may believe. Do you live and breathe Christ? Jesus goes as far as waiting four (4) days before calling His friend, Lazarus, from the tomb so as to manifest the Glory and Power of God. Today, Jesus weeps for those He loves who still reject Him. We will all confront the Jesus question, “Is He really God?”; and then we must make that decision to accept or reject Christ. To accept Christ means to radically refuse the world’s empty promises and to replace them with a Christ-centered life. This means a daily battle between good and evil, a life of sacrifice, but a reward of Eternal Salvation. What do you choose…Life or Death? God weeps tears of love for you today, “Come out of the tomb that binds you. Come into the light of Christ and Glorify your Lord.” You will only live your life to its fullest potential when you ‘Embrace a life in Christ and come out of YOUR tomb’. Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
April 6 The Triduum Fr. Lukasz
“Awake, O Sleeper”, taken from today’s 2nd reading in the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians. He continues with “arise from the dead and Christ will give you light.” You must be willing to let the Lord love you into the light and out of your blindness. You must make room in your heart for Him to enter. A heart that is filled with darkness and sin has no space for God’s light to enter. The miracle in today’s gospel is, not only the regaining of the man’s eyesight, but the miracle of his “heart vision”. Even with his fear of repercussion from the Pharisees, he has the courage to proclaim Christ as Lord. God allowed His Son’s Crucifixion and Resurrection in order to awaken you to your own rebirth. You were baptized into Christ but the world and its promises of happiness has stolen your inheritance. “Arise from the dead into the light, shake off those empty promises, and become a child of God’s light once again. It is God alone who can satisfy an empty heart; it is only He who can give you the true vision of the love He has for you. It is Christ’s sacrifice that brings you the miracle of everlasting life. Step into His light, be filled with His grace and your life will shine in the darkness. God is waiting for you every Monday evening at 7pm in the confessional. He also waits every night in the Chapel, at the 7pm Mass, where He will perform the greatest of all miracles, when the bread becomes His Body and the wine become His Blood. “Awake, O Sleeper” to the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
March 30 Reconciliation, Sin & RCIA Team
Have you ever experienced forgiveness from a friend or family member that took you by surprise? Maybe they chose to simply look past something hurtful you may have done and they decided not to make it an issue? In today’s 2nd reading St. Paul tells you that Jesus chooses to do just that sort of thing for you. Although you are still a helpless sinner, Jesus loves and forgives you. He dies proving His unconditional love for you; God’s love is poured out into your hearts through the Holy Spirit. You are justified in Christ by the gift of Faith, which can not be earned, so as not to boast. Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross gives you salvation the day you believe. You must then live out your faith day-by-day. You do not save yourself, but it is Christ who saves you. In the gospel the Samaritan woman recognizes her own sinfulness when she encounters Christ at the well. It took the Lord’s voice to awaken her to the condition of her soul. Sin blinds you. Repetitive sin desensitizes your moral compass and dulls your conscience, blocking out God’s voice. You lose the way of goodness, righteousness and holiness on your journey home to eternal life. Has your own sin and darkness caused you to become deaf to the Lord’s voice? Like the Samaritan woman, are you willing to take Christ up on His promise and receive His gift of “Living water”? Lent is a good time to reboot with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Come to Christ through His gift of faith. Come to the well and you shall drink in God’s grace and live in God’s glory. You shall then draw others to the “well of His living water”. Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
March 23 The Ten Commandments Luann/Michael Allora
The Greatest Commandments
How different are you this Lent than last Lent? Have you spiritually grown during this past year? If not, then why not? One thing you should not accept is spiritual stagnation. You are only fully alive if you are continually growing in your “God Experience.” Remember the first time you fell in love, the first time you looked into your child’s eyes, or when you said your final goodbye to a parent or friend. All of these were degrees of soul transformations. God transforms you gently, revealing more and more about who you are and who He is. God graciously gives you what you need to keep your relationship with Him maturing. How much you spiritually grow, depends on your desire for the Lord. Each God experience transforms you, little by little, into resembling Him. Christ allowed the Apostles to witness His transformation, in order to strengthen them for His coming Passion. Everyday can bring you closer to an intimate relationship with your Creator. Like the Apostles, God asks you to climb the mountain with Him and experience a God transformation. In today’s gospel we hear God’s voice saying “THIS IS MY BELOVED SON, LISTEN TO HIM.” Spiritual change does not automatically occur. What can you do to make more space in your life for the Lord? All He asks of you is to give Him additional TIME AND ATTENTION during this Lent! ARE YOU LISTENING? For example, consider attending daily Mass at 7pm in the Chapel. Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
March 16 Forgiveness, Suffering, Jeanne Richards
Faith & Stations of the Cross
March 19 First Scrutiny 11am Mass
In today’s Old Testament reading from Genesis 2, we find the cunning serpent successfully separating humankind from its creator God, in whose Divine Image you were formed. Not much has changed for humanity. We still believe that partaking of the “Tree of Knowledge” can and will save us. We have the same desire to play God and to be God, instead of serving God. Adam and Eve’s disobedience alienated us from our Divine purpose of loving the Lord and each other unconditionally. Saint Paul, in our 2nd reading points us toward the 2nd Adam, Jesus Christ. Through His act of obedience on the cross, you are saved. Even Christ, in today’s gospel, is tempted by Satan! At this moment Jesus tells you the one important rule you must succeed in following when He says, “The Lord your God shall you worship and Him alone shall you serve”. How ever long you live, temptation will always call your name and you may be disobedient from time to time. God in His great love and mercy sent His Son Jesus Christ and gave you the healing Sacrament of Reconciliation. Will you humble yourself during Lent by receiving this Sacrament? Christ is waiting to rejoice in your “Coming Home.” Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
March 9 Conversion, Holiness, Grace Andrea Ciao
Our Father, The Transfiguration
Our readings today are filled with God’s love and concern for you. You are comforted by God’s words, “Even should your mother forget you, I, your God, will never leave you.” St. Paul reminds you that it is only God’s opinion of you that counts. Do you worry about what others think or say about you? Judging others is a sin because that job belongs only to the Lord. In today’s gospel Jesus warns us about serving two masters, God or the world. Who do you serve? Jesus knows that a divided heart is a heart not devoted to Him. Are you willing to give your heart to Jesus? Do you trust that he will care for you in all matters, big and small? Jesus’ admonition to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness”, forms His core message. Surrender all worry, every want and need to the Lord that loves & knows you better than you know and love yourself. Christ is offering you an intimate relationship as co-laborer in His work of salvation. If you do what God has called you to do then God will do the rest. God desires those hearts that are burning with love for Him, those who choose Him freely out of an undivided heart, out of an “undivided love”. Love God above all else. Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
March 2nd Sacrament of Marriage Ann Marie Kelly
Over the last several weeks our Lord has concentrated on giving you life lessons on how to be “Holy”. If you have made a commitment to living the Christian life then you are commanded by God, to love your neighbor as yourself! This kind of holy love forbids you to hold within your heart, hatred, vengeance, grudges, unforgiveness, gossip, jealousy, etc. God’s wisdom, which is revealed in Christ, asks you to even love your enemies. WHY? Perhaps the one who hates you, is in their deepest beings, the one who is most helpless and in need of great love. Jesus asks you to be “perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Loving and forgiving like Christ takes practice, but you have what it takes. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit and God dwells in you. You are “Holy” because God is Holy. You have all the power of Heaven at your fingertips when you learn to “Imitate Christ”. Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Feb. 23 The Problem of Evil, the Fall, Peggi Byrnes
And Divine Providence
In today’s gospel, Jesus is teaching us that God’s commandments must not only be heard, taught, and practiced, but they must direct your behavior in every aspect of your life. Jesus wants you to realize that God’s law is the very foundation of all right relationships. He tells you that God’s commandments need to transform the very depth of who you are. He asks you to no longer live for your own intentions, but to actively seek the intentions of the God who loves you. In order to love God, and to know God, you must seek God and his commandments. You must first also be willing to reconcile with anyone from whom you are estranged, before you can have an intimate relationship with the Lord. You are the carriers of God’s message. You are the future of Jesus’s mission here on earth. Every thought, decision, and action begins with the condition of your heart. When your heart is right with God, then goodness and mercy flows from you to those around you. If you are willing to follow the commandments of God’s love, then you are stepping into His righteousness and you are heaven bound! Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Feb.16 Morality Peg Markert
Feb. 23 The Problem of Evil Peggi Byrne
Are you asking “what’s next” after last week’s teaching of the Beatitudes? This week Jesus asks you to be transparent in your faith. The gospel reading tells you that the next step is letting your light shine for all to see and not having a silent, unexpressed faith that falls short of serving Him. Are you afraid to commit to Jesus? Are you worried that you cannot support your belief in an intelligent conversation about Catholicism? Do you want to be politically correct and not offensive? We should remember that Jesus was counter-cultural during his own life time. Jesus was not a coward who ran for cover at the slightest pressure from detractors. Jesus went to his death on the cross in obedience to His Father, giving all power to the cross born by His sacrifice and suffering. In the 2nd reading St. Paul tells you that it is not your power, but the power of the Holy Spirit and Christ crucified that wins hearts. In today’s readings you are called to check your own intentions. Is the good that you do done for your own glory or is it done out of a love for God, giving all glory to Him? All good done in the name of Christ has within it His “divine power”, which ripples out to change the world around you. Why is it different from that good which you boast of as your own? Almost all good that is done out of the love for God, and not for self-gain, includes a cost of self-sacrifice. Every pure-intentioned sacrifice, done for the good of another, displays God’s unconditional love and mercy, resulting in God’s light shining in and through the darkness. You have been given this “awesome power” by God to bring Christ into your own little corner of the world. Jesus does not ask you to convert your neighbor. He asks you to reveal to others how he has worked in your own life. No one can argue with, or be offended by your own personal witness. Is this too much to ask of you by the One who saves you from yourself? Become the “salt of the earth” and shine, shine, shine!
Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Feb. 9 Sacrament of Marriage Anne Marie Kelly
Do you know that the Lord has been gazing at you your entire life? Does He see a peacemaker, a person who is merciful, a comforter? Are you poor in Spirit, one who mourns, who hungers and thirsts for righteousness? Do you understand Christ’s teaching and the important meaning each “Beatitude” has for your life? If you do, then God is gazing on you as a wise and humble servant. Many fall short when it comes to the practice of the “Beatitudes”. Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta composed a prayer called ‘Do It Anyway’ that shifted my own thought process, so I would like to share it with you. It helps to explain what the Beatitudes will look like when they are put into practice.
Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Feb. 2 Social Justice, Stewardship & Paul Saks
Works of Mercy
Today’s gospel allows us a look into Christ’s call to the first apostles, Simon Peter and his brother Andrew, and also to two other brothers, James and John. We hear how they immediately left everything to follow Jesus. What was it about His call that invoked such a rapid response? What captivated them when Christ said “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men”? Can you imagine Our Lord speaking these words to you? How do you answer Him? Do you immediately respond? Until His call reaches deep into your heart and whispers “without me you can do nothing but with me all things are possible”, and until you lay your burdens on the cross, you will never follow or surrender your life to the Lord. It means giving up control and entering into His “trust & mercy”. St. Paul reminds you that you were baptized into Christ and belong to Christ. Like the apostles, you must decide whether or not to enter into Christ’s light, into Christ’s life, and into Christ’s love! Only you can decide! Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Jan. 25 (Wed.) The Beatitudes Molly Faith Gregoire
All of our readings today point us toward understanding our “baptismal mission”. In our first reading the Lord says “You are my servant, whom I formed in the womb, and through you I show my glory. I make you a light that will reach to the ends of the earth.” In the 2nd reading you are reminded that “you have been sanctified (set aside for God), in Jesus, and you are called to be Holy.” In the Gospel you find John the Baptist’s testimony that Jesus is the “Christ”, Son of God. God is calling you to serve and testify. Are you willing to say to Him “Here I am Lord, I come to do your will?” Join a bible or faith sharing group in order to grow in holiness, in order to serve the Lord, in order to be His light. This is “your mission” for which you were created and called by God to fulfill. Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Jan. 19th Holy Orders Deacon Omar
Today’s readings point us to the many prophecies fulfilled by the birth of Jesus. The wise men were aware that a Messiah was promised, so they were on the lookout for Him. The Magi knew the Old Testament teachings; they recognized the signs and found their Savior in the stable. Have you found him? Jesus continues to wait for you. He longs to share the incarnation mystery with you. In order to understand the joy of his incarnation, death and resurrection, you must be willing to surrender and replace your "all” with His. Has the star that you are following given you the love and peace that you are seeking? We humans like to think we are in control of our own life, yet we seem unable to find complete fulfillment. Only God can fill you with unending joy. Only God can love and forgive you unconditionally. All you have to do is hook your star to His. Holy mother church provides you with all you need; Reconciliation and Eucharist. True happiness is elusive without Christ. Having a holy, happy New Year depends on your resolution to spend more time knowing the Lord and allowing Him to love you as only He can. Then His mystery will be revealed in your heart and your joy will be complete. Only God has the best plan for your new year!
Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
1/12 Baptism and our mission Betty Dominico
Today, the 1st day of the New Year, we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. As Catholics, we believe that God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, as our Redeemer and Savior. Mary’s part in God’s divine plan began with her trusting God by saying “Yes” at the Annunciation. She continued her Holy motherhood bringing forth Jesus, (His name means “the One who saves”). He is the Word made flesh. At the foot of the cross, Jesus gives His mother to you, as your own spiritual mother. Mary’s example of surrendering “ALL” in order to accept God’s will is one you also should adopt. Like Mary, you must be open to encountering Christ, pondering His word and living your life in a relationship with Him.
This New Year, resolve to live as a child of God. Listen more deeply, speak more clearly, follow more closely by loving the Word more dearly. You have been assigned you own little corner of the world and your mission is to bring Hope, Faith, Charity and Love by lighting the darkness with His Good News! As this New Year begins, choose to be like Mary. Trust in God and if you look close enough you will find God’s presence and blessings WHEREVER YOU GO! Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Jan 5 Offer of Salvation/Epiphany Peggy Tana
Today we celebrate the “Incarnation”, an event that forever changed the world. The offer of salvation came to the human race the moment the Christ child took His first breath. He is born in a humble manger, into a troubled world filled with broken hearts. Christ’s light overcomes the darkness and His gift of salvation brings you the same joy and good tidings that Mary & Joseph experienced in the stable. The Babe, Jesus, offers you the love you have been longing for, the remedy for your brokenness and your unconditional acceptance as a child of the most high God. Give glorious praise and thanksgiving for you are the “apple of God’s eye”. You are the reason for Christ’s Incarnation and the “Beloved” for whom He died. NO ONE IS MORE LOVED BY CHRIST THAN YOU! Merry Christmas from RCIA!
In today’s 2nd reading, St. Paul tells us three important, truths; that through Jesus Christ we all have received the Holy Spirit and the grace of apostleship, that we are all called to belong to Christ, son of David, and through his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ is Lord. St. Paul preached this gospel and died a martyr’s death for these truths. Another prophesy fulfilled by Christ’s birth is spoken of in today’s 1st reading, from Isaiah 7 and the Gospel: “the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, Emmanuel”, which means “God is with us”. Do you doubt the Virgin birth? St. Joseph had his doubts until an angel appeared in his dream explaining that the baby will be called Jesus and “will save all people from their sins, so do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife”, and Joseph believed and took Mary to his home. Is the Lord calling you to believe, not to be afraid? Is He asking you to step out of your comfort zone and do something courageous for Him? Following the heavenly star to the stable, greeting the holy child and allowing Him to enter into your life and into your heart, takes courage. You have a chance to be great, to shine Christ’s love and light in this cold, dark world. “Believe”, then Christ lives in you and through your faith, you will be a beacon of Hope, Joy and Peace.
Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Dec. 22 The Incarnation & Mary Grace Davin
Mother of God
Half way through the season of Advent, we find Gaudete Sunday, the 3rd Sunday of Advent. During this season of waiting, preparation, and reflecting on our relationship with God, we pause to “Rejoice.” We are experiencing Wonder and Joy in the expectation of the King’s Arrival. The “Incarnation,” is God’s greatest gift to the world. Are you ready to receive the Christ child? Can you give Jesus the only gift He longs for? It is your heart He seeks and nothing else will do. In todays 2nd reading, we are told to “make our hearts firm because the coming of the Lord is at hand.” In today’s gospel, John the Baptist asks Jesus if He is the Messiah. Jesus replies by citing His miracles. You also have the power to change and improve the lives of those around You – what miracle can you do for another? Whose life will you improve? Be aware of the needs of others and become the face of Christ. What can you give to repay unconditional love? Love must only be repaid with love, for anything less is an insult. Today “Rejoice” in His Holy love, endless mercy and His wondrous hope that awaits you. Give Jesus your “Yes”, give Jesus your heart, give Jesus your ALL and “Rejoice!” Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Dec. 15 Prophecy, 2nd Coming of RCIA Team
Christ, Discernment
“Right relationships”
In today’s Gospel, we find John the Baptist performing a
“Baptism of Repentance” with water, but proclaiming that a mightier baptism can be expected and the “Fire of the Holy Spirit” will come upon you. Are you on fire with the Holy Spirit? Does this action of the Holy Spirit manifest itself in you? How much thought have you given to the responsibility of your own baptism and do you understand this sacrament? Your own baptism entered you into the life of Christ, but it is by living Christ’s teachings and following church precepts that you participate in God’s Kingdom. Your baptism is only the beginning; your life journey must reflect the love of Christ to the deserving and the underserving. When you begin to love God above all else, when you forgo judging others, when you show kindness, mercy and compassion, when you see yourself as God sees you with all your weaknesses and gifts, and finally when you surrender “all” for the love of God, then you can claim “Baptism by the Fire of the Holy Spirit.” Sound too difficult? Your baptism also entered you into Christ’s cross and resurrection. During this Advent, pray for God’s grace and for the endurance to live in harmony, hope and faithfulness as the little child Jesus leads you into “Right Relationships” with all creation. Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Dec. 8 Immaculate Conception Mass Church 7:30pm
Dec. 15 Prophecy, 2nd Coming of David Apelian
Christ, Discernment
Are you living your life in a state of ‘awareness’? St. Paul tells you to “awake from your sleep and to throw off works of darkness”. What a perfect message to begin our Advent season. God is always calling us to rely on Him, to have Hope and Faith in His love for us. The closer we come to our God, the closer we come together in mutual respect and gratitude. It is no longer about winning or losing, but it’s about living in harmony regardless of our differences. Our fight is not with each other but is about replacing our own darkness with the light of God. Advent is the season of awareness, healing and gestures of love and forgiveness. It is about reaching across the divide, finding the path to those we have hurt or who have wounded us. You will become happier with each relationship you mend; only you can offer a forgiving embrace. This is what God asks of you, as you begin the journey toward the Prince of Peace. Don’t let another Advent slip past you; awaken from your sleep, bind up the wounds, leave your pride and self-pity behind and forgive, or ask for forgiveness, for your time in this world is not endless. Walk in the light of the Lord as you await His coming. Be proactive! Be alive in Christ! Join RCIA on Thursday evening, 7pm in the parish house. For more info call Msgr. Carroll, 973-838-6838 or Carol Mangani, 973-283-2218.
Date Topic Presenter
Dec. 1 Liturgical Year, Catholic Sr. Ellen
Beliefs & Immac. Conception